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Old 07-28-2004, 03:24 PM   #6
A Snow Griffin
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 51
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Originally Posted by targrak
hum, i saw the delta, was catagorized as futuristic, i like Qualtar's because of the solid and organized boxes and stuff at the bottom, the only thing i do not like is the group format and junk... looking for something that blurts out EQ not starwars galaxies (the feeling i get from looking at delta's)

If you like mine, but dont like a few things about it, change them... thats the nice thing about it, its very flexible. If the player/pet window has you stumped, try my original Player Window Its designed more for tanks, has all the info you are looking for. You will even find a version in my UI forum thread on the same window that has the AC and ATK info on that one as well.

As far as the horizontal group window, you can find one that you can replace mine with... or just get used to it.... You are conditioned to view it vertically, but it is ergonimically better to have it horizontally and right under your hotbuttons (areas your eyes are constantly moving across). The group members are layed out just like the keys on your keyboard.. horizontally... not vertically. Shouldn't take you long to get used to it.

Timer?? Your a warrior and dont use a timer? If you dont need it, then delete it... and replace it with your bigger combat window, since mine only uses the 4 slot combat abilities window... warriors have more buttons.

Just a few suggestions.. but there is lot you can do to make the UI fit your needs.
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