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Old 05-16-2003, 12:42 PM   #33
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 6

OK I have everything solved (Thanks for helping) except for one small detail. I have a percent sign (no numbers, just the percent sign) at the beginning of the first group members name. It showed up when I added

<Pieces>Target_HPLabel</Pieces> <Pieces>Target_HPPercLabel</Pieces>

at the end of the TargetWindow file. Since my TargetWindow is actually my PlayerWindow I had to just plop it in somewhere at the end with the rest of the <Pieces> tags at the bottom of the file.

My error log has NO errors in it anymore, either. How would that change to my TargetWindow affect the GroupWindow? I checked all the size and locations and they are all at zero.
Well, I found the problem.. somehow I missed changing the location on group member 5 (percent label)to 0,0... never thought to check other group members... just figured the first group member was number one.. not 5.

EDIT: Well, that wasn't the solution I keep looking around in the groupwindow file, yet I can't figure out the problem It's very weird to have a big percent sign in front of the first group member's name with no number... only only that one group member. HELP! Error log is still error free. Who wants to see the files.. l'll send em to ya for perusal.

Thanks everyone again.
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