Thread: AYAUI - No Maps
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Old 07-02-2013, 02:13 PM   #12
A Ghoul
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So, I have a theory as to what's going wrong (actually I have a bout 4 of them and I think this is actually a combination problem). But more importantly I think I have a solution for you.

EQ is unforgiving about this layout stuff. It uses different layout maps for windowed vs full screen and for each and every resolution combination. This is why you need the RIGHT layout INI. (I'm not sure why AYA delivers each layout in a separate file. All of the definitions can live in a single INI which would make it easier on users and far more on the fly flexible but I digress.)

INI files are just text with a different extension. If you don't get the name exactly right EQ can't find or read it. Some people have file extensions hidden and what appears to be UI_Fred_bertox.ini ends up actually being UI_Fred_bertox.ini.txt and vice versa.

IIRC WinEQ2 makes a windowed EQ look like full screen. Therefore you're going to need to use the windowed definition.

If you use the AYA supplied instructions of renaming the file and using loadskin (perfectly valid instructions) it won't help you work around any of the above described traps.

Since I can't tell without a bunch more question exactly which one(s) of these are the issues, try this:

1. Go into your EQ folder and delete your UI_Beeber_Vox.ini completely.

2. Load the game and load Beeber into the world exactly how you intend to play him (windowed vs full screen, with or without WinEQ2, etc). This should load him with an entirely default UI and layout (and subsequently create you a brand new, perfectly named INI file).

3. Exit EQ.

4. Go back into the EQ folder and open your newly created UI_Beeber_Vox.ini file in a text editor (I'm a big fan of Notepad++ but regular notepad will work too.)

5. Open the AYA supplied INI file for the layout file that matches whatever you chose in step 2.

6. Copy the contents of the AYA supplied file into your UI_Beeber_Vox.ini but don't save or close yet, you still have to update the UI Skin Name. (This is what the Load Skin step was doing.)

7. Navigate in your EQ folder to the uifiles folder. Line 2 of your INI file is UISkin=SomeAYANameHere. You need to change the skin name to whatever the name of the folder of the current version of AYA is. Today it happens to be UISkin=AYASoFv5.

8. Close and save your UI_Beeber_Vox.ini file. Close everything else.

9. Load Beeber into the world and your layout should work fine.

If it doesn't post a screenshot and anything else you think is useful and I'll try to help you further but really, that should solve it.

Good luck.
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