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Old 08-01-2003, 06:08 PM   #7
A Ghoul
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 13
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Well, it's getting there

So far I've got this:

I couldn't get the label thing to work... it either reverted to the default UI or nothing showed up... I'm not really sure what I was doing wrong there. The background and title thing worked like a charm though, and I figured out how to put my name as the title.

This is my aim for the UI (with the magic of Photoshop )

I decided I know my own name, level, class etc. so I'd like to remove that and just keep my name in the title bar, and move the AC and Atk stats up top. I figured if it was just a case of changing co-ordinates then it couldn't be too hard to do... just a case of removing the parts I didn't want. I tried just deleting labels with the name, surname, class, class title and level, but that made it revert to the default UI again, so I'm guessing there's something different I have to do to make them go away.

Here is the XML file as it is in the first picture:

Target window

I think if I can get to grips with the labels and find out how delete the information I don't want then I should just be able to play around with the x and y numbers to get everything looking right
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