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Old 10-10-2007, 08:10 AM   #60
A Predatory Creeper
Join Date: Dec 2002
Server: Bertoxxulous
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This tab size stuff is aggravating. Anyone happen to know if they size based on text size? So far I've tried to size them based on TopLeft, LeftTop, Left, LeftBottom and that's just a tad to small. Horizontal sizing is easy, but vertical is giving me trouble, with the way I'm doing things, it throws off the size and locations of everything drawn after the draw templates as well.

On the good side of things, I have relative positioning worked out very well, most of the stuff in the inventory is in the right place now, give or take a pixel or two for text. I finally figured out the text sizes EQ uses as well. 1 = 8 point, 2 = 9 point, 3 = 10 point, 4 = 12 point, 5 = 14 point.

There's just so much crap that EQ has hard coded as a back up, it's ridiculous. I've been using a settings file for things like text sizes that aren't noted in the element. I've encountered at least 12 Ui2DAnimations in the default UI which have no sizes attached to them, but in-game aren't the size of the image.

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