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Old 11-28-2003, 03:10 AM   #31
Genghiz Cohen
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Originally posted by Shainaen
I have kept aggro from shaman and chanters who spam debuffs to try to take it back from me. I have kept aggro from the stun spamming paladin. Sony nerfed the SK when they killed our ability to fear mobs over L53. But in the same nerfing they also gave us our best taunt. Combine fear with a shot of some dark snare and our own Damage shields, throw in a terror line spell now and then for simple color and you have the masters/mistresses of aggro.

Isn't this the whole point of these changes?

The fact that the class that is supposedly the superior tank is left totally behind when it comes to aggro. No one is arguing that others can get and maintain aggro.

I don't necessarily agree with everything I think.
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Old 11-28-2003, 04:48 PM   #32
A Ghoul
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The abilities help the characters, but its the player behind the keyboard that determines the outcome

that answers your point Genghiz. Though i already did as well in my post note this.

the class that is supposedly the superior tank is left totally behind when it comes to aggro

Warriors are the superior tank. hands down i would take a warrior to tank any raid size mob instead of myself. Superior tank does not mean master of aggro. means master of taking a beat down and living to keep taking it.

(note: when term knight is used, it refers paladin and SK)

Players need to learn to control their abilities. No knight (less ebayed idiots) will ever want to or willing engage in out aggroing mobs when in a warrior inhabitted group... unless of course the warrior is talking mad trash and simply needs to be put in his place. Barring idiocy as i said though, knights are happier not being pounded. On large scale raids, we knights know we have off-tank duty. Our role is support the MT to protect healers.

If warriors insist on whining about aggro then either they don't know how to taunt right to begin with (button mashing is not the way) or they continually group with idiots that don't know how to assist. It is not a matter of ability of the character (or the perceived lack there-of) it is the player understanding his character ability.

These new skills being implimented aren't gonna do much of anything to improve aggro control. It just give warriors and other non-hybrids a different flavor of game to mess with. Like someone mentioned earlier, you starve an animal long enough it will appreciate anything you throw at it. Warriors and rogues are definitely starved and monks... good grief, the ONE nerfing that you had and you act as if the game was destroyed. That nerf made you what you were intended to be all along. You all just got used to being over powered for what your class was. You wear a T-shirt for armor... Warriors and knights wear truck hoods. Sorry if you think fabric is supposed to mitigate damage better then plate metal. Yes i agree monks should DODGE better but 2 things: 1 you are not Bruce lee... get the kung fu movies outta your head, thats not you. 2 you take a direct hit of something, the damage you incur will be and SHOULD be more then if a warrior or knight took the same exact hit.

Aggro isn't broke. Players just don't know their roles.

Last edited by Shainaen : 11-28-2003 at 04:54 PM.
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Old 11-29-2003, 01:25 PM   #33
Genghiz Cohen
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Originally posted by Shainaen
Aggro isn't broke. Players just don't know their roles.


And I assume you mean that taunt isn't broken. Which is very true. But I think it is somewhat weak.
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Old 11-29-2003, 02:53 PM   #34
A Ghoul
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ya taunt...

/self bonk.
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Old 11-29-2003, 02:56 PM   #35
Lord Dolby of Veeshan
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We almost always use a Warrior on any large raids. I think the only time a Paladin or other good argo’er is favored is with LDON really.

But I think it will be fun to have some change to the melee system, heck its more then 5yrs old now.
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Old 11-30-2003, 12:35 PM   #36
A Bat
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these changes will have good and bad effects like all changes do. there used to be penalties when your sta ran out (if you weren't over 100 sta). will those be gone since sta won't be there? why does jump effect endurance that is designed to moderate your new abilities? since high end rangers primarily use their bow (when a mob isn't walled) why not give them an opening to do triple dmg? why don't casters get any disciplines yet? a really good caster discipline would be the ability to not get interrupted for 20secs.
hybrids really get left out with this new change it seems. instead of requiring people to mindlessly look for tomes to enable this ability it would make more sense to make them trainable at your class specific trainers and if said person has used all their training points THEN make it so they can use a tome instead. with PoP it's clearly evident that they can base abilities by level so why not do that here?
my 2cents anyways.

Chromozone Loremaster 65 Wizard Prexus
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Old 11-30-2003, 07:06 PM   #37
A Fire Beetle
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LOL I have to agree and dis agree with what all of ya'll said.
I want to point out that I have Played EQ on and off for 2-3 years now ... I first started off by playing a Human Warrior.... I got so bored with it.. I saw My wife play a druid and fell in love with it and that is all I have every played until here recently.. I have seen many changes with EQ... I played a druid for so long that I almost fall asleep playing it lol. So I decided to make a warrior again. This time I made a DE warrior. I have to say I have played alot of classes but this is my all time favorite. My druid was 48 and my Warrior is now 51... And only started playing him about 2 months ago. One thing that I want to make clear.... People assume when Playing a warrior you will fall asleep and drool all over the keybored. WRONG!!!!! I don't have time to go to the bathroom alot. I have to focus so much with the mobs that I can't breath at times. Trying to taunt and hold mobs and watch everyone else if an add comes along. Manily I have been puller and MT.... When everyone is screaming chain pull..... How can a warrior be so boring. Why I fell in love with my warrior. True we only have bash taunt disarm and kick but being a tank is being responsible for the whole group.... Got to watch everything... If you have played a warrior and you think there is nothing to do ... than you have been playing it wrong. I have played 6 hours straight with no breaks cause of pulling and being MT... I do not whine about buffs etc... Why I quit playing my druid.... I had a hard time healing buffing and snaring doting nuking and only 8 spell slots to mem spells. They should change that to aleast 10....
I for one welcome the change.... I do see what alot or talking about... I had a 38 Pally and i was 50 at the time out taunt me and he was hitting harder than me. They have spells to increase there abilitys... Unlike warriors..... I don't know why people whine... Warriors are way out in the dark and this is why i can't wait for the change..... This new system from what I gather is something that they will aprove apon over time.. I do not think they are making it easier for players after all it's the person behind the toon that makes it or breaks it for a group. Learn how to play a toon before whining about it lol... But I do agree on one thing though they should fix things before starting a new project... After this last patch I have been crashing right and left... and the Lagg omg... What ever they did they need to fix that first or they will loose customers.... because of the down time instead of playing the game..... But then again it's all about the money and this is why they make the changes to aquire more people..... Just my two coppers worth.... Peace

Shelldon Steelee 51 DE warrior On Mith Mar server..... And damn proud of it!!!!
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Old 11-30-2003, 11:12 PM   #38
A Treant
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Yes, but being a lvl 51 tank is sort of different from being a lvl 65 tank in BoT. SK/Pally is practically a must when you have an ench slowing. Playing a beastlord I also slow, and I can usually slow a mob around 98% with no problems with a sk/pal tank but need to wait until around 92% with a warrior. Sure it's only a 6% difference but during that span of 5 seconds tanks can get destroyed and clerics run oom quicker. I think the changes are needed on warriors to make them balanced but this is gonna make monks and rogues so out of whack with the rest of the DPS classes it could start alot more whinning from all the other classes.
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Old 12-01-2003, 06:50 AM   #39
Genghiz Cohen
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Old 12-03-2003, 05:50 PM   #40
A Ghoul
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Old 12-05-2003, 12:48 AM   #41
A Gray Wolf
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i'm a 56 warr on prexus and only been playing for a year now and i love playing a warr. always have and always will play a warr. i will admit i do mash the taunt button at times cause i'm still learning how to keep agro, but i will come to me. warrs are the uber meatshield no question but when i start a group i always look for a knight (after i get a cleric ofcourse), cause they have the best ablities at keeping agro. i welcome 2 mobs, its called split tanking, leave the warr on the one and let others focus on the other, don't mez you waste mana. i hate it when chanters spam 'mezzing target break it you tank it'.
so as for all you knights out there you have nothing to worry about your jobs will always be there cause you are the uber hate mongers.

as for these new additions i'm not really up to date on them yet but it will give me time to learn more about the game. the way i see it if someone falls asleep at the wheel they should a)go to bed or b)not play the game cause its obviously not fun for you anymore. if your a melee char and your not the tank then turn on some music grab a beer or glass of wine and sit back and deal out damage.

wanted to say more but everything has been said allready so quit your whinning and play the game.

by the way Shainaen where can i get a copy of that

//if you want to fly with the eagles don't f#$% around with the canaries
//kill'em all but six leave'm for pall bearers
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Old 12-09-2003, 06:09 AM   #42
A Bat
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Default OMG!!!

I Love you guys! I'm so happy you all are upgrading the pure fighter classes.. specially the Warriors.. see my 2nd char is a 58 RNG with some pretty nice gear.. and id give my right and left leg to not have to cast jolt every 3 1/2 seconds (takes my DPS down to like 45) LOL .. ive seen the tanks change over the years from WAR to half-breeds and now im guessin back again.. as i see it WARs should be king of the hill when it comes to aggro in most situations! seeing all they CAN do is wack wack wack.. Pallys/SKs will still have there place of course.. just now a warrior can actually do something..

now i wanted to know is there gonna be any changes to the RNG class.. we have some STA buffs that really help.. and im guessin those are gone :/ .. so now do we get to go watch dancers someplace like in SWG? id love to see some hotties in towns struttin there stuff :P LOL.. ok im a lil lost on the whole STA thing plz post more on it so it gets thru my thick skull THX!!!
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Old 12-09-2003, 10:28 AM   #43
A Snow Griffin
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I am a paladin and built up my reputation over the last four years.

I know for a fact that I am useful for more than just undead. Our guild tried to follow the "guidlines" people set out for doing mobs. We end up doing things our own way, though. In so doing, rather than being a cookie cutout of a paladin, I am very versatile.

What I am trying to say is, this change should make warriors happy and stop them from feeling sorry for themselves in the middle of an encounter. Yes, I have run into warriors that were so stuck on their inadequacies that they failed to use what they did have. It bugs me to see people do that.

On the other side of things, we can hopefully work with the warriors rather than have to hold back. When we get adds in an encounter or the MT happens to go down because of some mistiming of heals, we or another tank can step in.

Before we had the warriors we have in our guild, I was the MT. I did it very well. Sure I didn't have defensive, but I used the tools I had at hand to do the job required. The way I see it, paladins and warriors will be interchangeable each with a different benefit to give but neither one limited in what encounters they will be asked to help on. Except by the min-maxers, but they will be looking for the perfect group long after you and I and our friends have finished the encounter using what we have rather than what we wish we had.

Now, if I'm wrong and we are pushed back to the usefulness of the kunark days, then I'll join you.
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