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Old 01-22-2004, 11:03 PM   #16
A Tundra Mammoth
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Hi everyone, sorry to be so slow to respond. I've been really busy the last couple months with a new job.

When I get home this next weekend I plan to get the UI patched and up to date with the recent changes to the game.

For now I'll try to answer the questions posted here.

I hope you update soon after the upcoming melee patch that is supposed to happen on December 14th. Also with you UI my spell bar, spell book, and petwindow don't look like your screenshots. Guess I over right some of your code. I could resize the pet window left to right but not top to bottom. Also I cannot move the ranger track window. I have the most recent download from the website

The spell bar and book are probably different because the screenshots are taken with TKing's g2 spell icons. I don't include them because they are available here and would drastically increase the download size of the UI.

The pet window also has those icons, but the resizing issue is something else.

While not in game, you need to go into your UI_PlayerName_ServerName.ini file and look for a section that says:


down at the bottom of this section will be a line that says Height1280x1024 (the number may be different, it will be whatever resolution you use, 800x600, 1024x768, 1600x1200 etc) and it will say =142

change that number to 50. Now log in and the pet window should be the proper size. (I've added this to the FAQ on my website as it's a common question).

I would like to change the player windows that you show from the normal to the melee but i cant find the anything that tells me what i have to do to change it.

All you need to do is rename the piece you want, EQUI_PlayerWindowMelee.xml for example to EQUI_PlayerWindow.xml (you'll need to delete the existing file first). Then just reload the UI and you'll have your new player window. I've added this to the FAQ, thanks!

I just d/l your skin, I need a horazontal buff bar, yours said it can be done I just cant do it. can you help me?

Oops, those should have been linked off the alternate pieces page,
I've fixed the links now. The buff window is available at http://www.efn.org/~smann/elui/buff.zip

Great UI, only two questions: where can I download the alternate pieces on your web site or how do I install them if they came with the original package.

Can I remove the green tint in all the windows?

Great work, keep it up.

Alternate pieces on the website now have working links.

You can remove the green tint. Delete the window pieces and mp3.tga files and copy and paste the files in the gray directory. Now it will have the standard grey tint. (the number of files you pasted will be less than the number you deleted, this is okay).

are you planning on realing a patch for the new endurance bar? be nice to have for my war. also, i can't seem to find the air meter while swimming..

I hope to have the patch done by February 1st. I also added a section to the FAQ on my website about how to fix the breath gauge being off screen, hope that helps.

And Sandaedar I believe I answered your question elsewhere.

Thanks everyone and sorry again for being so bad about responding.
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Old 02-18-2004, 08:04 PM   #17
A Bat
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Default GoD patch

since GoD came out i cant get Elindel UI to load no more i was wondering what i should do i cant stand the default stuff
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Old 03-06-2004, 09:04 AM   #18
A Fire Beetle
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 2

Great work! GoD came out and it still hasn't broken. However, one minor gripe is that the pet window does not display buffs. Is this just me?
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Old 03-31-2004, 07:28 AM   #19
A Fire Beetle
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3

I just downloaded this UI and I really like it. I have two questions:

1) I notice the disc window pic is missing, will there be an update to include that?

2) The compass isn't showing when I load it. What should I do so the compass will show? (Yes, the proper window pieces are in the UI file).

Thanks! Great work!
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Old 09-27-2004, 07:24 AM   #20
A Bat
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Default Save those of us who appreciate your style


I have searched long and hard for a new UI since your 3.2 became obsolete (LoY, LDoN, GoD, and OoW) and I have to say the search has been futile. Besides, the other style's just dont fit me and they have the same recurring problem, compatability with new EQ files. Your UI in my opinnion has the best layout for versatility, functional display, and streamlined customizability. I cant play EQ without elindel LOL! It has been tough playing on the old EQ default UI and I just cant seem to adjust or adapt, it has really interrupted my style of play as I have practically raised myself on your UI.

All other UI's including yours per the OoW expansion say this: "Your XML files are not compatible with current EverQuest files, certain windows may not perform correctly. Use 'Loadskin Default 1' to load the EverQuest default skin."

I know it is alot to ask of you and I have no conceivable way of knowing how time consuming, difficult, or problematic programming this stuff is or can be, but I want to thank you for Elindel 3.2 and hope that you can continue your great work in the future, time giving of course. I do appreciate and miss your talent.

As a player I know you are familiar with some of the new tools such they have introduced into the game: Combat skills window, endurance and mana displays, 9th spell gem, LDoN augment add/removal windows, new leadership group/raid aa etc etc, and a possibility for an additional 5 buff effects which display duration.

It is my wish that somehow you may be able to create new patch that incorperates all these new additions with and will function in-game. I do not desire that you change anything! For the player window maybe you can add the mana/endurance, as well as a place for the group leadership aa and leadership aa akin to how you display lvl xp and aa xp etc. One for each corner.

Other than making the augmentation windows and combat skill windows functional there really doesnt seem to be anything else! I love your work keep it up.

Loyal Fan
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Old 02-21-2006, 07:34 PM   #21
A Fire Beetle
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Default Elindel UIs

I can not get it to work, when I typed it in the game...the default stuff came up and I could see my buttons?? Can you help out


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Old 02-21-2006, 07:47 PM   #22
A Fire Beetle
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Default Elindels UI

I am having problems loading this UI, Is there anyone that can help me out?

Thank you,

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