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Old 07-22-2003, 01:50 AM   #1
A Shissar Disciple
Join Date: Sep 2002
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Talking No further official updates planned.


Well after a year and a half of work on this UI I'm affraid that it is time I hang it up. I know this will disappoint those who were holding out hoping that I'd return and I'm sorry. The plain and simple truth is that after almost 5 years I have left EQ1. I have moved on to EQ2. I LOVE it and find it suits my life better. Along with my hubby we have created our own guild full of wonderful people that we enjoy hanging out with. I spend all of my free time there. This leaves no time for me to log into a game that I no longer play to update a ui that i no longer use and don't even have access to all of the windows for. I have really enjoyed making these mods and this whole ui and sharing it with all of you. I really wish that I could manage to do what I want to do with out letting anyone down but unfortunatly this time that's just not possible. I have made one mod for EQ2 and it's listed on EQ2Interface. It's a tradeskill mod. I don't know what my ui plans are for eq2 yet. I may reinvent it i may leave it alone. It's really not bad the way it is. everything i've wanted to change has already been modded by someone else so far other than my tradeskill window. Anyway if anyone has a burning desire to find me i'm on Antonia Bayle server happily playing Cen among others :) Good Luck all and farewell!

Centhena D'Cerridwen

8/25/04 Update

8\25\04 Official Update

I have only one thing to say to SoE


MUAHAHAHAHA!!!! You sadist bastages I have conquered the impossible!

*Shows off her uber coding muscles*

*giggle* Sorry I had to gloat just a little (ok so that was more than a little)! This stupid window took me a week and a half. I had to reinvent the way I look as xml. I learned several things that I didn't know before. I had to redo the whole damned thing 3 times and finally after much headaches, cursing, and missed /tells It's here. I give you......

The New Container Mod *super cheezy anouncer voice with echo*

Here's some screenies.

Regular 10 Slot Bag

Tradskill Bag (not to be confused with the tradeskill window this is for the experiments)

The Augment Sealer Screenies


Remove - There is also Insert and Delete but it won't let me post that many images the buttons for them look just like this remove button except of course they say insert and delete. I did up these buttons myself so they're not as great as the Done and Combine ones but I tried.

Disabled - I really couldn't see the point of having a button show up if one couldn't be used

I worked really really hard on this. I've never ever had a mod take more than a day maybe 2 max and I had to bend the rules a bit to get it to work but it works perfectly in my game. I really hope you have the same good results. This window has only been tested at 1024x768 i have no idea what it will do in other resolutions. Lemme know if you like it. I sure hope you do. Also please let me know if you have any problems with it so I can fix them. The best part about this window though is that it's standalone. It does NOT require my ui to work. :o) So now people that don't even use my UI will be able to use this one. I'm going to submit it on it's own as well.

There was also a 1 pixel error in the inventory window causing this really annoying little white line at the bottom it has been removed. you can find the corrected files in the update as well.

I'm putting everything on hold for a few the container has really exausted me for the moment on all this. I'm gonna go work on leadership and get the target rings for the marked npc's next. Perhaps when I finish that i'll be ready for more alternatives. I'll keep up with patches though if they change something AGAIN.



Well something's up with my ISP and all my links point there that aren't housed on EQInterface. I'll get the main body of the UI zip file updated and posted here tomarrow or at least that's my plan. That way if the stupid isp hasn't figured out what's wrong and fixed it at least you'll be able to get the updates even if you have to reinstall the ui.



Welll Here's the patch i've been promising all week sorry it took me so long to get it put up but at least it's here now. This patch has the following features listed.

New Windows


Updated Windows

Raid Window
Adventure Merchant
Options Window
DynamicZone Window
Ticket Window - redid it just in case
Inventory - Conjoined the graphic and resplit them to suit my fancy and enable me to edit them better. So this comes with all new .tga's called centkinventory0x.tga your old tkinventory0x.tga's are not useless and can be deleted though they don't have to be. In this window I have added the mana and endurance numbers to the player info section. This required me to elongate the window by 24 pixels hence the need for the graphic rework. Just a lot of fancy cut and paste work really. Coding for it was a bit wonky no idea why but it works so that's all that really matters. If for some reason anyone gets an error or has a problem with this window let me know righ away and i'll retool it.

Changed Windows

I've removed the tradeskill window as i found one i like much better Axeion strikes again he really does put out some beautiful t.king mods. I've decided to add this one to my ui as well you can find a link to it on page 8 of this thread in a post from fireheart.

Welp that's all i've put in the patch the stupid container will have to wait for now but i'll get it up soon as i can get it done i know you all are as anxious to have a working container mod as I am so i'll get it up pronto when i've got it working. Damn them for not making the augment sealer a seperate window like the tradeskill one. As for everything else well I"ll get to that when the stupid container works again. Anyway here's the link.

8/17/04 Official Update


I'm BAAAACK! hehe Since there was a patch the other day I figured it'd be a great time to get caught up on the ui. The main ui file is updated and currently in moderation. So i have a nice little update for ya :o) you can get it here.

5/27/04 Official Update

Here's what you'll find in this update.

New Windows

- never before included due to it's prior total lack of purpose.

Updated Windows

- I had to make this oen sizable to get it the way i wanted it
LargeDialogWindow - No idea what this is. I couldn't pull it up so i just tinkered with the code hope it works.

Changed Windows

Give/Loot Windows
- found these and i really like them so i scrapped mine and added these. Here's the page for it there's a screenshot there of course. You should also check out his other mods they're really nice.

Give & Trade Windows

PlayerWindow - I don't know about you but I'm really sick of pressing L to check on my leadership exp so....I added the group leadership exp bar to this one. I didn't bother with the raid leadership exp because most people aren't constantly leading raids even they're always raiding. There is no percent code for it yet when there is I'll add it. But in the mean time here's a screenshot :o)


- well there seemed to be an issue with the class animations showing properly I knew it couldn't be the animations file cause they were working they were just behind the inventory window instead of on top so i removed a bit of code and took out the inv_portrait.tga and it works fine now. note: you don't need to delete the tga to make it work but you don't need it anymore.

Target Indicator

Ok there's a whole lot that I wanna say about this one so here goes. :o)

Last patch I added the one of Raxthorne's target rings. Well for some reason it went kaput. Well not completey kaput but it developed the horrible blinky thing. So i decided to educate myself on target rings and poured over the ini and looked at all the graphic files and couldn't figure out what was wrong. So I thought to my self that maybe i should just find another one that i like so I started looking here in the three-d ring section and I found one that i liked but not more than the raxthorn on Sooo I decided to keep trying to fix it. On furthur research i found out that for an animated tartet ring you have to name the first file in the animation name0.tga not name.tga. When the game didn't fine name0.tga it put a blank one in it's place hence the blinky thing. So i renamed the first file and tada works fine :o) But now I have this other target ring also so what do I do with it. then it hit me when i was looking at the ini there is more than one target ring. I decided to use the other one i found for the deletaged main assist target ring since i don't like the one that poped up once i fixed the main one.

For those who have no idea what that is here's an explination. Delegate Main Assist is a GoD Leadership ability that allows you to assign the job of main assist to a specific person in your group. This has several graphical benefits. First you get little arrows around the main assist's targeted mob's name. If the group leader has earned the abilities you can also see a health percentage by the name as well as a number indicating the order in which the mobs are to be killed. The last thing it does is creat an additional target ring around what ever the main assist has targeted to be a large visual aid of what everyone's supposed to be attacking. This of course is changable :o)

So I decided to change the Assist Target Indicator :o) but the thing is that when the main assist is targeting something they see not only theer assist indicator but also the main indicator and so does everyone who has the main assist's target targeted. So it had to be something that looked nice with the Raxthorn indicator. Then I thought of the one I'd found while I was looking for a replacement :o) I'm quite pleased with the result. Now keep in mind that the raxthorn one changes color depending on the con of the mob targeted whether or not it is the main assist's target but the assist target indicator is only in white and gold. So without further adue here are the screenies :o)

The names have been smudged to protect the innocent. The one on the left is the raxthorn one and willl show up all of the time as the standard target ring. It will change color depending on the con of the target. The one on the right is the assist indicator it never changes color. Both are animated and spin :o) But what do they look like together? :o)

tada! pretty isn't it :o) even with color'd cons which i couldn't find any it's pretty and a great magical celtic feel. I hope you guys like it :o)

You can find the origional target ring that I took this from at the following link.

Celtic Circle

Ok now that all that is taken care of. I want to let you know what my plans are for the ui however slowly i accomplish them hehe. Ok first off I want to make a 4 button version of my celtic combat windows stand alone mod. I do not have any plans of making one with out clicky slots. If there is a high enough demand I may rethink this though. I am planning on trying to fit prmary secondary and range on there for melee switches but i don't know if i'll be able to fit it i may have to shrink them a bit but we'll see. The other thing I want to do is to resize this ui to make it more userfriendly for tighter resolutions. it's very very hard to read at the really high resolutions. Sedanni I still haven't forgotten you I just haven't gotten around to picking the project back up but i haven't given up I will work on it.

I also wanted to take just a minute to thank everyone on Veeshan who has sent me /tells or come up to me to tell me that they use this ui and how much they like it. It gives me warm fuzzys and makes me feel all spiffy, special, and important and don't we all need a little of that every now and then. Thanks guys!


PS. everything between today and what's posted below was removed because the silly thing said i had too many images doubt you'll need the info that much anyway


Ok the main body of the UI is hosted here. I repack the UI with all the updates and all the new windows generally every patch and zip it up all nice and such. The link for it is below.

Centhena's T. King\Drakah UI v1.1.zip

Since they only take screenshots up to 300kb i had to shrink it down alot so a clear 100% sized screenshot can be found below.


This screenshot is however outdated but you can still get the idea of what the UI looks like.

The most notable change in this version is that I've had to remove all the class animations files to make it small enough to upload. So to solve that problem I've made a patch for the ui to add all the class animations. Now the patch file was too big to host here so I'm hosting it myself and you can find that below. This file will add ALL T. King Class Animations to date and will be the file that I will update with new animations as they come out. To install it simply unzip into your ui directory and allow the animations file to overwrite. Please keep in mind that this UI was made with the intentions of using these class animations. If you do not use this patch you will most likely NOT have any animations for the classes that have already been done to date. It is also important to mention that this patch file is only intended for use with this UI. It will most likely screw up any other ui you try to use it with because it has all the edits for this ui included in the animations file that comes in the patch.

Centhena's UI T. King Class Animations Patch.zip

I've repacked all the smaller windows that were requested into one file and posted it in the Downloads sections here. You can find it here.

Smaller Window Options

I also put together a zip of all the alternate windows I created as well as were sent to me by others. You can find this nifty zip here.

Alternate Window Options

As always I take no credit for any of the artwork included in this UI. All the work I've done had been in the coding and piecing together of the different mods. All credit for the artwork go to T. King with some edits by Drakah. The majority of the credit for the elaborate coding goes to T. King Drakah & Remelio who coded some of the windows included here before I ever got to them. Great job guys!

Anyway I hope you like my UI and to those who already use it I hope this make things easier. If you have any questions, comments, requests, or problems please post them here.



Last edited by Centhena : 01-12-2005 at 09:54 PM. Reason: No longer updating
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Old 07-22-2003, 06:25 AM   #2
A Treant
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Thumbs up

Don't normally say this but damn that's a sweet UI.

1. Is it mix and match. I like my compass and target cum clicky bar etc but most of the rest would do nicely.

2. Is it scaleable to fit 1600 by 1200 with a black bit of 1600 by 300. Can't remember the terminology.

3. Is it possible to add a health, mana, XP ,AA, pet health for each party member and sta bar to the group window as I and many others like these up front.

Quiblles I know but very well thought out and executed.

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Old 07-22-2003, 06:33 AM   #3
A Treant
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WOW!!! Is all I gotta say!!! THIS ROCKS!! Very well done!
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Old 07-23-2003, 12:33 AM   #4
A Shissar Disciple
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when i get the chance i'll try and combine the player and group windows into the group window for you might be a few days before i get to work though i've got a few things on my plate
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Old 07-23-2003, 11:06 AM   #5
A Ghoul
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This is a wonderful UI, first time I've changed UI's in over 6 months!

As a fellow cleric I also would like the group window with all members (including self) and separate pet health bars... tends to make my life much easier as well as my job.

The only other suggestion I could possibly think of would be smaller bags and merchant windows... I have these in another UI, but I lose the pretty artwork you have on the ones included if I install them. Kinda messes up the flow off this UI so I'm going to try and adjust for now. The mini's are very cool for those of us who are still operating 17inch monitors or smaller. I could email them to you when you have time to look at them and see if you would want to integrate them into this UI... or a modified version2, you would love them I know! Wish I knew how to do this stuff instead of asking for changes... Short of those two minor things, it's perfect for me!

The containers I have been using I downloaded from here... Condensed_Claritin_Container is the name, and the merchant window I have been using is... everymerchant... also downloaded from here.

I will be checking back on this UI regularly for future updates... I love it! Thanks!
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Old 07-23-2003, 11:08 AM   #6
A Ghoul
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Correction, I downloaded the container and merchant windows from eqinterface.com

Sorry about the misinformation....
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Old 07-23-2003, 01:02 PM   #7
A Shissar Disciple
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I don't mind taking requests as long as I don't get too swamped with them. Moniqa check for a pm from me. I will be working on the group window first as it was the first request but fixing up the other windows for you is really no problem. Also as they are released to the public I intend to update the animations file with the newest class animations from T. King. Just please keep in mind that I'm a full time mommy of 4 so my time can get rather lmited.
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Old 07-23-2003, 01:24 PM   #8
A Gray Wolf
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I must say you have done the one thing with the Drakah line of windows that I wished to have been done of a long long time (I'm too lazy and unkowledgeable, hehe)

But.... (there's always a but isn't there?) there's just some things I'd note. The container window looks a little odd with some border thats cut off. And I myself am more used to the traditional merchant window and loot window... I could just use the original ones but.... yours have that neat little border.

I would download it and test it out as soon as possible, but as I'm typing this I don't have time to wait for it to download (darn 56k) I'll get to it as soon as I can to post some more notes if I have any
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Old 07-24-2003, 10:33 AM   #9
A Shissar Disciple
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Well I would like to modify the container window as I do think it'd look better with sides on it and such. But it is not my origional work it is Remelio's. So I'm gonna ask him if he minds if i do it up a bit. I have a feeling it'll be just fine but when I make graphical adjustments to someone elses work I like to have their permission. so......
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Old 07-24-2003, 03:35 PM   #10
A Shissar Disciple
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Well I have obtained permission from Remelio to give it a go. How long before I actually get around to it i'm not sure but i'll put it up when i get it done :o)
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Old 07-26-2003, 08:06 PM   #11
A Ghoul
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Default Requests

Wow! Fantastic work! I love this UI I haven't seen another that so closely matchs what I want. I do have some requests though...

Would it be possible for you to frame these windows in style to match your UI?

Blub's Tracking Window

Mafoo's Player Window
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Old 07-27-2003, 11:51 AM   #12
A Shissar Disciple
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I'll give them a look over but right now my first priority is putting together the group window requested. After that i"ll move on to the other requests as they are recieved in order. I will take most requests. About the only thing i have no intentions of doing are container windows. I will be making up a smaller version of the container window that I have recently added to this post as an update it will be in my small windows folder when I release version 2 which will include any T.King animations to date that are not as of yet included and an options folder with choices of windows that have been requested and modified. Along with the modified windows there will be screenshots of the window available in the options window so you can see what you're getting before you put it in there. All windows however will be available for DL through this forum as they become available.
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Old 07-29-2003, 11:33 AM   #13
A Shissar Disciple
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see update in first post
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Old 07-31-2003, 02:47 AM   #14
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I really like the Celtic Fillagree, and Scrollbar Chain...

I saw in the screen shot, says "Added Celtic Fillagree and Scrollbar Chain to all standard windows, what if I just want to use this part of your UI? How would I be able to just use these parts? and Would I be able to use just these parts? Thanks...
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Old 07-31-2003, 10:06 AM   #15
A Shissar Disciple
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well the ui is intended to be disected and you can take pretty much any window out of it as long as you have the animations and textures files in your ui they will function independantly. for the chain in the scroll bar you only need the texture file it will change all of the slider bars to the chain.

as for the celtic border... in eq there are windows that are sizable and ones that are not. the ones that are sizable are easy you just change the texture of the border it auto sizes it and you have a prefect window. unfortunatly this is not the case the majority of the time. I have gone through and recoded EVERY window with the exception of the help and tips window by hand. The only ones I haven't changed are the ones that I got from T. King himself or from Drakah and Remelio. It's not a skin you can just plop in and poof you have borders. It's hard coded into the windows themselves.

I would recomend taking the windows you like or that are similar to what you use now and switching to them if you want the border. I am taking requests for certain modifications to other style windows ie smaller merchant window and the like. As long as the requests remain reasonable I intend to continue to take requests and will post the end result here when it's completed. If you have a request for a specific window to have the border around it post me a link and I'll do it up for you. I don't mind multiple requests as long as it doesn't start getting ridiculous.
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