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Old 03-13-2022, 10:35 AM  
A Shissar Disciple
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Re: Full UI

Originally posted by gypsymerlin
Everything is working great. But the only thing not working is the Merc window. It will not open no matter how i try and even using the Eq button to do it.

The merc window got integrated into the bandolier. It was done to cut down on things on windows on the screen.

If you wish to restore the merc window itself, open EQUI_MercenaryManageWnd.xml with notepad/wordpad, scroll all the way to the bottom. And under <Screen item = "MMGW_ManageWnd"> put in:


Last edited by mh272 : 03-13-2022 at 10:41 AM.
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Old 03-13-2022, 10:32 AM  
A Shissar Disciple
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Re: not working

Originally posted by yumamyen
Did full install of new file and not working for me.

Make sure when you put Sars in your /eq/uifiles folder that there is not a folder within a folder. so should be something like: /eq/uifiles/sars, NOT /eq/uifiles/sars/sars.

Also if renaming folder, make sure there are no spaces.
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Old 03-13-2022, 10:14 AM  
A Bat
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Full UI

Everything is working great. But the only thing not working is the Merc window. It will not open no matter how i try and even using the Eq button to do it.
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Old 03-12-2022, 08:29 PM  
A Bat
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not working

Did full install of new file and not working for me.
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Old 11-06-2021, 02:36 PM  
A Shissar Disciple
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Originally posted by Bettoner
Hi i love this UI but io recently upgrade to a 4k monitor. I was trying to toy with the buff window to try and double the sizes of the buff icons and test. I was able to change de font size in the buff window but the spell icon does not want to be resize. Si i tried to use another buff window but when i try and replace your buff window the ui dont work. It seem to only work with your ui buff window.

Do you have any tips on how i could use a large horizontal buff bars ?

It would take a lot. You would have to resize images, mess with values etc. I would try this, but I don't have to time for such an undertaking. Which buff window do you want to work with Sars? (please link). I could see about making it compatible with Sars.
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Old 10-31-2021, 01:10 PM  
A Fire Beetle
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Hi i love this UI but io recently upgrade to a 4k monitor. I was trying to toy with the buff window to try and double the sizes of the buff icons and test. I was able to change de font size in the buff window but the spell icon does not want to be resize. Si i tried to use another buff window but when i try and replace your buff window the ui dont work. It seem to only work with your ui buff window.

Do you have any tips on how i could use a large horizontal buff bars ?
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Old 04-21-2021, 04:30 PM  
A Shissar Disciple
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Re: Re: Re: TradeSkill Window (EQUI_TradeskillWnd) - Updated Lights Tradeskill Mod

Originally posted by Xikteny1
After updating SARS, I still had this problem (broken color previews in Dye, Maps), so I used your manual fix and it seems to me to have fixed the problem.

Thanks to Kraesktael for figuring this out, but can we get this fix added to the official package?

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Old 04-21-2021, 09:37 AM  
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Re: Re: TradeSkill Window (EQUI_TradeskillWnd) - Updated Lights Tradeskill Mod

Originally posted by Kraesktael

For the second one, open window_pieces01.tga in Paint.NET and on the bottom left hand corner, at 800% zoom, I added 4 White Pixels using the pencil tool, at positions (3, 252), (4, 252), (3, 251) and (4, 251). This enables the colors in the color picker window to actually be visible.

After updating SARS, I still had this problem (broken color previews in Dye, Maps), so I used your manual fix and it seems to me to have fixed the problem.

Thanks to Kraesktael for figuring this out, but can we get this fix added to the official package?
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Old 04-20-2021, 09:21 AM  
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Re: Re: Re: TradeSkill Window (EQUI_TradeskillWnd) - Updated Lights Tradeskill Mod

It slipped my mind to check back here since posting those bug reports months ago. Just chiming back in to say "thanks for the continued fixes/support."

Originally posted by mh272
Just a quick note on the tradeskill window. The original author of the mod intended on a non resizable window. Here is the quote:

I will update the file so you can resize it by default in SARS.
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Old 02-18-2021, 01:14 AM  
A Shissar Disciple
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Re: Re: TradeSkill Window (EQUI_TradeskillWnd) - Updated Lights Tradeskill Mod

Originally posted by Kraesktael
I went and figured these out as well.

For the first one, open EQUI_TradeskillWnd.xml and change line 683 to be:

From there, you can resize the TS window and then resize the columns to see the trivials.

For the second one, open window_pieces01.tga in Paint.NET and on the bottom left hand corner, at 800% zoom, I added 4 White Pixels using the pencil tool, at positions (3, 252), (4, 252), (3, 251) and (4, 251). This enables the colors in the color picker window to actually be visible.

Just a quick note on the tradeskill window. The original author of the mod intended on a non resizable window. Here is the quote:

NOTE: This window is defaulted to be non-resizable. This was
done on purpose as the larger recipe list should serve most people's
purposes. If necessary to realign the recipe / trivial list columns
upon first installation (or user preference), the re-sizable function
can be toggled by changing the 6th line from the bottom to read:

I will update the file so you can resize it by default in SARS.

Last edited by mh272 : 02-18-2021 at 02:39 AM.
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Old 02-09-2021, 03:29 AM  
A Bat
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Re: TradeSkill Window (EQUI_TradeskillWnd) - Updated Lights Tradeskill Mod

Originally posted by antetrust

Craft window trivial column not visible.
I edited the xml window size and found the column for the Triv was just to the right of what i could see. This maybe due to my resolution by the wife had a similar issue.
If you can make the window re-sizable this should resolve the issue.


Editing Map label colors - the window opens by all the color squares are blacked out. Editing the numbers will change the label color but you will not see it.
Dying armor - same as above

I went and figured these out as well.

For the first one, open EQUI_TradeskillWnd.xml and change line 683 to be:

From there, you can resize the TS window and then resize the columns to see the trivials.

For the second one, open window_pieces01.tga in Paint.NET and on the bottom left hand corner, at 800% zoom, I added 4 White Pixels using the pencil tool, at positions (3, 252), (4, 252), (3, 251) and (4, 251). This enables the colors in the color picker window to actually be visible.
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Old 01-07-2021, 09:09 AM  
A Gray Wolf
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Awesome job

Thanks for keeping this UI alive.
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Old 12-27-2020, 04:16 PM  
A Shissar Disciple
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Re: Re: TradeSkill Window (EQUI_TradeskillWnd) - Updated Lights Tradeskill Mod

Originally posted by Xikteny1
Glad someone is still maintaining SARS. Thanks for keeping it going.

Just a couple issues to report:
It looks to me like the Big Bank Window is incapable of displaying Bags with more than 40 slots, which do now exist (44 slot Bags, eg the reward for Hunter of Claws of Veeshan).
Edit: I also can't see the Timer column in the Combat Skills window. Even if I drag the window to be super wide, the last column is Reuse.
And then I can also report the same issues noted earlier by user antetrust

Sorry for late reply:

For Bank: Yes, I never got around to updating it for 44 slots. I will see about doing it late this week as I have a lot of time off.

Combat skills window: Timer is indeed missing from there. Will add it in next week. For now you can either do what Kraesktael said or just delete EQUI_CombatSkillsSelectWindow.xml from your sars folder.

I will see about the other, been crazy week(s) for me.

Last edited by mh272 : 12-27-2020 at 04:18 PM.
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Old 12-25-2020, 07:02 PM  
A Bat
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Re: Re: TradeSkill Window (EQUI_TradeskillWnd) - Updated Lights Tradeskill Mod

Originally posted by Xikteny1
Edit: I also can't see the Timer column in the Combat Skills window. Even if I drag the window to be super wide, the last column is Reuse.

If you manually edit the EQUI_CombatSkillsSelectWindow.xml and add in
<Columns> <Heading>Timer</Heading> <Width>50</Width> </Columns>

to the Listbox, you'll have the Timer displayed.
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Old 12-10-2020, 02:07 PM  
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Re: TradeSkill Window (EQUI_TradeskillWnd) - Updated Lights Tradeskill Mod

Glad someone is still maintaining SARS. Thanks for keeping it going.

Just a couple issues to report:
It looks to me like the Big Bank Window is incapable of displaying Bags with more than 40 slots, which do now exist (44 slot Bags, eg the reward for Hunter of Claws of Veeshan).
Edit: I also can't see the Timer column in the Combat Skills window. Even if I drag the window to be super wide, the last column is Reuse.
And then I can also report the same issues noted earlier by user antetrust
Originally posted by antetrust
Fantastic fixes mh272

Few minor issues:

Craft window trivial column not visible.
I edited the xml window size and found the column for the Triv was just to the right of what i could see. This maybe due to my resolution by the wife had a similar issue.
If you can make the window re-sizable this should resolve the issue.

These 2 seem related somehow.
Editing Map label colors - the window opens by all the color squares are blacked out. Editing the numbers will change the label color but you will not see it.
Dying armor - same as above

Last edited by Xikteny1 : 12-12-2020 at 11:17 PM.
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