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Category: TAKP/P2002Default Zeal (Project Quarm).
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Name: Default Zeal (Project Quarm).   Popular!
Date: 07-04-2024 09:08 AM
Size: 7.18 MB
Version: v3.0

Click to enlarge 

Views: 0
Size: 1.78 MB
Dimensions: 1920 x 1080
Default_Zeal UI
Click to enlarge 

Views: 0
Size: 21.78 Kb
Dimensions: 146 x 116
Optional Player Window.
Click to enlarge 

Views: 0
Size: 144.11 Kb
Dimensions: 399 x 396
Zeal Options Tab.
Click to enlarge 

Views: 0
Size: 20.51 Kb
Dimensions: 141 x 126
Optional Player Window with clickable name.
Default_Zeal_v3.0 (for Project Quarm).

The default UI with the Zeal additions of the Zeal Options Tab, the Loot All, Link All and Change buttons, along with the option of Mana, Hp and Exp per Hour numbers, if you wish (look in the Customizations-folder and copy-paste your preferred Player Window out into the UIs root directory and reload it in-game).

1. Requires Zeal v0.3.0 or newer (for every feature to function):

2. Zeal FAQ/How-To (also pasted below, along with a list of all Zeal commands):

3. Latest eqgame.dll file for PQ from 05/06/24 (also essential):

4. To remove any camera stutter e.g. while strafing, go to your eqclient.ini -> Options and set all your FPS to 60 (or 99, depending on your monitors refresh rate) and your NoFPSLimiter=0.

And then do the same in your graphics card settings (e.g. Nvidia Control Panel) -> Manage 3D Settings -> Program Settings -> Choose your eqgame.exe from your Quarm folder -> Scroll down to Max Frame Rate -> Choose 60 FPS (or whatever your monitors refresh rate is - test what works the best for your setup in particular).

5. All the options are in the Extras folder as well (just copy/paste the files out to the root directory for what you want). And if the windows are too dark for you, just go with (right click) Window -> Alpha -> Normal Level -> e.g. 90 or so
Or change them all at once in Options -> Display -> Window Transparency.

Credit and thanks to all creators who've contributed in one way or another.

3.0: Updated for Zeal 3.0+.

2.2: Updated for Zeal 2.93+

2.1: Fixed the Loot Window thanks to Nillipuss =)


Zeal How-To:
1. On the GitHub page under Releases, v0.X.XX, look under Assests and download the latest "Zeal.vXXXXX.zip"-file (https://github.com/iamclint/Zeal/releases ).

2. Extract the Zeal.asi file and place it directly in your EverQuest root directory, while logged out of EQ. Make sure there's only one Zeal.asi-file in this directory, as the game will try to load all of them at once.

3. Download the newest eqgame.dll for Quarm from the 05/06/24: https://discord.com/channels/1133452007412334643/1135981619858128998/1237124863882166353

4. Windows Defender will sometimes "eat" the Zeal.asi-file, as Microsoft will only "sign" it if they're paid for it ("extortion", aye). Make an exception/exclusion for this file if that's the case (https://wiki.takp.info/index.php/Set_Windows_Defender_Exclusion_on_Windows_10) (or possibly in your AV-program and/or browser).

5. Asi-files run off of the games' sound, so Sound needs to be turned on for Zeal to work. It can be turned all the way down, it just needs to be "on".

6. "/zeal version" will tell you what version you're running.
"/help zeal" will give you a list of all the available commands and features.

7. Some features have to be added through the appropriate UI updates (show mana/exp-number, name of spell being cast, Zeal-tab in the options window, loot-all, link-all and bank-change buttons, etc.). Look and search in the "ui-discussions" Discord chat-channel for an updated version for your preferred UI.

8. Adjust your camera settings with "/zealcam x1 y1 x2 y2", where x1 y1 are First Person and x2 y2 are Third Person. Left Mouse Camera Pan can be adjusted with "/pandelay" (e.g. "/pd 0").

9. To remove any camera stutter (test this by strafing), go to your eqclient.ini -> Options and set all your FPS to either 60 or 99 (depending on your monitors refresh rate) and your NoFPSLimiter=0.
See what fits your setup the most. Possibly do the same in your graphics settings (e.g. Nvidia Control Panel).

For a much more thourough and wonderful guide, see: https://quarm.guide (kudos Xantagonist).


Zeal Commands:
Arguments: float size
Example: /targetring 0.25
Description: toggles targetring on/off if float is specified it sets the size.

Example: /resetexp
Description: resets the exp per hour calculations.

/fcd 1-6 (floating damage numbers)
Colors are editable on colors tab of the options window
Npc being hit is color #24
Player being hit is color #17
You being hit is color #11
Your melee damage is color #10
Spell Damage is #28

Arguments: int
Example: /ttimer 500
Description: change the delay in which a tooltip pops up on mouse hover.

/inspect target
Description: adds target argument to /inspect, this just inspects your current target.

/loc noprint
Description: adds noprint argument to /loc, this just sends loc directly to your log.

Description: reloads your current skin using ini.

Arguments: int
Example: /fov 65
Description: changes your field of view.

Arguments: song gem #'s (maximum of 5)
Example: /melody 1 4 2 3
Description: plays songs in order until interrupted in any fashion.

Arguments: ms delay, none
Example: /pandelay 200
Description: changes the amount of delay before left click panning will start to happen

Arguments: looted, none
Aliases: /hideco, /hidec, /hc
Example: /hidecorpse looted
Description: looted Hides a corpse after you have looted it., none reveals all hidden corpses

Arguments: save, load, delete
Example: /spellset save buffs
Example: /spellset load buffs
Example: /spellset delete buffs
Description: allows you to save and load spellsets

Aliases: /helm
Arguments: on, off
Example: /showhelm on
Description: Toggles your helmet.

Aliases: /showlootlockout, /showlockout, /sll
Description: Shows you your current loot lockouts on Quarm.

Aliases: /smoothing
Arguments: x y 3rdperson_x 3rdperson_y
Example: /zealcam 0.7 0.2 0.7 0.2 if 3rd person arguments are not supplied, the first x and y are applied to both
Description: Toggles Zeal's mouse look smoothing methods, the first 2 arguments are first person sensitivity, and the last 2 are for 3rd person

Aliases: /autoinv, /ai
Description: Drops whatever is on your cursor into your inventory.

Aliases: /autoba, /ab
Description: Drops whatever is on your cursor into your bank. [requires you to be at a banker] (not fully functional atm)

Aliases: /cleartarget
Description: acts as normal /target unless you provide no argument in which case it will clear your target.

Description: The /sit command now accepts "on" as an argument. Using "/sit on" will always make you sit, even if you are currently sitting. This matches the game's native "/sit off" which always makes you stand even if you are currently standing. The "/sit" command will continue to toggle sit/stand state if no argument is provided or if the argument provided is not on or off. Additionally, "/sit down" now works as well and will always make you sit, even if already sitting.

Description: Auto sits before camping.

Arguments: version
Description: Shows the version of zeal.

Description: toggles the zeal input setup for any input in game, giving you a more modern input (ctrl+c, ctrl+v, left, right, shift left+right for highlighting, home, end ect).

/help zeal
Description: Shows the custom Zeal commands.

Aliases: /tms
Description: Shows message timestamps.

Aliases: /output, /out
Arguments: inventory | spellbook [optional_name]
Example: /outputfile inventory my_inventory
inventory outputs information about your equipment, inventory bag slots, held item, and bank slots to a file.
spellbook outputs a list of all spell ids current scribed in your spellbook.

Description: Outputs the players buff timers to the chat only if they are using OldUI.

Description: Changes the blue con color to usercolor #70 which is otherwise unused, you can edit in the options window.

Arguments: oldui
Description: Re-opens the alarm window, if oldui is specified it allows for an alarm on it.

Key Binds (Options -> Keyboard):
Cycle through nearest NPCs
Cycle through nearest PCs
Strafe Right
Strafe Left
Auto Inventory
Toggle last 2 targets
Reply target
Pet Attack
Pet Guard
Pet Follow
Pet Back
Pet Sit
Slow turn left
Slow turn right

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Last Modified: 07-04-2024 12:39 PM by Calmethar    

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Old 06-08-2024, 10:33 AM  
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Server: Quarm
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3.0: Updated for Zeal 3.0+.

2.2: Updated for Zeal 2.93+.

2.1: Fixed the Loot Window thanks to Nillipuss =)

Last edited by Calmethar : 07-04-2024 at 09:05 AM.
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