/// What is AYA UI? ///
This is a Custom UI File for EverQuest , another Version of AYA UI Plus.
Small Group HP Gauge
5mins Timer for Mana Rod
and Blue Buttons.
/// How to Use... ///
Thanks for DownLoad. This UI ONLY works for 1280 x 1024 mode.
1) Open Zip file.
2) Make New Folder. Name AYA in your UI Folder. (i.e. C:ProgramFilesEverQuestuifilesAYA )
3) Copy and Overwrite All AYAUI File and Folder to AYA Folder (Step 2).
4) If 1280 x 1024 mode , Rename UI_Character_Server.ini > UI_(YOUR CHARACTER NAME)_(Your Servercode).ini (i.e. : UI_Kxes_40.ini)
5) Copy 4) File to Your EQ Folder. (i.e. C:ProgramFilesEverQuest )
6) Login and Enjoy.
If You find a Bug, Plz Let Me Know. Ill Check it =)
/// Note ///
1) ALT + F (Friend Window) = Right Click Window
ALT + F1 (Pet Infomation WIndow ) = Open and Close Equip Window.
2) V = Alt Adv Window.
3) If you are melee class, Open Action Window (Alt M).
/// Known Bugs ///
1) DONT Make a HotButton from Petwindow. Its not a AYA UIs Bug. Its a EQ Clients Bug.
AYA CLR UI Version 6.50 Plus R3 (c) AYA Nanase / Kanon @ Archon of Fama Volat Karana.
Mail to
[email protected]
Tell to Kanon Karana.