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Old 07-13-2004, 06:15 AM  
A Gray Wolf
Server: Vallon Zek
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I love this UI as it even perfectly fitted into 1152x864 screen resoltuion also...
WTG Lodi and keep up the good work...

Maybe aditional Styles for the layout.
(ATM is grey wall, maybe shining metall, brown Wood and so on too)

Many greetings,
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Old 07-12-2004, 09:46 AM  
Enhanced Imperial Golem
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Angeblue - My UI does not customize any of the windows you mention, so it should just pull their definitions from the default directory. My UI also does not have a EQUI.xml file which lists the windows in the UI, again it pulls that from the default directory. My guess is you copied the Lodi Dodi UI into a folder that had another UI in it, and that other UI is so old that its EQUI.xml file is missing entires for the windows you mention. I would highly recommending deleting all the files in that folder and reinstalling the Lodi Dodi UI, or creating a new folder and installing into that.

Greyanger - This is a known bug with EQ and is not specific to my UI. Check out EQinterface's "Comfirmation Buttons Missing" FAQ here. If that doesn't fix it, you can read two older threads on the subject here and here.

Lodi Dodi
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Old 07-12-2004, 01:15 AM  
A Bat
Server: Nameless
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This is by far one of the nicest UI's I've used in a long while. But the biggest problem I've had with it, is the confirmation boxes. For some odd reason, when I get a confirmation box for Rez (I'm a Ranger, I get at least 3 a night) and to loot NO DROP. It brings up the box, but no buttons for "YES" or "NO". Works with default, and every other UI I can load up.
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Old 07-11-2004, 02:14 PM  
A Bat
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A very great one, only problem is I cant use the tributes, leader aa, discs, ldon and expedition windows
Nor can I have maps

Last edited by Angebleu : 07-11-2004 at 02:42 PM.
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