Updated for Pre-SoD Patch
-Group window now has HP/Pet/Mana/Endurance as well as the 3 Group Roles: Main Assist, Main Tank, and Puller.
-Voice functionality has been added to the group window.
-Player window has been updated for roles and voice.
-Target window has been updated for buffs.
Updated for SoD
-Removed some unneeded files and added the old raid window back to the folder. I discovered to my dismay that I'd removed it!
Update 11/23/08
Minor cosmetic update
-Changed some gauges to improve visibility and mesh
-Added in the chat window mod by thoughtlover
-Used the tweak attributed to
Willybyrd to allow for dragging and resizing of chat windows
(If you do not wish to use this setup, simply delete the EQUI_Chatwindow and EQUI_Templates files to revert to the previous chat window format)
Update 1/7/09
Quick, ugly, hope it works for you update
-updated templates
-did some Label fixing
Update 1/11/09
Update for December patches
-Fixed buff and short duration buff windows
-Included the add-on buff/sdbuff/voice bar into this release as they are the pieces I use. If you
really need the larger versions I will update them, but for now I will move forwards will the smaller set.
Update 7/16/09
Update for all patches since December
-Fixed buff and short duration buff windows
-Fixed Pet Info Window (I know it's ugly)
-Tweaked attack indicator in Player Window
-Updated Raid Window for Task and Expedition
Update 9/11/09
Major cosmetic update
-Pet window revamped to now include all buttons and pet buffs
-Target window revamped to now include buffs
-Mercenary window revamped and is now near same size as Actions window
-Cast Spell Window tweaked to allow for easier spell name reading
-Casting Window lengthened to allow for easier spell name reading
-Minor tweaks to alignment on Buff Window and Player Window
-Minor tweak to Potion Window and Aura Window
-All main visible windows now look the same; removed all visible title bars
-Changed Compass to be easier to read
Updated for 11/11/09 Patch
Updated for Underfoot
-Added stats tab to Inventory page
Updated for 7/14/2010 Patch
Updated for House of Thule Release
-Inventory Window (added 2 slots for HoT)
-Extended Target Window (Extended Target Window can now be resized both horizontally and vertically and anywhere in between - added 2 slots for HoT)
-Hotbutton Window (Updated inventory slots for HoT - resized and moved buttons to keep window size and appearance consistent)
Updated 10/29/10
-Bank Window (Bank now accommodates HoT bags)
-Containers (Bags now have the Done button added back in and I changed the location of the Combine button and did away with the icon)
-Extended Target Window (The extended Target Window is now fully adaptable to whatever configuration you would prefer and should be compliant with Hot's
Eyes Wide Open AA)
-Target Window (Added Trophy Tribute to the Target Window)
-Hotbutton Window (Changed Hotbutton 4 to horizontal as well to better accommodate my playing style. The original Hotbutton Window with the vertical 4th hotbutton can now be located in the Oink!_Reborn folder in the folder named AddOns)
Updated 2/9/11
Fixed Templates
Updated 3/25/11
Fixed Templates again
Updated 7/23/11
Fixed Templates
Fixed MapViewWnd
Updated for 10/12/2011 Patch
-Added Vitality bars to inventory window
Updated for VoA
-Fixed Hotbutton window (layout has remained more or less the same)
-Updated Templates
-Fixed Player Window (added new icons but could not test)
Updated for F2P
-Tweaked Hotbutton Window
-Updated Buff Window
-Updated Templates
-Updated Player Window
-Removed some windows that did not add very much (if any) functionality versus default
Minor Update 3/27/12
-Tweaked Inventory and Hotbutton windows to order the bags vertically
-Changed layout of gear in Hotbutton window
-Tweaked Mercenary Management window
Minor Update 3/4/13
-Tweaked Target Window
-Added Krono
-Removed XML Errors
Minor Update 03/20/13
Cosmetic and Functionality changes
-Reworked Pet Window
-Tweaked containers
-Added/tweaked Halelen's Horizontal Buffs window (see Oink! Reborn thread)
-Made some windows resizeable that previously were not
Minor Update 4/16/13
-Updated Templates
-Updated EQMainWnd
Minor Update 10/23/13
-Updated Templates
-Updated Inventory Window for Merc Inventory
-Changed Bank Window to Mystiix's Big Bank Window v1.0
Update 4/2/15
-Updated Templates
-Updated Inventory, Player, Short Duration Buff, and Raid Windows
-Changed Bank Window to Strumph's Big Bank 3 Tab (CotF)
Update 11/22/15
-Updated Inventory Window to add Key Rings
Update 5/20/16
-I honestly don't remember what all I fixed. I got it to load with no errors and then forgot to upload it.
Update 9/2/2017
-Fixed Templates file
Update 9/18/2017
-Fixed Templates file again
Update 1/14/2018
-Updated CastSpellWnd for added spell slots