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Taleisin 08-19-2003 12:58 PM

Lunix1 prebeta (locked for week before beta)
1 Attachment(s)
this GUI will be one of the greatest, I hope :-)

I am useing Tinkfu's code launching, (allows me to modify and patch the GUI alot easier and faster) :see screenshot:

I will post screenshots once I get another EverQuest account, till then I just have to picture the UI in my head :-)

think of it as a cross of FU, GEOS, and Solaria

<!-- Built on code from the following GUIs-->
FU 7.19.220
GEOS Alpha 6
Solaria pb 2.0
<!-- More GUIs and GUIminiMods will be given credit closer to release -->

Taleisin 08-22-2003 12:44 AM

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now that the buff window is public I thought I would share with you all the basic evolution to Lunix :see Screenshot:

Shadrak 08-22-2003 01:01 AM

A Tinkfu by any other name is still a Tinkfu...


P.S. I like the Buff/Invent mod .

Taleisin 08-22-2003 01:06 AM

I am not tinkfu


even though he did teach me how to write XML doesn't make me him, him is not I and I is not him :P

Thanks Shadrak :)

Taleisin 08-22-2003 10:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Lunix Buff Window now included in FU666.

hurray! :-)

Zeremus 08-22-2003 06:16 PM

ok Tinkfu ;)

Taleisin 08-22-2003 08:30 PM

I am not Tinkfu, Tinkfu is not my name. For the name Tinkfu is not the correct name to address me by becuase it is not my name. If you were to address me by the name Taleisin then that would be correct, for my name is Taleisin and I will only be addressed by that name which is Taleisin.
And furthur more it is not Tinkfu in control of FU it is I who is in control of the FU. Taleisin who is not Tinkfu shall control the FU alone, which is to say, without Tinkfu and without Tinkfu shall I control the FU.

Tinkfu 08-22-2003 08:57 PM

I have been following this thread for about... say 4 to 5 minutes now, and I just want to say that Taleisin is Taleisin and I am Tinkfu.. Taleisin is only in control untill I get back from vacation in a few years.

so please call him Taleisin, I would hate for him to use the name Tinkfu and ruin my chaotic nature with his dull sense of humor and lack typing skills j/k :-)

Taleisin 08-23-2003 10:46 PM

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the first basic graphics test I did tonight didn't turn out well, :as you can see from the screenshot:

so I am not sure where I am going from this point, the graphics in the screenshot took me 5 days alone, redoing them is going to be hell. Anyway, I hope this doesn't ruin anyones interest in Lunix.

steppin 08-24-2003 12:43 AM

This looks SHARP.. and CLEAN ....
I got the linix buffs and really enjoy them.. they seem to be smooth.. lag free .... would like to see a SDB that matches your main buffs :)

The screen cap you just posted looks great also... the text looks EASY to read (for us with bad vision, that's sure a plus)!
You've done a good job here :) thanks !


Taleisin 08-24-2003 01:13 AM

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hmm, I could add a SDbuff window to the Lunix buff window, but it would be the same that you can find in FU666 as well as several other peoples UIs.. I'll consider putting it in.

as for the above screenshot, that was to show how badly the graphics for the borders and buttons did on first test, the rest is the default UI.. but thank you for supporting Lunix :-)

on this link on this post is the additional SD buff window that matches LunixBuff, I think since it is small posting it here is better than updating the whole buffwindow in the downloads area..... for now anyhow

Taleisin 08-25-2003 10:10 AM

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incase anyone is wondering why the version numbering is so strange on FU as well as Lunix I've prepared a little chart (ie* I was bored this morning)

Enjoy :-)

Taleisin 08-26-2003 09:18 AM

Lunix has been given a great gift, thanks to Talyns and his Tablets Future Grey interface; he is allowing me to take some bits from his interface and use them in Lunix.

so I would expect to see Lunix launching closer to november now instead of march like I was planing.

why is there such a jump in the timetable you ask? Didn't I ever tell you? I can't draw worth a @%*#

Haliken 08-26-2003 09:26 AM

Why so long?! If I put my nose to the grindstone I can spit out a whole UI in less than a week (if I'm in charge of creative control and have all the graphics I'm gonna chop up and use). And my stuff isn't trash either, it's real quality stuff, so I don't get what you could possibly be doing that'd take that long to complete.


Taleisin 08-26-2003 09:34 AM

the november date is just becuase I like to give myself a large margin of error, I lost the first Lunix... it's on a floppy somewhere.. I'll probably have Lunix ready alot sooner than november, but if you want a list here ya go :-)

reasons for long wait

1. I am learning XML as I go

2. I only have about 30 minutes a day to learn and write the UI

3. becuase I couldn't draw (solved)

4. I learn slowly

5. I don't have a EQ account to test these on so I have to use a XML praisers just to make sure the code is good.

6. I'm still fighting Tinkfu over useing his bit code launcher

yup that looks like a good list :-)

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