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-   -   Running Custom Patcher Skins (http://www.eqinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11218)

Taleisin 11-14-2003 11:21 AM

Running Custom Patcher Skins
many people are having trouble with trying to get the custom patcher skins working, the errors they appear to be having a due to not reading the readme, so I will write a detailed ( as best I can ) workthrough here.

Stage1, make a complete copy of the default folder found inside C:\program files\everquest\skins, for this workthrough I will call the file "XXXX"

Stage2, unzip your selected custom skin and rename it main-bg.png

Stage3, place the main-bg.png inside C:\program files\everquest\skins\XXXX\images, this will overwrite the default one.

3a the XML file inside your custom folder MUST match the name of your custom folder exactly. so if the folder is called XXXX the XML must be named XXXX not xxxx nor Xxxx. Spaces are also not allowed, the game just wasn't programed to read spaces in folder or file names.

Stage4, exit out of your custom folder and the skins folder you should now be in C:\program files\everquest.

4a locate a file called eqp_config.xml

4b open that file in a text editor, notepad will do fine. DO NOT USE DREAMWEAVER

4c add the line <skin>XXXX</skin> inbetween the lines <EQPatchConfig> and <textures> ( note, this is the only place it will work, you cannot place the line anywhere else in eqp_config.xml )
you should have this now

Stage5, save and exit the eqp_config.xml

Stage6, run patcher/enjoy

*note, the custom skin folder cannot contain "-" "_" "+" "=" "()" "[]" in other words letters only, also you cannot have a space in the folder name, the game does not understand spaces.


Stage1, make a complete copy of the default folder found inside X:%program files%\everquest\skins, for this workthrough I will call the file "xym"

Stage2, unzip the Images Zip into this folder *refering to the folder called "Images" found inside the "xym" folder*

Stage3, the XML file inside the xym folder MUST match the name of your custom folder exactly. so if the folder is called xym the XML must be named xym not XYM nor Xym. Spaces are also not allowed, the game just wasn't programed to read spaces in folder or file names.

Stage4, exit out of your custom folder and the skins folder you should now be in C:\program files\everquest.

4a locate a file called eqp_config.xml

4b open that file in a text editor, notepad will do fine. DO NOT USE DREAMWEAVER

4c add the line <skin>xym</skin> inbetween the lines <EQPatchConfig> and <textures> ( note, this is the only place it will work, you cannot place the line anywhere else in eqp_config.xml )
you should have this now

Stage5, save and exit the eqp_config.xml

Stage6, run patcher/enjoy

trafy 06-27-2004 01:07 PM

I've made a little program name EQNicePatcher.

Juste put *.png pictures in the EQNicePatcher directory and it automaticly change the picture (randomly) and launch Everquest or other third party application.

EQNicePatcher duplicate \skins\default directory to prevent any modification with futur EQ Patches, rename XML file and include <skin> tag.

No installation need, juste edit the .INI file to indicate your EQ installation directory, pout png picture and launch EQNicePatcher... It's all :D

Program can be downlad here

Qinadwen 06-27-2004 02:09 PM

Nicely done m8 - thanks :)

Meridious 06-27-2004 04:20 PM

Could you explain that a little further and in a little more detail?

trafy 06-27-2004 05:37 PM

Hum... first, sorry for my bad english :rolleyes:

EQNicePatcher automaticly made the modifications describe in the post by Taleisin and choose a random picture for the patcher's skin.

Steps are :

1/ delete the personnal folder with the custom patcher skin if exist
2/ copy directory skins\default to skins\perso
3/ rename file skins\perso\default.xml to perso.xml
4/ rename eqp_config.xml in eqp_config.xml.bak (erase previous .bak file)
5/ create a new eqp_config.xml with <skin>perso</skin> (auto erase previous tag before make change so tag is always at the good place)
6/ choose a random PNG file in the EQNicePatcher directory and copy/rename it to skins\perso\images\main-bg.png
7/ launch Everquest

In the exemple, I use Perso for personnal folder. This directory is indicate in the INI file at line SkinName=Perso.

The delete operation (step 1) can preserve delete file in the Windows trash if the line "Trash=1" exists in INI file.

Step 1 and 2 are to preserve any bug with futur patch of Everquest. You have always the good files in your personnal patcher skin directory.

Step 7 read the ligne EQExe to launch Everquest. You can use other third program if you don't launch EQ directly.

Aanakin 07-21-2004 08:32 AM

Custom Patcher
Still can't get patcher to work. I have followed all the steps but can't seem to understand step 3a could you explain that a little better please


Taleisin 07-22-2004 01:12 PM

step 3a will be explained in full shortly. however the new launchpad will require a new tutorial. So this tutorial and maybe all of the patcher mod skins will most likely be removed soon to save server space.

Aanakin 07-24-2004 02:56 PM

Custom Patcher
Well I finally got my custom patcher to work. The problem was that in your posting you said to rename the custom skin to main-bg.png but that did not work so I went into the default skin folder and noticed that it was named main-bg so I went back into my custom skin folder and renamed my skin main-bg and presto! it worked. I hope that this might help anyone else that might be having the same problem that I was having.


Taleisin 07-26-2004 10:46 AM

Originally Posted by Aanakin
Well I finally got my custom patcher to work. The problem was that in your posting you said to rename the custom skin to main-bg.png but that did not work so I went into the default skin folder and noticed that it was named main-bg so I went back into my custom skin folder and renamed my skin main-bg and presto! it worked. I hope that this might help anyone else that might be having the same problem that I was having.


ohh, sounds like you have extentions hidden, I have them all seen .png .lnk .fldr

sorry for the confusion

zephar 07-29-2004 05:24 AM

Great Tutorial
Yes, a very nice tutorial indeed! I just edited the main-bg.ping file, followed the instructions, and...
presto :nana: I made a patcher with my guild logo!
Now if I would just take the time to learn XML, I could make a UI!

Zephar Gatecaller
Magician of Quellious
Brothers of Darkness
The Nameless Server

Taleisin 07-29-2004 07:43 AM

Originally Posted by zephar
Yes, a very nice tutorial indeed! I just edited the main-bg.ping file, followed the instructions, and...
presto :nana: I made a patcher with my guild logo!
Now if I would just take the time to learn XML, I could make a UI!

Zephar Gatecaller
Magician of Quellious
Brothers of Darkness
The Nameless Server

woohoo new UI author... though I'd like to point out the patcher XML is different from the UI XML :p

Liddy 08-16-2004 05:32 AM

I renamed my custom/copy folder "new" .. now what am I suppose to be changing to main-bg.png? Am I suppose to rename the patcher skin folder I downloaded to "new" or name it main-bg.png or just rename the xml portion of it? Im getting confused with what Folders you are speaking of at certain times.
Also inside my eqp_config there wasn't a <texture> line. Is there suppose to be?

Taleisin 08-16-2004 01:02 PM

Originally Posted by Liddy
I renamed my custom/copy folder "new" .. now what am I suppose to be changing to main-bg.png? Am I suppose to rename the patcher skin folder I downloaded to "new" or name it main-bg.png or just rename the xml portion of it? Im getting confused with what Folders you are speaking of at certain times.
Also inside my eqp_config there wasn't a <texture> line. Is there suppose to be?

what you change to main-bg.png is the patcher skin you download.. if you download one of mine it will be called (skinname)main-bg.png you have to remove the part in red for it to work with the patcher.

the folder itself can be called anything you want, as long as the XML file inside has the same name* see above tutorial
so if your folder is called "new" you need to go inside of it and change the name of the xml from "default" to "new"

as for your eqp_config. you say there was no <texture> line? please post a copy of it and I'll take a look.

Liddy 08-17-2004 08:09 AM

Copied the file for you to view ...
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Just noticed the </textures></EQPatchConfig> at the very bottom.. is that where I place it? Since you had <EQPatchConfig> written , and the way you had it lined up, I figured it was suppose to be a <texture> near that one up top.
Thanks for replying , and I'm gonna give it a try again.

trafy 08-17-2004 08:32 AM


Insert just before this <textures> tag.

Or more simply, look my program describe in the 2nd reply. With it you don't have to make any modification yourself :p

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