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Halelen 11-12-2008 10:30 PM

Redux Evolution
Ive taken QRL and thrown a few twist to it.
- The basics of quartz are still there
-the group window was changed to include self
-the spellbar is now horizontal so it sets on top of group window
-target window now has buffs to the side

What this gives you is group, target and spells all in a tight group which makes for faster and easier gameplay.

Enjoy :nana:


Pyndragoon 11-14-2008 12:11 PM

I would like to add the Guild, Inventory, Options and Map buttons to the selector window. I see them in the Selector Window file already, so I am hoping that it would be easy to do this. If you can give me a hint or 2 on what needs doing, I can try to modify it myself.


Halelen 11-14-2008 01:42 PM

yes all you have to do is set the x and y coordinates...so say you want them next to the merc button you would make the Y same as merc buttons and the x would be whatever the merc button is at plus the size...(i think its 20)so if merc button is <x>20<x> make the next button<x>40<x>
.................................................. ..<y>0<y>...............................<y>0<y>

This would place your next button to the right of merc button on selectorand if ya wanted to go below the mail button you would simply change the <y> value(again by 20 )


Jolinar 11-14-2008 10:45 PM

font size changes
Lov the Hybrid, works nice. Is there anyway to change the font size for each window now that they all no chat bars?

Halelen 11-15-2008 12:27 AM

yes you can go to each window and click the always chat here change your font then repeat at next window...when all done just click always chat here back at the input box and all done 8)


Pyndragoon 11-15-2008 01:51 AM

I would like to use the old fashioned chat boxes, with the chat bar. What do i need to do to revert back to those?

Halelen 11-15-2008 09:15 AM

simply remove the chat.xml from the folder


Aldius 11-17-2008 03:43 AM

I have 1920x1200, and after I've made a new folder, deleted my old UI file, and then copied the new UI file to the main eq directory, I get one messed up window. Is this because I'm in the higher resolution, and it doesnt know what to do?

With the original redux, I only had to resize text windows.. With this UI, I'm litterally going to have to move each and every window. Am I missing something here? Is there something I can use or do to force it to act smart, rather than breaking like this?

What it looks like it's done, is this. Delete all your UI files, and load up default. See where all the windows are placed? That's what it looks like.



Halelen 11-17-2008 10:04 AM

did you use the ini included in the folder? there is no settings for that res but it should place all the windows correctly as you said, with you just having to resize chat. Its showing default windows? if thats the case its not loading ui, is it in correct directory?.. what i would suggest is reloading redux ini and making sure that windows are where they are suppose to be then loading the new ui without switching ini files...this is basically the same ui with only a couple windows different, but easier to move couple windows then all. ah just thought all you might need to do is tell it load the ini at 1680x1050 then resize chat and svae at your res.

Let me know


Aldius 11-17-2008 01:49 PM

Yes, I did use the included ini file. :(

Here's my process I did on 3 different chars.

Camped out to the desktop. EQ is not running at all.
Unzipped the file. It had 3 things.. "Caster", "Mod", and the ini file.
First thing I did was move the Mod folder into the Caster folder.
Then I renamed the ini file to: "UI_Aldius_seventh.ini"
Opened up the UI file to find the autojoin command and copy/pasted the one from my old UI file to the new one. Made sure the UI name is the same as the folder name (in this case "caster")
Renamed my old UI file to OLD_UI_Aldius_seventh.ini
Copied the UI file from the uifiles directory to the EQ directory.
Started EQ.....and bleh. :(
Am I missing something?

myxiplx 11-17-2008 01:59 PM

Have you done a /copylayout from the .ini file? And did you change the UI folder name at all?

The last couple of times I used /copylayout, I found it looked a little buggy if you've changed the folder name since creating the .ini file. I haven't really looked into it but doing the /loadskin, /copylayout process twice was enough to get the correct layout loaded for me.

Aldius 11-17-2008 02:37 PM

No.. Didnt do a /copylayout....
And I edited my post above to show the process I used. I left the UI name the same (I always do that the first time before I name the UI what I want it to be).

No idea what that even is to be honest.

Halelen 11-17-2008 02:58 PM

ok since you have your old ui ini still what you can do is copy all the parts that apply to the res you are using and paste them into the new ini, this will place all windows except the group spellbar and target in the proper place then you can adjust thoe and be good,

keep me informed


myxiplx 11-17-2008 03:40 PM

Surely using /copylayout is easier than copying the settings manually? If you've got a copy of your old ini file, so long as it starts UI_, and ends in .ini, just use /copylayout to bring your screen positions over.

Aldius 12-09-2008 10:53 PM

I finally did get it workin... Just deleted everything and started over. lol

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