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Kinada 09-19-2006 10:50 AM

Vert and Solaria status
3 Attachment(s)
Patches for these interfaces will be released tonight once I can test them on live. There will be some ugliness to start till I can rewrite the character select window again and you wont have an out of combat regen icon or progress bar for a bit till I can rewrite where all the player window stuff is.

But it will be funtional while I work on polishing it all up.

UPDATE1: Here is the Vert Quick Fix, I was xping with these changes tonight. Character list is ugly but deal with it. And there is no rest icon yet. These changes do NOT work for solaria, I have to do the animations file all over agian for that one so will be a bit. Hope to have it soon.

UPDATE2: Here is the animations file for Solaria, this should get you going. I will be working twords getting the new resist and other things into the UI soon.

UPDATE3: The player window and inventory window are up for VERT. These dont work right in solaria for me yet so I'll have to figure that out before I'll have ones for Solaria.

jodee 09-19-2006 05:37 PM

This is awesome news :)

I'd be lost without Solaria

Kellan 09-19-2006 05:59 PM

Servers are up!
read the title!

Xulan 09-19-2006 06:36 PM

Thank you so much for maintaining Vert =)

Guendelin 09-19-2006 07:48 PM

Wouldn't want to play w/o Vert....thanks again for all your hard work keeping it updated :)

zhigit 09-19-2006 08:03 PM

Cool, any chance this would help for Durty Vert? Not sure how big the changes are between Vert and Durty Vert UIs.

Durty Vert link

shinja 09-19-2006 08:15 PM

Dear Kinada,

My wife is freaking out about vert not working. She said, if its not patched soon, she will kill 1 kitten per hour until its patched.

For heaven's sake, think of the kittens!!!

Seriously tho, thanks for your efforts :)

tallieGirl 09-19-2006 08:52 PM

After my husband read the above post, he looked at me funny and started to count the kittens......

Quiptos 09-19-2006 09:07 PM

Same here, I can't live without Vert now lol.

Thanks for keeping it up. :)

Kellan 09-19-2006 09:13 PM

Piece by piece
While I was online (can't get back in atm), I started loading the Solaria 2.11 piece by piece. It loaded fine with the tga files, and nine of the xml files before I got dumped.

Not much help, but with the server-connection borked it may take Kinada awhile to verify his changes. *shrug*

Quiptos 09-19-2006 09:39 PM

Lets hope he's hardcore and stays up late then haha. :D

I can wait a day if I have to I guess, but it will surely suck.

pjclopez 09-19-2006 11:00 PM

Thank You
thank you so much! You are an unsung hero but a hero nonetheless. I cannot imagine playing without Vert ! THANK YOU and you are most appreciated!

Cleric of the 7th

dupliciti 09-20-2006 01:15 AM

The same kudos and appreciation Kinada. I can't imagine using any other UI but Vert. Thank you.

waldaorf 09-20-2006 01:23 AM

thank god for vert mods
I've been using the vert mod's for as long as i can remember, since my best friend was using it and i happened to see it, i was ****in amazed. You guys do a stellar job. Unfortunately i am so thoroughly dissapointed with the default UI that i'm basically waiting on the vert patch/fix it to play again. I logged on for like 10 min when servers came up then after i couldnt load my mod logged back off. BOmmer~ nice to see another fellow cleric uses the vert, vert is and always has been THE ****~ :nana:

Waldhealer Cleereq
70th Higher then hell cleric.....
7th Hammer (lanys t'vyl)
Eq 1 hardcore for life

MotorCityMage 09-20-2006 03:56 AM

thanks Kin but PLEASE HURRY!!! I HATE THE DEFAULT!!! i feel totally lost with out your UI!

Xzanthos 09-20-2006 04:08 AM

Thanks for the update! :)

Just unzip this into our current Vert folder?

kolorfv 09-20-2006 07:08 AM

Thank you Kinada!

xanticles 09-20-2006 07:38 AM

Thx man really rocks!!! and sooo quick!!

Hugs to you and /bow


Doorbish 09-20-2006 01:01 PM

Thank you very much, beautiful UI .... owe ya huge for all you hard work keepin it runnin for us :)

CosomTheMaestro 09-20-2006 01:54 PM

how do i put the update in for the quick fix anyone know

Butterfly_Wishe 09-20-2006 02:16 PM

So happy. Going crazy w/out my vert mod. I miss my totally pinkified UI. Drives my husband crazy. Go pepto!

Treuvenai 09-20-2006 02:25 PM

Thaaank you! I was dying having to use the stupid new default!

Dlgoth 09-20-2006 02:35 PM

Would it be possible to get an update to the right aligned buff slots as well? They old ones work, but only go to 20 and 6. Thanks in advance!

Kellan 09-20-2006 03:47 PM

Thanks, Kinada! We know you wanted to exp as much as we were (til Maelin went down the 3rd time in my case at least).

Davoc 09-21-2006 08:47 AM

Thank you so much Kinada. Vert is the best interface I have ever used, and I haven't found any others that I can even tolerate. Without you to update the UI, I think I would end up quiting EQ.

threeflies 09-21-2006 02:40 PM

Great work , :)

afferon 09-21-2006 03:06 PM

Sadly Zhigit not it won't fix Durtyvert 4-4. I just tried it with no luck. The big thing is the original crator of Durtyvert no longer plays. There is someone that does try to keep it up to day. I will check and see if they are messing with it as I myself prefer it. I will not post thier name though as I don't want them bothered.

Cystalcle 09-21-2006 09:12 PM

Can you please make a 21 buff slots as well?


Legoleaf 09-21-2006 11:04 PM

Solaria Mods
3 Attachment(s)
Inventory Window: added Corruption resist.
Player Window: I don't have a graphics program capable of properly editing the .tga files, so I made do with what I had. I don't use the Endurance & Pet gauges in the Player Window, so I turned them off to make some room. I put the Combat Timer gauge where the Endurance gauge used to be, and added the Combat State indicator in the lower-right. The XML is messy, since I mostly just commented the elements I didn't want, but it's functional and doesn't log any errors. I'm sure yours will be better, but this gets me by for now.
Tracking Window: I'm a druid, so there's stuff in the Tracking Window I don't/can't use. I took out the Tracking Filters and the Track Sort. Messy XML again, same disclaimer. Thought maybe you could offer it as an option for non-Ranger trackers.

Don't want to step on your toes, Kinada. I'm good with XML, and UI modding is fun, so I thought I'd lend a hand, since you've been kind enough to take over 2 UI's.

And now, Mr. Dancing Banana. :nana:

3xxx 09-22-2006 03:15 AM

Thanks Legoleaf!

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