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Eloora 05-24-2003 09:55 AM

I just wanna say that I'm very impressed with this UI. It has everything I like in it and really nothing I don't like. It fits well together yet all of the pieces are attractive and functional by themselves. It works very well with the /viewport feature, putting almost all of the information I need out of the viewing area, while leaving me 4/5 of the screen free still. As a monk, I can't help thinking that the design is "monk-like" too, whatever that means :p.
Thanks for making an awesome UI Talyns!!
/spank :nana:

Talyns 05-24-2003 01:33 PM

Glad you like it :)

Talyns 05-28-2003 12:34 AM

Tablets No Casting Wnd

This mod will get rid of the small casting gauge window.. This window really isn't needed because, the gauge also appears on the mana bar in the player window.

*Edit* Removed attachement all mods are now availble in the folder Mods in your main tablets folder

strizz 05-30-2003 11:04 AM

i just reactivated my EQ account after almost 2 years, and i wanted to add my thanks for this great UI. i spent a lot of time looking around for something like this, and i am very, very pleased that i found it.

keep up the great work!

wbbuch 06-02-2003 06:15 PM

Buff Window Change
I really like this UI except for one part - the buff windows. I downloaded the UI and tried to replace the buff windows with this buff window but whenever I do it causes an error in the UI and EQ reloads the default. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong and what I need to do to make the two work together?

Thanks, and Great Work!

Eloora 06-03-2003 02:30 PM

Heheh....I think that if anyone wanted to alter talyns UI they'd need a decent xml knowledge basis to work from since he has changed around so many elements in it - I was happy enough that I could replace the cursor :D . I am no expert by any means but usually I can make a UI work if I have to, however in this case I'm gonna leave it up to talyns if he wants to walk you thru the necessary changes. I don't have a problem with the buff boxes as they are but I do like the one you want to replace them with.

Talyns 06-03-2003 03:24 PM

wbbuch: My fault.. The reason it doesn't work is because it has a Window Template in it. The Window template uses wnd_bg_light_rock.tga as a background.. If you want to use it, for now, Open EQUI_Buffwindow.xml from Cairenns mod and look for..

Chage it to:

Next version you'll be able to just drop it in..

Eloora: I just hacked apart the EQUI_Animations.xml file and made a bunch of smaller files.. So if you want to change the mouse cursor you would open anim_cursors_default.xml and change it there..

Doing the animations file this way is sort of an experiment.. It should allow me to release graphics mods and people can pick and choose the way things look..

I just wanna get the little glitches out first..

Talyns 06-03-2003 03:40 PM

I updated the the 4x2 and large cast windows to include graphics for the Wood version of the UI...


wbbuch 06-03-2003 03:46 PM


Thanks for the fix... can't wait to get home tonight and give it a shot. Great Work as Always!

Eloora 06-03-2003 04:51 PM

Oh i think you misunderstood what i said, i actually figured out on my own how to replace the cursor ;) I love Sars blue cursor.
Quite a simple change for the buff windows too, I might stick with the horizontal to clear up some room on my screen (18" viewable screen at 1280x1024, think i'm a space hog?)

Thanks for keepin up with your fans talyns :nana:

Foxeous 06-07-2003 11:29 AM

First off, I just want to say that I am annoyingly picky when it comes to the UIs that I use. Takes me forever to settle down with one I like. Recently I've started up a new character, who is melee and a complete switch from my enchanter so I had to start hunting for a new UI - as my other one is completely geared towards an enchanter.

For a month now I have be unhappy with the UI I settled for and yesturday I stumbled upon yours. Brillant! It has everything I was looking for. Simple, everything is handy and it looks great.

However (ha ha) it lacks one thing that is a simple must for my UIs. I hate looking through my windows to the world of Everquest. Now that I am a melee, I dislike seeing the mob I am attacking through my chat window, or whatever window is at the bottom. The fade effect just isn't my thing. So I use UIs that alter the viewpoint so the windows aren't overlapping the EQ world window.

I am using the UI at 1024x768 bottom. I've been trying to alter it myself so that the EQ world screen ends where the UI windows begin but unfortunately it doesn't want to work for me :(

The part of me that is now a ranger will be your eternal fan if I could just get the adjusted settings for the viewpoint :D

Eloora 06-07-2003 12:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I totally agree with you fox, I'm rather picky too and as a melee I hate having my mobs blocked by chat. The viewport command is very simple, especially if you just want a small bottom portion to be undrawn. I'm not going to go into detail about it b/c other posts do much better ya just gotta look for them.
Below is a hastily edited SS of my ui :D. It's not quite the same window placement as Talyns gave as an example but this works well for me. As you can see I've made my chat boxes completely transparent for maximun visibility of chat, and my windows align exactly with my /viewport setting, which, for 1280x1024, is 0 0 1280 801 to be exact, which simply means that 801 out of the 1024 vertical pixels have been drawn from the top up. With a little insight you can figure out what portion that translates to in 1024x768, though it'd be smarter to just place all of the windows at the height you want them, then do a test viewport that's, say, 100 pixels or so lower than what you'd guess so that you've got some extra black screen to work with.

Anyways I hope that helped you some, I like giving the mod squad a break every now and then if I can ;)

wulfgar22kc 06-07-2003 03:29 PM

Good skin
I use the blue version of this skin. I love it. The only thing I would like to see changed/added would be the diety name being visible somewhere.

Foxeous 06-09-2003 09:46 AM

The viewpoint looks like this


No matter how I change it to allow the bottom windows to be outside of the EQ world window, nothing changes when I load the UI. :(

Talyns 06-09-2003 06:38 PM

I did misunderstand, I'm sorry... It is good info to have in the thread though!
No you're not a hog.
Now if you said 1600x1200, I might think a little differently ;)
It's nice to see the world too, not just the interface!!

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