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-   -   Patch 090507: How to Fix the Buff/Short Windows (http://www.eqinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19276)

thelonstormeyes 09-05-2007 05:35 PM

Tried all the above mentioned fixes, nothing's working for me yet. Doesn't suprise me they let a bug this bad go live. And I doubt they're in any hurry to fix it, just as long as our money keeps rolling in...

Hulfdane 09-05-2007 05:55 PM

Drakah love your UI (use the steel one personally). I tired the fix and it sorta worked (I think) I got my Buff Window and SD Buff Windows to show up in the same general area, but they seem to be a little bit off and not in any particular way one is off to the left other to the right. Any suggestion?

here is a pic:


and BTW you guys that make UI and keep them running don't ever get enough credit


Kaiena 09-05-2007 06:22 PM

Originally Posted by Hulfdane
Drakah love your UI (use the steel one personally). I tired the fix and it sorta worked (I think) I got my Buff Window and SD Buff Windows to show up in the same general area, but they seem to be a little bit off and not in any particular way one is off to the left other to the right. Any suggestion?

and BTW you guys that make UI and keep them running don't ever get enough credit


I had a similar problem I'm using HTTK buff window and all I really had to do was load default and resize the buff window till they matched up, maybe not a real fix, but worked for me till soe fixes it /shrug

sneekypeeks 09-05-2007 06:36 PM

Getting this from my UIerror file

UIErrorLog created at Wed Sep 05 17:50:30 2007
[Wed Sep 05 17:50:41 2007] XML reference error! WindowDrawTemplate[12]:WDT_FiligreeThin[10] referenced but NEVER declared!

[Wed Sep 05 17:50:41 2007] Error validating symbol table.
[Wed Sep 05 17:50:41 2007] Error loading skin: loading default skin instead.

What does it mean?

mrc12 09-05-2007 06:41 PM

indirectly do you by any chance haev a patch that will allow me to move the pet window in side of the legacy UI? For years i've been having to swap back and forth between legacy and default any time i have had to move it.

TeadadarBB 09-05-2007 08:29 PM

also, as i found for myself ( still trying to figure out how to fix it ) but my UI was crashing on load in, but if i came in on Default, i was able to load my UI. The reward claim window was changed / no longer works in my UI. Since i have an existing claim the displays when i log in, i crash before i can even load in fully. So claim the reward in default and fix it before you finish your next task /shrug

Drakah 09-05-2007 09:11 PM

Originally Posted by Hulfdane
Drakah love your UI (use the steel one personally). I tired the fix and it sorta worked (I think) I got my Buff Window and SD Buff Windows to show up in the same general area, but they seem to be a little bit off and not in any particular way one is off to the left other to the right. Any suggestion?

here is a pic:


and BTW you guys that make UI and keep them running don't ever get enough credit


My example was really just that.. an example. Just trying to show that the window size of the buff and shortduration buff windows needs to have the same size in your UI file to keep the same size.

This "bug" is also apparent with the loot window too. The XML window size of the loot window has to be listed in the UI file with those window sizes too.

Once you see them correctly in game, you can unlock the window and move it about.

Again, this "bug" only affects static windows that you cannot alter the size of the window in-game. Sizable windows you can alter it easy, for example, the default UI.

Wumadce 09-05-2007 09:28 PM

We expect to have an emergency game update occur sometime between 4am and 4pm (pdt) tomorrow to correct some of the problems that occurred with today’s update. We are targeting for an early time in that range but have not finalized everything yet. Once we have confirmed the time, we will get the message out via the website, forums, and/or in game. ~ Zatozia (7:09pm pdt)

From Sony forums. Hopefully it'll fix the UI problems.

Drakah 09-05-2007 09:30 PM

heh I still had that info in my clipboard to paste it here too, ya beat me to it :)

blackdragons 09-05-2007 09:43 PM

had to do also
only windows i am having problems with is the mini map window ( is about 12 inches sq now) and the default aa window ( too short to show buttons etc)

i tried the above with changing toon.ini to match xml size, it didnt work.

so playing around i looked in default.ini and seen the width/height there also, changed it and and toon,ini size to match xml and got it working, although on a few toons i now get leader window popping open everytime i zone.

why cant sony leave the working stuff alone and fix stuff that doesnt work /sigh.

hope this helps someone.

Rodth 09-05-2007 09:54 PM

Where are the icons?
I fiddled with the sizes and got it to work. I can see the entire window but there are no icons showing. Any ideas?

Tolkien_Rocks 09-05-2007 10:03 PM

The fix you posted leaves out two lines under the buff window for 1600 x 1200 resolution users. Was raiding tonight and had to patch fast and saw that my short duration buff window was fine but the buff window was not. These two lines need to be added to the buff window fix to work in 1600 x 1200:


Drakah 09-05-2007 10:06 PM

All depends what resolution you use. Personally I just use 1280x1024, and I did add in some extra ones for the heck of it, but ya, you would have to add in the resolutions with the correct width/height.

sneekypeeks 09-05-2007 10:55 PM

Okay, trying ot fix my UI, came up with this in UI error file now.

UIErrorLog created at Wed Sep 05 22:27:20 2007
[Wed Sep 05 22:27:34 2007] XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_ChatMax[752] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_ChatMaxP[753] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_ChatMaxH[754] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_MaximizeBtnNormal[755] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_MaximizeBtnPressed[756] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_MaximizeBtnFlyby[757] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_MaximizeBtnDisabled[758] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_MaximizeBtnPressedFlyby[759] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_FiligreeThinFrameRightTop[760] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_FiligreeThinFrameRight[761] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_FiligreeThinFrameRightBottom[762] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_FiligreeThinFrameLeftTop[763] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_FiligreeThinFrameLeft[764] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_FiligreeThinFrameLeftBottom[765] referenced but NEVER declared!

[Wed Sep 05 22:27:34 2007] Error validating symbol table.
[Wed Sep 05 22:27:34 2007] Error loading skin: loading default skin instead.

And when I try and open my template file, it goes directly to a website that I can't change the text too. Any ideas? I don't even know where to begin to look for the files its talking about.

Brighid741 09-05-2007 11:14 PM

You have to right click and Open With -> Notepad. The changes you need to make are the ones from the August patch and you can find the was/is files from Dolby here:

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