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Gijoew1 10-13-2010 10:49 AM

Thank you ;) Works great!

redfox 10-13-2010 11:59 AM

If I might ask such, what was required to make the ui HoT compatable?

deepdown79 10-17-2010 03:11 PM

Inventory bags
Originally Posted by tjloa
hi there deep first i want to thank you for the upkeep of this ui. WOOT to you! But i do have one concern its when you open up your inventory bags. Did you intentionally leave them so that they don't look like the old ones when you opened them? In other words when i open them its just a box with slots no button to close or if its a tool box no button to combine or close? Thanks again for your help.

Quartz uses no modified container bags (EQUI_Container.xml), so however they are is the default schema.

Bags are resizable now, so you might try adjusting your bags, or downloading another bag mod and dropping it into the Quartz folder.

Originally Posted by redfox
If I might ask such, what was required to make the ui HoT compatable?

I had to adjust the spellgems in the new EQUI_Animations.xml down so that they would fit into the smaller spell window and hotbars.
24 -> 18 (Not 16, as I previously stated. My bad.)
256 -> 192

Originally Posted by Fessic
Any chance i could get a single hot bar windows? instead of two sparate windows if you need to code i have it. I just have not had time to look into the fix yet

The hot bar windows were single back before there was an option for multiple hotbars. I haven't done any research to figure out if I could combine hotbuttons from multiple bars into a single window, but I'm inclined to think that that would break the UI.

I'm actually more inclined to figure out how to incorporate hotbars 3 & 4, as the devs continue to increase the number of activated AA abilities.

deepdown79 12-08-2010 11:44 AM

Update 3.7.1 will be uploaded as soon as I get in game to test the modifications.

Updated for 08 Dec 2010:
*Added Neck clicky slot to Actions window. There are now 13 clickie slots.
*Updated UI_Character_Server.ini file
*Fixed EQUI_Animations.xml

Gijoew1 02-09-2011 10:06 PM

Update Needed
Hello out there. Is there any chance this UI will get an update for the latest patch from 2/9/11?

luckyhoney25 02-10-2011 08:00 PM

I was wondering the same thing.

deepdown79 02-12-2011 12:12 PM

Hi guys, I apologize for the delay.

I'll be uploading the fix shortly. Glad you guys like it.

Also, I'm working on 4.0, which will cause the UI not to be broken when they update the EQUI_Animations.xml file. Hopefully, that'll make each version last much longer :)

deepdown79 02-12-2011 12:52 PM

I guess I did a patch instead of updating the base file.

The patch file that was uploaded is the complete 3.9, so install like brand new, for those that downloaded it already (you are really quick, btw!).

Actual update pending.

deepdown79 02-12-2011 03:37 PM

4.0 and Farewell
Author's Note

I am moving on from Everquest, and will be putting this project down as a result. In this final version, I have attempted to make it as break-proof as I can. This required a return to default spellgem sizes, and I thought, "What better way than to return to the beginning?", so I resurrected Statix Cinderblade's UI, and put things back in their proper place.

I'd like to thank Statix for this beautiful design. I have enjoyed many, many hours of EQ through the lens of this interface.

Thank you to the folks here at EQInterface. Your tireless efforts provide a better gaming experience for so, so many.

I would also like to thank the users of this UI. This is the first time that I have ever "published" anything, and it is quite a thrill to see one's work appreciated.

Signing off,
Kragar Fiftyonedps - Redeemed 85 Barbarian Rogue <Machin Shin> Xegony
Machin Fiftyonedps - 90 High Elf Cleric <Machin Shin> Xegony

luckyhoney25 02-12-2011 07:30 PM

aww :( sorry to see you go. I really do love your work on quartz it is one of my favorite Ui. Thank you for updating and thank you for all your hardwork :)

luckyhoney25 11-15-2011 11:20 AM

the hot bar buttons broke in voa..:(

redfox 11-15-2011 04:32 PM

Originally Posted by luckyhoney25
the hot bar buttons broke in voa..:(

Seconded. Yep, Hotbar non functional. The UI will still load if you do not make use of the updated animations and window files, just the hotbutton bar is inoperative.

Attempted several fixes, none with success.

Will post the error files in a day or two.

Unfortunately I know little to nothing about XML and often have syntax errors / issues. Otherwise I'd plan to take over the repairs since it would seem no others wish to do so.

Ebonylight 11-15-2011 09:43 PM

Ive been updating this UI for quite a few expansions now. Trying to fix the hotbars. Will post if I do.

Fessic 11-15-2011 09:48 PM

I have been updating this UI as well, i am also working on the hot bars but not luck yet anyone fixed the player window yet?

Ebonylight 11-16-2011 09:58 AM

The version I have (pretty much stuck to Statix's basics) seems to have everything you "need" working but the hotbutton window. Guild window is a lil messed up and some other things but that should be fixable. These hotbuttons are lame.

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