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Folly 09-18-2002 06:51 PM

Rivervale is listed as RiverDale, and the succor point in west karana is outdated, they moved it a few patches back.

Valtar 09-19-2002 12:43 AM

Great Work, it works great but you should add the Feedback back in just in case it is ever needed. Let me say again Great work very worth while project keep it up :D :D :nana: :nana: :D :D

Budil Seeker 09-19-2002 02:47 AM

add the feedback to it

Elpiper 09-19-2002 05:41 AM

Folly is correct about the WK succor point. EQDruids added that it is near the Queynos Hills zone, but the /loc was not changed. It is now closer to pos 500 neg 1000.

Also note that the Cobalt Scar point was changed in a very recent patch. It is no longer in the middle of an otter camp, but on the ramp to SS (where using the key from within SS drops you) which is at about neg 750 pos 800.

*Note: I looked for the Velious succor point to correct the CS one in my file, but did not locate it. I found Antonica, Faydwer, Luclin, Odus and even the planes... Did you perchance forget to include the Velious Succor points?

Atheenath Dawns 09-19-2002 06:02 AM

WOAH so many replies thank u thank u thank u !!

:nana: :nana: :nana:

1. Rivervale
Can you believe that I've played this game since beta and that I ALLWAYS referred to Rivervale as Riverdale ? I mean, I could have sworen it was spelled with a D and not a V. Reading the post this morning, my first thought was : What the heck is RiverVale ? :P

Its going to be corrected :)

2. Feedback.
Looks like Im going to have to re include the feedback functions in there again. Not quite sure of how im going to do this, I could :

a) Add a new tab (would be visible all the time and perma make the mod a tag wider)

b) Add the feedback window at the bottom of the last page. You would scroll down, for example, the succors tag, and after the succors further down the scroll you would have the feedback window.

Both are equal in code, so thats not the issue really. Either option is fine by me. Any prefferences on your side ?

3. Succors (EDIT : read Abscond if you're a wiz ;)
OMFG Elpiper you are absolutely right, I purely and simply ZAPPED the Velious succors. I am really sorry about this. They will be added in today. The 2 succors that have been changed recently will also be corrected.

Keep on giving me your imput guys, this is great help to me, and also extremely motivating :)


Atheen :D

Elpiper 09-19-2002 06:03 AM

BTW as far as the /feedback functionality, I wouldn't want it in there. As I am stuck at 1024x768, the less wide the window is, the better.

If it's not complicated, maybe you could offer 2 versions - one with feedback and one without.

Overall I love this mod. I was using the other one which is available on this site, but it has some instability problems causing a crash to desktop once in a while, so I much prefer yours. All I did was change all instances of the word "succor" to "abscond". What can I say? Wizards don't succor. :)

One question, if you know. Once we open the window, can we then keep it onscreen in a minimized state? Will that affect the game? And will it still be there when we relog?

Budil Seeker 09-19-2002 09:41 AM

Would it be possible to have the feedback as one of the tabs. like you have a tab for kunark, luclin ,and feedback?? if you wish to leave feedback you just click on the feedback tab and type away and has the send in that tab section. Just an idea (wouldnt know where to begin to do this stuff) and my gratitude to everyone who shares there work with others..

Cairenn 09-19-2002 10:15 AM

If you look at it, can you figure out what Reed did to make his Bard Spreedsheet in the feedback window? He has left the feedback functionality and added the bard stuff as a tab below it. Just thought you might be able to use his as a bit of a template? /shrug

FIstripper 09-19-2002 01:07 PM

Did you hand code all of this information ?

If so, WOW dont think i could type that fast

Im lookin for a way to output formatted text to a window and for the life of me i cant figure it out.

I tried reeds nice little tool for csv output but i keeps crashing on XP

Atheenath Dawns 09-19-2002 01:11 PM

About the feedback fields

3 options are available. I can either

1) Add a tab

* Good point : would be easier to access the feedback option
* Bad point : would make the MOD wider by a tab.

2) Put the feedback option at the bottom of one of the existing tabs (first or last one most prolly)

* Good point : would keep the size of the mod unchanged
* Bad point : you would need to scroll down till the end of the locs of that tab to access the Feedback fields.

3) Make a Second version of the MOD including the Feedback tag and leave the actual version unchanged

* Good point : it wouldnt change anything for the people that dont care about the feedback option. In this case though, I will add a tab to the 2nd mod version.
* Bad point : I can allready SEE pple downloading the wrong version and spamming my email box :D

I will wait untill tomorrow to see the answers that you guys will post on this thread, and whatever option the majority chooses I will go for. Whatever option is chosen, the according MOD(s) will of course also come with the updated succors for WK and CS and including the Velious succors that I .. erm... forgot to put in /blush

So keep on posting your reactions, and I will just adapt the BETA 2.0 version(s) accordingly :D


Note : and YES FIstripper, I DID enter all of this information manually :D

Valtar 09-19-2002 03:14 PM

I know this dosen't apply to eveyone but my pref. would be another tab.

Keep up the great work Atheen:nana: :nana:

Brimztone 09-19-2002 03:54 PM

about the feedback box
Just remember, you can make it one or two lines long and turn on the vertical scrolling, This way you can put it at the top of the screens and it wont be so obtrusive. Put the Send and Cancel Buttons on either end of the box to save size as well.

Just my 2 copper :)

Budil Seeker 09-19-2002 04:10 PM

I would like option one or two im easy to get along with hehe.

Budil Seeker 09-19-2002 09:27 PM

wasnt sure if you had this site info but might help with some info gathering if need be. and of course there is always that chance that info is wrong or has been changed over time as well


Atheenath Dawns 09-20-2002 05:07 AM

Brimztone : i know hun but thanks /hug. If i decide to add the feedback to an existing tab, it will be at the bottom of it scrolling down and not at the top though, since I believe that people need to see the locs more often than the feedback option :)

Budil : aye hun I have that page amongst others, fould a couple of locs there too, eventhough it was not my main source for info.

Cairenn : the feedback functions are still there. they are just not visible, I am just giving people a chance to express themselves so that I can find out where you guys would rather have me put them back in. Will be decided tonight.


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