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Corbeau 11-02-2002 05:55 AM

Strange problem : i can t move chat windows.

Can you help ?

Lasagna 11-02-2002 10:13 AM

I think it was already explained in this forum, but incase that was a different one, you cant. Since they have no title bar, you just have to resize them into the position you want them. And many thanks Xym!

Corbeau 11-02-2002 02:20 PM

I can t resisze sorry
on left impossible to get the arrows to resize

I use the UI all day long :

There is no family name and title in the upper left corner

The stats and resist are not very clear. I will prefer MR PR DR icons for quick check, same for stats

No need of family name in group windows
Their is a zero percent permanently on screen. Perhaps old mana % ?

I love this ui, i hope the 1600 per 1200 will be out soon.

Lasagna 11-02-2002 07:36 PM

what do you mean on left? If you mean on the side that touches the other boxes, perhaps there is a slight overlap -- just turn the one next to it off and try again. Or, perhaps, it is locked.

armarua 11-03-2002 01:38 AM

Xymarra very nice UI
:D I'm going to poke around in the coding to see if i can streamline it a bit more for you when i get it done i'll send you a copy. Overall it is a very nice UI. Keep up the good Work X!

tanithis 11-03-2002 04:54 AM

This is a great UI but I play a necro and it is nice to have a pet window up. Is there anyway to get rid of the timer thingy and get a pet window?

Blackpoint 11-03-2002 05:39 AM

Pet Box and Stat Info
I noticed in the screen shots theres a box w/ stat information ... but i dont have it ... what is that under ... i've changed Resolutions thinking it was hiding but i dont see it ...

Also, that timer thing ... i dont need it ... and i think that anyone that plays a pet class would luv to have a pet command box than the timer.

Help me find it ... i've clicked all my buffs options and stuff... can't find it

Thanks ...

Otherwise .. this mod is the best i've seen yet...

Xymarra 11-03-2002 05:38 PM

Is there anyway to get rid of the timer thingy and get a pet window?

Yes, replace EQUI_PetInfoWindow.xml with the one from default, or from a different UI.

I noticed in the screen shots theres a box w/ stat information ... but i dont have it ... what is that under ... i've changed Resolutions thinking it was hiding but i dont see it

That lives in the target window. You probably have it hidden. Hit Alt-T to make it appear.

Also, that timer thing ... i dont need it ... and i think that anyone that plays a pet class would luv to have a pet command box than the timer.

Well, I play an enchanter primarily. I find that having my pet's name and health is perfect for keeping track of my summoned or charmed pets. I use hot keys, not buttons, to issue commands, so I find the buttons to be useless clutter. You are free to replace the timer with a pet info window if you so choose.

Ssmokey 11-03-2002 09:26 PM

Explanation of Resizing Chat Windows
I am having the same problem as Corbeau. The chat doesn't have a title bar, so I can't move it, I understand that. I have made sure that the Lock isn't on for my chat window. If you move the mouse to the edge of the window, you're suppose to be able to resize it. This works across the top edge of the chat window, but it does not work for the other 3 sides. I can only make my chat window taller, not wider, or more narrow, and as a result, I cannot "move" the windows using the resize trick.

This is a great UI and I would love to use it!! But right now my chat windows are on top of each other, and I am not able to make use of the UI.


faBBe 11-03-2002 09:32 PM

Nice work!
One of the best I've seen so far.

Xymarra 11-03-2002 10:01 PM

Thank you, everyone, for the positive feedback. I am glad that so many people find my work satisfying. :)

If you move the mouse to the edge of the window, you're suppose to be able to resize it. This works across the top edge of the chat window, but it does not work for the other 3 sides.

The top border is four pixels wide so that you can grab it easily and pull the top up or down. The other three borders are one pixel wide. You can grab them and resize the window, somewhat painstakingly.

Alternatively, you can use the UI_Basic_00.ini file which will place four chat windows in reasonable places, two visible at the bottom and two invisible just above them.

Rizuma 11-04-2002 09:00 AM

Pet Info window
I to play a necromancer and want to use the pet window vs hot keys. I've tried replacing the pet info window file with another moded pet window and even the default one. However, each time I try that the skin will error and refuse to load up.

I love this UI and for now I'm using hot keys for pet commands. If the pet window can replace the timer it would be icing on the cake though. :)

aeluin 11-04-2002 10:05 AM

the problems with using hotkeys for pet commands are twofold: you can't command your pet while casting and you lose the space for additional hotkeys (at least those of us who can't handle more than one page...). On the plus side you get to add neat little social thingies in with your pet commands- but for me, the pet window with buttons is much more functional.

Xymarra 11-04-2002 04:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Well, I hate buttons. ;)

I will give feedback to Verant, suggesting that hot buttons should work during spell casting. That's a legacy from old UI days.

I do use a second panel of hot buttons for pet commands when playing my enchanter. When playing other pet classes, I hotkey "/pet attack", "/pet back off" and "/pet report health" and just type the rest as needed.

I just tested the default pet info window with my UI. I had used one element from the pet window in the player window without renaming it. Use the attached player window if you want to use a different pet window.

Ssmokey 11-04-2002 05:47 PM

An Update to the chat window problem.

For anyone else who had a similar problem as me, you can delete the chat window xml from Xym directory and copy the default chat window xml to there. This gave me the title bars so you can move the window around, and it still matched the rest of the UI!

Looks good now! yay!

fyi, i use a higher resolution than the one its designed for, so that is why loading with the default placements didnt work for me.

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