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Minalcar 10-27-2005 12:00 PM

The buff icons are smaller. Maybe half of regular size.

Malbro aka Minalcar

JNorton635 10-27-2005 02:27 PM

Anyone having trouble losing the cursor? How do i fix that? I mean I can see my mouse functioning in game but it has no pointer graphic on the new default UI much less any other that i get to work.

matt36 10-27-2005 02:30 PM

I don't have a problem with the new UI .. except .. I prefer the old buff icons, any way to use those with the New UI?

menazar 10-27-2005 02:34 PM

new ui
I Hate It Ihate It I Hate

shmoozo99 10-27-2005 05:14 PM

Are there actually any functional changes in the new UI? By that I mean, does it provide any new buttons or useful pieces of information which were not there before? I ask because so far as I have seen all the changes appear to be cosmetic.

kasca 10-27-2005 05:45 PM

Soe ui sucks donkey dick! What they do look at what was done way back whin?? Hell lot better new uis out there.

digitalrex 10-27-2005 06:40 PM

I think it's a positive change, as they've changed the default to match the more streamlined player made interfaces.

devil_bane 11-01-2005 08:48 PM

Yeah this DOES suck SERIOUS ASS....
I cannot believe we are supposed to like this crap...

To all UI builders, PLZ... for us dinosaurs... DONT use the "new" spell icons for anything...

I have played EQ for a long LONG time, and I have loved it the way one loves a comfortable and trusted friend... and all these changes are NOT what I want. I just closed my Cleric account because my old custom UI is totally not working at all, and I am looking for a new one. Mine was old enough I had to drop to default for alot of functions, but in combat it was simple, minimal, classy, and soooo efficient. The more they change about the game the less I like it. New CONTENT is good. Forcing me to change the very way I VIEW the game... BAD...

Sparxx 11-02-2005 02:36 AM


/loadskin default_old


possumboy 11-02-2005 06:46 AM

Agree with devil_bane
/rant on!!!

These changes are not what I wanted either. In fact, did anyone ask for it at all??!!

I, personally, am sick of SOE screwing my UI up everytime they change something. I am VERY happy with my custom UI thank you, thats why I use it! But everytime they make a change to theirs, it seems to make mine go haywire and become unusable!

As for the new spell gems! One word.... WHY???

We were all perfectly happy with the set-up we had!

Originally Posted by devil_bane
The more they change about the game the less I like it. New CONTENT is good. Forcing me to change the very way I VIEW the game... BAD...

Agree, agree, agree!!! I wish they would work out that not everyone likes everything they do! Especially when it is enforced upon us! Feels like it anyway!!!

Thank you.
/Rant Off!!

BTW, to all the UI updaters working so hard to keep our beloved custom UI's active, I'm sure the whole membership of this site will join me in saluting your dedication! Keep it up, PLEASE! :D

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