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-   -   Anybody else have the patch todat break their UI? (http://www.eqinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20101)

Halelen 12-09-2008 12:37 PM

No, simply copy what I have pasted there and open your templates file in your ui and scroll to bottom and paste that. and save and you are good.just make sure the /xml is below that

Queenla 12-09-2008 12:38 PM

You arent the only one he confused me with his mistake. I am not sure where I am supposed to copy and paste that tab stuff too?

Queenla 12-09-2008 12:39 PM

I use Drakah's eq2 ui and it doesnt have a template file in it. So that means it goes back to default? its my buff window that is messed. Shows names of buffs on one side and the actual buff is on other side of bar.

Neolithicx 12-09-2008 12:39 PM

Hi Hal =)

I have a similar/different problem. (?)

I have a folder with some specific things I use and default everthing else.

I have in this folder these things:




Plus some target ring stuff and my own (old) spell icons. That's it.

I loaded today and my Buffwindow, which usually has the name and icon was completely wrong.

So I removed that file from the folder which forces default window (which I do not like.)

Can you advise me too, please?


Gena 12-09-2008 12:39 PM

Cannot be templates alone

I do not have a custom templates file and the UI is borked, so any further ideas?

Halelen 12-09-2008 12:41 PM

open your uierrors file and read what it says..onbly things i had to change for mine to be perfect again was templates file and pet window...after that im up and no error. As for buff windows mine are working fine so not sure what issue you are having.


Lainiea 12-09-2008 12:49 PM

Originally Posted by Halelen
open your uierrors file and read what it says..onbly things i had to change for mine to be perfect again was templates file and pet window...after that im up and no error. As for buff windows mine are working fine so not sure what issue you are having.


Which custom UI are you using ?

Halelen 12-09-2008 12:57 PM

I use My ui Redux Evolution


Cynastar 12-09-2008 01:02 PM

I have no "template file" in my UI folder so, again I'm lost!! I am using the Quartz UI so, not sure if that effects anything or not but, I just wish they would stop F'N with are UI's...this sucks! Hal can you help me? Please?

Neolithicx 12-09-2008 01:02 PM

Just using a stripped down UI from long ago.

My buffwindow includes labels for the names of the spells. When I loaded it today it didn't work.

I include the file in post below this one (buffwindow file).

Hope you can help. =)


Camilie.rokz 12-09-2008 01:03 PM

I have tried everything and i just cant seem to figure this one out....
I use AYA (husband been keeping it up to date and i been helping) i did as you said about copying that FT_blanktab/page stuff into Template file and mine keeps saying tab/page is duplicate yet i cant find it anywhere else, any ideas?

This is the exact thing it says when i try to load :

[Tue Dec 09 17:57:01 2008] [Line:1770 Source:UIFiles\Default\EQUI_Templates.xml] Schema error - Duplicate item FT_BlankPageBorder
[Tue Dec 09 17:57:01 2008] Error reading XML.
[Tue Dec 09 17:57:01 2008] Error loading skin: loading default skin instead.

I removed my own Templates file from my UI folder and bascially tried forcing it to use Default one (wich should be update and most likely make my UI work but it isnt) Thanks for any advice :)

DragonSnap 12-09-2008 01:08 PM

Originally Posted by Halelen
As for buff windows mine are working fine so not sure what issue you are having.


I'm using Drakah Default Old UI. The Buff window is placing buffs left to right (instead of right to left) and stacking them vertically instead of horizontal. Also the buff in the left most corner (first buff) you can't click off.

LlMEY 12-09-2008 01:14 PM

This is my error DeltaX
Using DeltaX [this is a maintained UI and know I should be patient but am so lost without my UI trying for a temp quick fix from you more knowlegdgable peeps :) ] - no template file ... copying and pasting what it says at bottom of UI errors text file:

XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_HighlightTop[831] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_HighlightTopRight[832] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_HighlightRight[833] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_HighlightBottomRight[834] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_HighlightBottom[835] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_HighlightBottomLeft[836] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_HighlightLeft[837] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_HighlightThinTopLeft[838] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_HighlightThinTop[839] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_HighlightThinTopRight[840] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_HighlightThinRight[841] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_HighlightThinBottomRight[842] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_HighlightThinBottom[843] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_HighlightThinBottomLeft[844] referenced but NEVER declared!
XML reference error! Ui2DAnimation[6]:A_HighlightThinLeft[845] referenced but NEVER declared!

[Tue Dec 09 17:11:34 2008] Error validating symbol table.
[Tue Dec 09 17:11:34 2008] Error loading skin: loading default skin instead.

Any suggestions please?


Halelen 12-09-2008 01:18 PM

Limey all those are missing from your animations file...copy them from default and place in your animations and that will solve those problems...may show new ones after that but that will fix those.


Halelen 12-09-2008 01:19 PM

Originally Posted by Camilie.rokz
I have tried everything and i just cant seem to figure this one out....
I use AYA (husband been keeping it up to date and i been helping) i did as you said about copying that FT_blanktab/page stuff into Template file and mine keeps saying tab/page is duplicate yet i cant find it anywhere else, any ideas?

This is the exact thing it says when i try to load :

[Tue Dec 09 17:57:01 2008] [Line:1770 Source:UIFiles\Default\EQUI_Templates.xml] Schema error - Duplicate item FT_BlankPageBorder
[Tue Dec 09 17:57:01 2008] Error reading XML.
[Tue Dec 09 17:57:01 2008] Error loading skin: loading default skin instead.

I removed my own Templates file from my UI folder and bascially tried forcing it to use Default one (wich should be update and most likely make my UI work but it isnt) Thanks for any advice :)

Yes open templates and use the find feature... you have it listed twice. Are you using a custom sidl? someone said schema is a sidl error


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