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Jokker 01-14-2003 05:28 PM

When I heard the news of his passing last night I was at a loss for words. I did not know Gnar as well as some did but I do remember him always willing to come to the help of others no mater what he was doing. To do a Rez / Buff or just to sit in OT and watch out over a bunch of n00bs.

We all have heard of others passing on that played the game but when you hear of someone passing that you knew ingame and in IRL it feels different.

My heart goes out to the friends and family of Ken Jones aka ‘Gnar’. You will be missed but never forgotten

~ Jokker

Cairenn 01-14-2003 06:27 PM

My sympathies to all for your loss. :(

Ogru 01-14-2003 07:21 PM

My heartfelt condolences to those he left behind.


- Ogru Brudderbarsh
52 shaman of the Nameless

Harleyquinn 01-14-2003 07:34 PM

I mourn his loss
I knew Gnar for only a short time, but he was a VERY good person and he will be missed.

My Heart and Condolences go out to his family and friends for the loss of such a good person.

*bows head and gives moment of silence for the loss of Gnar*

Renodil 01-14-2003 09:17 PM

I am deeply sorry
I am saddened by this news, but if he was a man of God then I believe the Lord took him home and we will see him at the banquet table in the house of God and share in the bread of life.

I will keep you and him in my prayers.

God bless.

oderick 01-15-2003 06:31 AM

So very sad to here this news.

Gnar was a great player, and all I would like to aspire to in Norrath. As an old member of CoF I remember well his fairness and friendship to all.

My concolences to all that knew him.

Oderick Kanhealnbuff
Former pround member of CoF.

Eyekon1 01-15-2003 07:14 AM

I also play on zeb, and im sorry i never had the chance to meet this man. and to those that lost a friend, im sorry. our lives are just one huge book, and unfortunatly his came to and end. we should not mourn the ones we lose, but celibarte that they have moved on to a much better place. and remember that we will see our loved ones again, when the last page of our books turn. and we will once again share good times. god speed to all and long live GNARs name.

/em kneels and says a prayr

Brynnfar 01-15-2003 08:02 AM

I did not know him, or any of you. I do not play on your server, being a Xevian, but I think this illistrates a point not many people outside of EQ get. That although this is a "Video Game" it can also be a place for the good people of this world touch each others hearts and minds and real world friendships can spring forth. He sounds like a good man, and I am sorry for your loss.

tecmo 01-15-2003 08:30 AM

Want to say my love goes with U Kudane & all the Eqer's that knew Gnar . As well as His Rl family Hugs to u all. I know I sure will miss that Little Clr Love Ya Gnar Man :(

Zonemar 01-16-2003 01:20 AM

On Gnar's passing
Ken was My leader My friend and Like a Big Brother to me. He showed me what playing the game was all about. He would always make me smile by saying Hi Luv.. I am co-owner of the Guild Leder av ere and He is very missed by all of us we are going to stick it out and make this guild work to the end. He was standing by me when i told him that I was going to step down and join a uber guild so he said he would help me and he did but then I decided what the hell I will stay and help the Guild grow and He told me anything I wanted to do do cause He is My Friend thru the Thick and Thin. I talked to him Everyday on the phone and he made me laugh cry and laugh again cause he treated me like I was his little sister and that made me feel great.

Ken this is you. My Brother My Friend My Leader and My Luv you will always be in our hearts and Ledere av ere will always miss you and hope you look down on me and everyone esle and save our tails like always We Love you so much God be with you forever

Zonemar 01-16-2003 01:09 PM

about Gnar
here is a website to go to and read his obet if anyone wants to we loved Him so much and I know some dont know him but he was the best and the friendiest I have ever meet on the game


Sthikik 01-17-2003 02:19 PM


Man we lost Gnar... I could try to inject some humor... /shout Anyone able to Cust-Support Rez Gnar donating all my plat!!! but no matter how much plat or how many GMs come along Ken is gone

Being one of the Founders of ToH and CoF on Zeb server it hit me hard when I heard the truth of the loss when you called me. My mother-in-law (Risso) has an alt in Led guild, and when she told me she lost her Co-Guild leader I didn't know who it was, but another player... it saddened me then, but it didn't sink in. When you said it was Gnar I almost cried... Gnarly was like a brother, or as close as someone could be that I haven't seen in about a month

In Memory of Ken (Gnar) I'm going to have a GM reset my Surname to something appropriate to mourn him properly

I will be at the Fishing Village in N-Ro, even if I am KOS

Gadus 01-18-2003 03:40 PM

Hi all Gadus here.

I was in shock when i heard the news about G-man :(
I do know what we all feel It is very hard to put in words.

All of us that was in guild and have grouped with him will miss him a lot. but we do have the memory of him with us.

Is hard to set here and try to talk about it so will stop and G-Mam U will be missed a lot \..


Gnar Manamanbro 01-20-2003 11:29 AM

Gnar Manaman's RL family says thanks
Hey... I am Dan, Gnar Manaman's RL brother. Wanted to let everyone in EQ land know that Ken's RL family saw the thread and are greatful for the prayers, condolences and kind words.

We don't know much about the EQ world (I registered this account just to reply), but the comments in the thread tell us that this was a big part of Ken's world, and that he had a good EQ family... THANKS.

We had a service yesterday afternoon with the Youth Group in Ken's church, and then had a celebration with over 300 in attendance... RL family, friends and coworkers. We raised a glass in Ken's memory. We had good food, good memories and lots of love, and the centerpiece of the celebration was a powerpoint presentation with over 300 pictures of family and friends from his short 36 years.

Thank you all from Ken's RL mom, 2 brothers, sister, 2 neices, 3 nephews, 3 great-nephews, 1 great-niece, 2 uncles, 3 aunts, 1 great uncle, and dozen of cousins.

Gone but never forgotten.
I'm out.
Dan (Gnar Manamanbro)

Caealorn 01-21-2003 11:41 PM

Hey that is my Club of the Garou. kudane we talked on the phone a little. For Gnar, "When I was born the world rejoiced and I cried, I want to live my life so when I die I will rejoice and the world will cry." ~ anonymous
Needless to say Gnar lived that way. Love ya Gnar


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