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kopiwar 02-10-2003 09:06 PM

okay this is what i got out of this thread :)

the GAUGES rule

nwinn 02-11-2003 09:52 PM

I like the way you've set up your hotbutton window, but I don't see any buttons for changing pages. :\
The much smaller graphics for all your inventory and specific item slot looks very convenient, not too bulky. :D

Ainyan 02-12-2003 01:21 PM

The pet lifebar shows up. It uses a different gauge set than the other lifebar. =P

There isn't a way to turn the hotkeys... I always use shift. I can put one in though, since this incarnation of this particular set up has room. Inc update, soonish.

Ainyan 02-12-2003 02:11 PM


You can see the pet bar in the player info, it looks the same in a group situation.

The hotkeys do have buttons to turn the pages now, but limited room = limited buttons... they're on the bottom just beneath the last hotkeys and inventory spaces. However, they're very long, so not hard to target.

Ainyan 02-14-2003 04:19 AM

Made a few modifications, still not sure how I like, have to test in a few group/raid situations, but...


Meiamour 02-14-2003 08:00 PM

Actually I like the other way you had it :) I like as much of my screen as possible open so I like the buffs being small and running along the top. But maybe you can give the option in the download with both buff bars so the person can pick which they want maybe?

I use your other ui and love it :) Can't wait for this one.

Meiamour Lovingtouch
64th level High Priest

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