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CVamian 05-15-2003 04:45 PM

Thank you SO much for responding fast on this, sorry for asking all the questions I know ZILCH about the xml stuff, it was soooo frustrating.....

Cairenn 05-15-2003 05:00 PM

Not a problem. I knew zilch about the xml stuff too, when I started, and knew the exact same frustration, so I understand how it gets, that's why I help. :)

tater 05-15-2003 07:29 PM

OK, I'm having a similar problem getting rid of an error code.

[Thu May 15 19:03:58 2003] Error: Could not find child HPPercLabel in window TargetWindow

[Thu May 15 19:03:58 2003] Error: Could not find child HPLabel in window TargetWindow

I can only guess it's because I can't find <Pieces>Target_HP</Pieces>
in the TargetWindow.xml file. I did use the "find" feature. the custom UI I use swaps out target and player windows so I also looked in the PlayerWindow.xml file. to no avail.

I also have this strange warning:

[Thu May 15 19:05:31 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\druid\inv_portrait.tga not found in directory UIFiles\druid\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.

...and it repeats in the error log over and over and over again :(

I can 't find any such .tga file anywhere on my hard drive much less the default UI folder.

Other than these two items I was successful in patching with all the info here. No annoying percentage in the middle of the gauge bar ;) don't know what I'd do without your help here, thank you.

EDIT: found <Pieces>Target_HP</Pieces> manually... not sure why it wasn't showing up in search feature.. no mispelling.. no spaces.. I blame WinXP ;P

Still wondering what the heck inv_portrait.tga is... any clue why it's spamming my error log?

Cairenn 05-15-2003 07:42 PM

Originally posted by tater
OK, I'm having a similar problem getting rid of an error code.

[Thu May 15 19:03:58 2003] Error: Could not find child HPPercLabel in window TargetWindow

[Thu May 15 19:03:58 2003] Error: Could not find child HPLabel in window TargetWindow

I can only guess it's because I can't find <Pieces>Target_HP</Pieces>
in the TargetWindow.xml file. I did use the "find" feature. the custom UI I use swaps out target and player windows so I also looked in the PlayerWindow.xml file. to no avail.

You have to add that information from the information in my thread for yesterday's Patch.

I also have this strange warning:

[Thu May 15 19:05:31 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\druid\inv_portrait.tga not found in directory UIFiles\druid\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.

...and it repeats in the error log over and over and over again :(

I can 't find any such .tga file anywhere on my hard drive much less the default UI folder.

Other than these two items I was successful in patching with all the info here. No annoying percentage in the middle of the gauge bar ;) don't know what I'd do without your help here, thank you.

EDIT: found <Pieces>Target_HP</Pieces> manually... not sure why it wasn't showing up in search feature.. no mispelling.. no spaces.. I blame WinXP ;P

Still wondering what the heck inv_portrait.tga is... any clue why it's spamming my error log? [/B]

You must be using a t.king inventory, but for some reason don't have a t.king inventory portrait. Go snag one from his site (link can be found in my sig) or there was a person here that made a bunch, I believe the thread is now on the 2nd page of the Released forum with the link to her site.

CVamian 05-15-2003 07:45 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Heya Cairenn,

Now on my Player Mana, Group, and Target HP, I see a percentage in the middle of the bar as well as at the end where it usually is... How do I get the one in the middle of the bar to go away?

Here's what it looks like...

tater 05-15-2003 07:58 PM

Thank you so much Cairenn!

"You have to add that information from the information in my thread for yesterday's Patch."

I followed your post on the patch fix, but my UI swaps out TargetWindow and PlayerWindow.. so <Pieces>Target_HP</Pieces> is at the bottom of the PlayerWindow... not the TargetWindow.. I did add the appropriate information, but since it's in PlayerWindow and not TargetWindow it's still giving me:

[Thu May 15 19:46:19 2003] Error: Could not find child HPPercLabel in window TargetWindow

[Thu May 15 19:46:19 2003] Error: Could not find child HPLabel in window TargetWindow
..since it's not finding it in the file it's supposed to.

Can I just add those lines in the TargetWindow file anyway? Just plop 'em down at the end or sumfin?

Thanks again :)

Cairenn 05-15-2003 08:44 PM

Originally posted by CVamian
Heya Cairenn,

Now on my Player Mana, Group, and Target HP, I see a percentage in the middle of the bar as well as at the end where it usually is... How do I get the one in the middle of the bar to go away?

Here's what it looks like...

Just set the size of the new ones to 0,0. ;)

Originally posted by tater
Thank you so much Cairenn!

"You have to add that information from the information in my thread for yesterday's Patch."

I followed your post on the patch fix, but my UI swaps out TargetWindow and PlayerWindow.. so <Pieces>Target_HP</Pieces> is at the bottom of the PlayerWindow... not the TargetWindow.. I did add the appropriate information, but since it's in PlayerWindow and not TargetWindow it's still giving me:

[Thu May 15 19:46:19 2003] Error: Could not find child HPPercLabel in window TargetWindow

[Thu May 15 19:46:19 2003] Error: Could not find child HPLabel in window TargetWindow
..since it's not finding it in the file it's supposed to.

Can I just add those lines in the TargetWindow file anyway? Just plop 'em down at the end or sumfin?

Thanks again :)

Instead of putting them in the "swapped" file, put them in the one they "should" be in, and 0 them out like I just suggested for CVamian.

CVamian 05-15-2003 09:19 PM

They're all fubared now... trying to redo the patcher and stuff from the group universal fix... and it ends up loading default now "sigh"... so frustrated with this right now =( ... Trying it again... what is the size thing called to change it to 0.0? Won't it show a "0" instead of a percentage in the middle now?

I tried to fix it again with the universal fix, with the patchers and now it loads default ... arghh what am I doing wrong now? this is so darn frustrating .. enclosed is yet again my error file...

UIErrorLog created at Thu May 15 19:34:52 2003
[Thu May 15 19:34:52 2003] Warning: file EQUI.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:52 2003] Warning: file SIDL.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_Templates.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_CharacterCreate.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_ConfirmationDialog.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_CharacterSelect.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_FacePick.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_ItemDisplay.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BreathWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_NoteWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_OptionsWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BookWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_AAWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_CursorAttachment.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_FriendsWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_PetInfoWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_TrainWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BankWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_QuantityWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_ActionsWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_SkillsWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_SkillsSelectWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_TradeWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_MerchantWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_SelectorWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BazaarWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_GiveWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_TrackingWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_InspectWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_SocialEditWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_HelpWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_FeedbackWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BugReportWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BazaarSearchWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_ColorPickerWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_VideoModesWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_TextEntryWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_CompassWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_GemsGameWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_PlayerNotesWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_LoadskinWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_AlarmWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_RaidWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_RaidOptionsWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_MusicPlayerWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_FileSelectionWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BigBankWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_JournalNPCWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_JournalTextWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_JournalCatWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_ShortDurationBuffWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_StoryWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BodyTintWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_GroupSearchWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_MapViewWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_MapToolbarWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_EditLabelWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_GuildManagementWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Warning: file EQUI_TipWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] [Line:136 Source:UIFiles\Nebel\EQUI_GroupWindow.xml] Data error - No attributes expected on an element
[Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] Error loading skin: loading default skin instead.

is "Thu May 15 19:34:53 2003] [Line:136 Source:UIFiles\Nebel\EQUI_GroupWindow.xml] Data error - No attributes expected on an element"

The problem file?? ugh wish I knew how to do this on my own... thank you for your help on it though really is VERY helpful

Darkmatil 05-15-2003 09:39 PM

The reason the original poster couldnt find the lines Cairenn described is because at least in the mods i have there is no space on either side of the equal sign. I couldnt find the lines either until i just tried searching for half of the line.

CVamian 05-15-2003 09:43 PM

I got it to work the first time now it's loading the default, above in my previous post is my error thingy... ughhh ... I forgot to save over again my original work so had to start from scratch trying to fix it and it's just loading default grr this is sooo frustrating...

Regarding searching for the lines, I had to do partial words, and in my group the fix was not there for "LFG" so I had to put that in from the archive files ...

doggabone 05-15-2003 09:59 PM

It's always good practice to back up files or even entire folders before playing wich any code, xml or otherwise.

Originally posted by CVamian
They're all fubared now... trying to redo the patcher and stuff from the group universal fix... and it ends up loading default now "sigh"... so frustrated with this right now =( ... Trying it again... what is the size thing called to change it to 0.0? Won't it show a "0" instead of a percentage in the middle now?

If you're setting something's size to 0,0 - find something like:




Make sure it's the thing you want to hide! To the game, it is still part of the UI, but it is 0 pixels high and 0 pixels across.

If you're like me, and you're picky and like to optimize files and so on, there are a couple other ways to go.

For these new labels which may or may not be in your custom windows. You can enter a "blank" version. It would look like:

<Label item ="Target_HPPercLabel">

Put the matching Pieces tag at the bottom of the file in question (EQUI_TargetWindow, in this case)


The game complains if the ScreenID is missing, or different from what it expects. (For tags that have a ScreenID - I have not found any exceptions to this yet.)

If, like me, you have been using custom windows which used different names for some of these labels and such - then, if you can figure out which ones they are, you can rename them and change their ScreenID as appropriate. (With no need to add the new information to your files.) This is an advanced UI tweak, best for people comfortable with xml, though.

EDIT::Blame the fat thumbs ... post entered earlier than intended :P.

CVamian 05-15-2003 10:01 PM

Now they all are messed up and all I am getting is default loading on me... trying to find what the problem file is, group, target, or player.... put in all the right fixes and the group universal fix... still getting default... error files posted above

doggabone 05-15-2003 10:16 PM

Ironically, you posted that you had no back-ups of your original files while I was editing a post to include that advice. That wasn't meant as a knock against you :).

Your error is here:

Line:136 Source:UIFiles\Nebel\EQUI_GroupWindow.xml.
This message - "Data error - No attributes expected on an element" tells me that something is on that line that shouldn't be, or there is a missing ">" or something like that.

If you can't spot the error on that line, post it and I will see what I can do.

Fixing THIS error may uncover another! Welcome to a programmer's typical day at the office ;).

CVamian 05-15-2003 10:18 PM

Thank you sooooo much!!!....

Here's the thing as from notepad.... I haven't even been playing since I got home cause I can't get it fixed... I saved a copy of all my updated stuff now... ughh. . Here's the group thing..it's long as hell..

<?xml version = "1.0"?>
<XML ID = "EQInterfaceDefinitionLanguage">
<Schema xmlns = "EverQuestData" xmlns:dt = "EverQuestDataTypes"/>
<Button item = "GW_InviteButton">
<TooltipReference>Select a player and click to invite into the group</TooltipReference>

<Button item = "GW_DisbandButton">
<TooltipReference>Click to disband your target from the group</TooltipReference>

<Button item = "GW_FollowButton">
<TooltipReference>Accept an invitation to group</TooltipReference>

<Button item = "GW_DeclineButton">
<TooltipReference>Refuse an invtitation to group</TooltipReference>
<Label item ="GW_HPLabel1">

<Label item ="GW_HPPercLabel1">

<Label item ="GW_HPLabel2">

<Label item ="GW_HPPercLabel2">

<Label item ="GW_HPLabel3">

<Label item ="GW_HPPercLabel3">

<Label item ="GW_HPLabel4">

<Label item ="GW_HPPercLabel4">

<Label item ="GW_HPLabel5">

<Label item ="GW_HPPercLabel5">

<Button item = "GW_LFGButton">
<TooltipReference>Open LFG Window</TooltipReference>
<Gauge item = "GW_Gauge1">

<Gauge item = "GW_PetGauge1">

<Gauge item = "GW_Gauge2">

<Gauge item = "GW_PetGauge2">

<Gauge item = "GW_Gauge3">

<Gauge item = "GW_PetGauge3">

<Gauge item = "GW_Gauge4">

<Gauge item = "GW_PetGauge4">

<Gauge item = "GW_Gauge5">

<Gauge item = "GW_PetGauge5">

<Label item ="GW_PlayerPercent1">

<Label item ="GW_PercentFig1">

<Label item ="GW_PlayerPercent2">

<Label item ="GW_PercentFig2">

<Label item ="GW_PlayerPercent3">

<Label item ="GW_PercentFig3">

<Label item ="GW_PlayerPercent4">

<Label item ="GW_PercentFig4">

<Label item ="GW_PlayerPercent5">

<Label item ="GW_PercentFig5">
<Screen item = "GroupWindow">
<Text>Advanced Grouping</Text>
<TooltipReference>Advanced Grouping Window - By Rombus Mindspire</TooltipReference>


doggabone 05-15-2003 10:35 PM

I have this working on my machine right now.

You need to find:

<Label item ="GW_HPLabel1">

And BEFORE it (Line number 136, by the way), add:


And you're almost done. You have a "</Button>" somewhere else you need to remove. Find:

<Button item = "GW_LFGButton">

Immediately BEFORE it (this will be line number 363, or near it), DELETE:


That's the extra one. What happened is, a big chunk of the code got "jammed" into a Button tag. EQ got frightened :D .

You can email me (click the profile link) if you have any more questions - I'll be at my computer until about 1 a.m. EST (2 1/2 more hours).

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