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DDakota 09-22-2006 11:20 AM

I know this particular mod wasn't made by Kinada, but perhaps someone reading this thread knows how to make it happen.

I use the target/HoTT window shown here - http://www.eqinterface.com/download...nfo.php?id=3469 . But after the changes with TSS, it no longer highlights the target mob's /con color in the window. It used to not show only the HoTT /con color, but now it shows neither.

Would anyone here, perhaps even the creator of that particular mod, be able to fix this problem relatively easily?

If this is the wrong place to be asking, please say so and I'll delete this post.

And lastly, Thank you Kinada for doing what you've already done to fix Vert/Solaria. I was lost trying to use the default UI.

sonob 09-22-2006 02:26 PM

@Legoleaf: I have a problem with your fix, as my mana is not displayer properly. Instead of i.e. 10320/10320 it only shows 320/20 or something. As if there is not enough space for bigger numbers. Can you fix that?
Thanks in advance

Kinada 09-22-2006 02:44 PM

Thanks for your patients guys.

I think the next goal is to get a player window with the out of combat regen in it out for you.

After that I will begin the re-write of the charater select and other various fixes that need to go in. I think the inventory window needs a little love as well.

I'm a bit slow getting things done this expantion, been pretty busy but it is coming.

Legoleaf 09-22-2006 06:51 PM


If you're referring to the numbers on the Player window, just to the left of the Combat Indicator, that's your current/max weight, not your mana.

silenzhandz 09-22-2006 09:25 PM

Also want to express my thanks to Kinada, take you time, we are all working, we can do without the ooc until your fix comes. We are looking forward to it though :)

One quick question though, will the player window work for melee also, if not are you able to do a melee version, ie just switch mana for end.

One other minor thing I found, is that when you click on something the target ring is only the original con colors, target is working fine.

sonob 09-23-2006 04:36 AM

@Legoleaf : *selfbonk* it IS weight *gg*. But that leaves the question: where does the mana hide? HP is being displayed, weight, but no mana. Could you fix that? Cause otherwise it is great what u have done. And Cudos to everyone else that has the knowledge and will to contribute to this UI.

tallieGirl 09-24-2006 08:38 AM

You are greatly appreciated Kinada!

Thanks for all you are doing!

orthanos 09-25-2006 10:39 AM

Vert Mod
2 Attachment(s)
Kinada does a fantastic job of maintaining vert. thanks a ton for all your hard work

I don't want to step on any toes, but i was bored at work and modified the player window for TSS.

Hope no one minds.


Dlgoth 09-25-2006 11:48 AM

Originally Posted by orthanos
Kinda does a fantastic job of maintaining vert. thanks a ton for all your hard work

I don't want to step on any toes, but i was bored at work and modified the player window for TSS.

Hope no one minds.


I really like that. Any chance the regen box could be moved up a bit to be more parallel with the mana/weight/endurance? that way the box could be a tad smaller?

I'm quite the happy camper right now though lol. All I need is the 21?/7? right-alighned buff bars. :) I should really just teach myself XML ><

Kinada 09-25-2006 12:21 PM

Originally Posted by silenzhandz
Also want to express my thanks to Kinada, take you time, we are all working, we can do without the ooc until your fix comes. We are looking forward to it though :)

One quick question though, will the player window work for melee also, if not are you able to do a melee version, ie just switch mana for end.

One other minor thing I found, is that when you click on something the target ring is only the original con colors, target is working fine.

The player window that I distribute as a default has both mana and endurance listed on it so as to be as universal as possible. In the future I may go back to having multiple player windows for different classes.

The target ring colors are controled by the INI file which is part of the UI so I modifed that to show the new colors. They should all be correct now and will be posted soon-ish.

The player window has been updated and the inventory window now has corruption listed and I'll be posting them both as soon as I can along with the target ring INI.

silenzhandz 09-25-2006 04:48 PM

/hugs kindada - I would very much appreciate if you could get a pure melee one done, I'm sure it would be fairly simple for a genius like you :)

Exact same just remove the mana and resize I am guessing.

astusion 09-25-2006 04:52 PM

Thanks for the updates guys. Anyone know why Orthanos' player window works but it won't show the ooc regen box? other than that its working great :)

Dlgoth 09-25-2006 07:46 PM

Originally Posted by astusion
Thanks for the updates guys. Anyone know why Orthanos' player window works but it won't show the ooc regen box? other than that its working great :)

regen box works for me with Orthano's player window.

Dlgoth 09-25-2006 07:47 PM

Originally Posted by Dlgoth
I really like that. Any chance the regen box could be moved up a bit to be more parallel with the mana/weight/endurance? that way the box could be a tad smaller?

After USING the box, I see why it's the size it is. Wasn't aware that a timer bar was going to show up counting down when regen kicked in. Very nice.

orthanos 09-25-2006 09:41 PM

Works for me in the standard vert 2.7 with Kinada's fix for TSS applied fine. Not sure if your UI is missing some of the new animations file or something else.


Davoc 09-25-2006 10:32 PM

Working fine for me as well. The ooc regen timer was also a pleasant suprise.

barnard 09-26-2006 08:15 PM

Originally Posted by Legoleaf
Tracking Window: I'm a druid, so there's stuff in the Tracking Window I don't/can't use. I took out the Tracking Filters and the Track Sort. Messy XML again, same disclaimer. Thought maybe you could offer it as an option for non-Ranger trackers.

Anyone care to update the Tracking Window for us Rangers :D

Fariona 09-27-2006 04:58 PM

Miriam Webster Definition

Ranger (Noun) - That guy who checks the weather at his bind point for us all the time.

ardwinn 09-28-2006 06:52 PM

I know you all are working on it, but are we going to get a 100% compatible version anytime soon? oh pretty pretty please?

Giline 10-02-2006 12:17 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by Dlgoth
I really like that. Any chance the regen box could be moved up a bit to be more parallel with the mana/weight/endurance? that way the box could be a tad smaller?

I'm quite the happy camper right now though lol. All I need is the 21?/7? right-alighned buff bars. :) I should really just teach myself XML ><

Downsized Orthanos's Job. ;)

- Giline

Dlgoth 10-02-2006 09:49 AM

Originally Posted by Giline
Downsized Orthanos's Job. ;)

- Giline

How will that effect the timer that is created in the dead space that I mentioned later in the thread?

Sabur480 10-06-2006 02:11 PM

Any sort of ETA on the updated version with the TSS fix's? 2+ weeks now....I assume its coming?

Sabur Scissorhands
75th Warrior

Kinada 10-08-2006 03:38 PM

No ETA but fixes are coming, a full release will be a while as I want to add a few things I've been looking at doing for a while but aren't really TSS things.

The TSS stuff will all be posted here as it's completed and once I have all the compatability that I want I'll consolidate the files into 1 big zip file for you and also post it in the UI sections.

Things have been extra busy for me this expantion both in and out of game. Getting it out as soon as I can.

ProximusEQ 10-11-2006 12:43 PM

Guess it's time for try a new UI.

Dlgoth 10-11-2006 02:00 PM

Originally Posted by ProximusEQ
Guess it's time for try a new UI.

Why? It's working just fine with the fixes in the first post of the thread, or if you prefer any of the other player boxes that have been posted (3 in total now).

silenzhandz 10-11-2006 02:44 PM

Melee player window.
1 Attachment(s)
MatroxGreen46 did the fix for me on the player window. Please PM him for any help, he accepts donations and can fix UIs really fast.

silenzhandz 10-11-2006 02:46 PM

Caster version.
1 Attachment(s)
Player window: Caster version.

Dlgoth 10-12-2006 02:11 PM

I use the player window Orthanos made. I use it for my rogue, monk, cleric, wizard, whatever. It's universal. If you have mana, it shows mana. If you don't it doesn't. That's pretty much the only difference, and I don't see why you'd need class specific ones.

MatroxGreen46 10-12-2006 03:36 PM

I don't see why you'd need class specific ones.

Because some people prefer to maximize the amount of open space they have (Ones that play at lower resolutions / Ones that play pure melee or caster classes only)

orthanos 10-12-2006 08:24 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Made my Player window shorter.

Debating taking out the black background on the Combat Timer. Not sure though.

Since I am melee I like an Endurance bar I can see, the old pw one was too small and I am getting too old...=p

Also got tired of my health in red so I changed its color. =)

Anyone like it? I can make a melee only or a caster only if someone wants one PM me.


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