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kenwoodx2 01-08-2004 04:47 PM

I have decided to stop playing EQ, therefore I will no longer be updating or supporting this UI.. If anyone would like to take over this UI then please feel free.

lludias 01-11-2004 08:17 PM

anyone able
anyone able to tell me how to klik and drag an equipped armor piece to hotkey in this ui so i can usee my haste item?

eowynea 01-12-2004 11:25 AM

Oh my G. ! looks so great I spread the word around me in my Guild !

Very very nice ! No problem to use it (necros are lucky people :D ) !

B_Delacroix 01-12-2004 12:05 PM

I find it interesting the number of people who are quitting EQ.

surren 01-22-2004 09:36 PM

i happen to like this UI the most out of all the ones i have tried. was wondering if anyone will be able to add in the 3 new windows or link a good thread on how to add new windows

Ruffic 01-30-2004 12:27 PM

I have looked at many of the UIs and this is the one that I love the best. I am very disappointed to hear that this is no longer going to be updated, especially with the upcoming changes with GoD. The UI is a nice and clean, everything lining up beautifully. One of the main reasons why I love this UI so much is the merchant and loot window with all slots showing. I also love the fact that it is for 1024x768 where most of the UIs now require a much higher resolution.

If anyone is planning on continue the support of this UI, please make a post. Also, if anyone has any suggestions of UIs that are similiar, I would appreciate it if you would let me know.

shudson2 02-16-2004 11:33 PM

Love this theme what would be the possibility of a 1280 x 1024 version?

kenwoodx2 06-03-2004 12:05 AM

Well, I started playing EQ again so I will be at least supporting this UI for my personal use.. I currently don't have Gates of Discord so I haven't bothered to make changes for it since I am able to use the UI without the changes.. Sorry for you folks using GoD if it doesn't work...

As for a larger version, sorry but I won't be doing that.. Drakah's original Warcraft Emulated UI is in that size if you want the same style of UI.

Ruffic 06-03-2004 08:27 AM

I'm glad to hear you are back. With you saying that you were leaving and not updating the UI anymore, I've been looking hard for something that I could replace this with that had the same 'feel' to it. Needless to say, I never found that UI. I love this one! Instead, I worked on updating it through posts of previous updates. I made a Combat Utlities window along with updating with the patch updates. I am sure there is something I missed.

I hope you continue to work on this UI. I appreciate your hard work :)

kenwoodx2 06-03-2004 12:58 PM

Did you release the updates here on EQInterface? I haven't done any updates for GoD in this version..

Ruffic 06-03-2004 01:33 PM

No, I haven't. I haven't looked through the ui error log to see if anything is broken. I am always putzing around with it, so it is never 'complete' to me. Plus, I'm not confident enough with my skills to submit it with the experts here. :)

kenwoodx2 06-03-2004 01:45 PM

Well I might eventually get around to messing with the combat abilities window .. I just haven't found the time nor the inclination to work on it, since I currently don't have any pure melee characters.. plus I think I need to update my other UIs too..

Tarvaln 06-04-2004 03:27 PM

Spell Bar
Is there a way to get the spell bar on the left side and make it verticle?

kenwoodx2 06-04-2004 06:31 PM

Not right now there isn't (not without replacing the current spellcast window with another mod) .. I could customize it for you but I'm not sure how you would use it with the way the current windows work (the group window - which has your player hp/stamina at the top - takes up most of the screen space on the left at 1024x768 resolution ) Of course if you are using this at a higher resolution I can see how you might like to rearrange things.. I might put it on my list of things to do and offer a seperate mod for that sometime in the future..

Blacklord_sith 06-05-2004 02:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's an idea on that spellbar. I went back to Drakah's original spell bar, but I have 1 problem. There's not display of current mana. And we all know that's a must. Just thought I'd throw an idea out there, why not use this verticle style and add the mana bar like you had in your horizontal cast bar.

kenwoodx2 06-05-2004 06:04 PM

I'd simply suggest that you edit the group window and change the stamina bar to the mana bar (I haven't bothered to remove the stamina bar yet, and it isn't needed) .. That would solve your problem without requiring me to make any mods.. hehe.. plus I'm not going to mess with this for awhile.

Blacklord_sith 06-06-2004 01:15 AM

hmmm, good thinking. I think that sounds like a winner.:D

Tarvaln 06-07-2004 04:49 PM

Acctually i meant the right
Sorry, i'm retarded. I meant the right side. I saw that the group window took over the left. It's a really nice interface btw. I'm glad you're doing it.

Ruffic 06-20-2004 10:01 AM

I was wondering if anyone would be willing to tackle a Target of Target window for this UI. I am seeing more and more ToT windows for UIs and would love to have one that matches. This is currently beyond my scope of knowledge.

Thanks in advance!

kenwoodx2 06-20-2004 03:31 PM

I could attempt it but since I don't have GoD I would have no way to verify if it works correctly

Ruffic 06-20-2004 06:33 PM

I would appreciate any help that I can get. I am working on my leadership skills, but am unsure if I have the ability to test it yet either. Maybe someone else would be able to test it. Thanks.

kenwoodx2 06-20-2004 07:02 PM

Ok, I'll add it to my "to do" list.. not sure when I'll get around to it.. I'm only making changes when I get the urge to.. ;) .. Sorry about that but this is just a hobby after all..

kenwoodx2 06-21-2004 05:14 PM

Alternative cast spell window
1 Attachment(s)
Ok, I remade the cast spell window to be vertical .. Check it out and see if it works (I haven't tested it in game, just rearranged it in SidlWidl)

I'll get around to some of the other requests "soon".. ;)

kenwoodx2 06-21-2004 09:01 PM

Combat Ability window version 1
1 Attachment(s)
Ok, I finally did a modification to the Combat Abilities window.. This is version 1, I'll probably do another version later that would directly replace the cast spell window.. For now I just did a quick version that uses the graphics from the WoW UI.. Please try it out and let me know if it works

kenwoodx2 06-21-2004 09:43 PM

Target of Target
1 Attachment(s)
Ok, I modified the target of target window, but since I don't have GoD I have no way to verify if it works properly (only concern is whether the percent shows up on the guage or not, otherwise it should work properly) ..

I didn't make it exactly like the target window because the big circle takes up alot of room.. I did use the rest of the graphic though to surround the guage and the name.. You should be able to use this in place of the attack mode indicator and hopefully it won't look too strange.. I thought about actually modifying the background of the target window to include this, but it would take up some space for those who don't have GoD.

Anyway, give it a try and let me know if it works:

kenwoodx2 06-22-2004 03:49 PM

Larger Hot Button window
1 Attachment(s)
For those who are using this UI at a larger resolution, I made the hot button window larger.. This should make it a little easier to read the buttons at 1280x1024 and higher resolutions.. Try and out and let me know if there are any problems with it..

Ruffic 06-22-2004 05:33 PM

Re: Target of Target
Originally posted by kenwoodx2
Ok, I modified the target of target window...

Thanks for working on this, I appreciate it. I didn't expect it so soon as I have not gotten this ability yet. Hopefully someone will be able to test it out. If not, when I can I will let you know. :D

Ruffic 06-22-2004 05:35 PM

Re: Combat Ability window version 1
Originally posted by kenwoodx2
Ok, I finally did a modification to the Combat Abilities window.. This is version 1, I'll probably do another version later that would directly replace the cast spell window.. For now I just did a quick version that uses the graphics from the WoW UI.. Please try it out and let me know if it works

I really like how this looks. I haven't tested it, just looked at it in SIDLWIDL. I am impressed. One question though, any idea of screen placement for this? I'd like to see where others are putting this.

Thanks again for your hard work. Love this UI.

kenwoodx2 06-22-2004 06:04 PM

Re: Re: Combat Ability window version 1
Originally posted by Ruffic
One question though, any idea of screen placement for this? I'd like to see where others are putting this.

I'd suggest putting this one just above the hot button bar, though I'm sure others might find a nicer place for it.. again this is just version 1.. I will probably create another version later to go in place of the cast spell bar, and then maybe another one when I come up with an idea for it that I really like.. (this was just the rushed version)

Ruffic 06-23-2004 09:36 AM

Re: Target of Target
Originally posted by kenwoodx2
Ok, I modified the target of target window, but since I don't have GoD I have no way to verify if it works properly...

When I logged in today I got a UI error. This is what the UIErrors.txt gave me.

"Error: Could not find child TargetOfTarget_HPPercLabel in window TargetOfTargetWindow".

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