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soran 03-14-2005 04:33 PM

The "Do not use" bug is an issue on Sony's end. It will take a patch to fix it. The round little coin things are the pet gauges for the group :)

Kelrizzo 03-15-2005 11:41 AM

I've used those "coin things" often too as they change color was the pets health goes down.

Did I mention I REALLY like this UI hehe

/lights another candle in the Soran shrine.

soran 03-25-2005 02:35 AM

Small update
I made a small update tonight and fixed a problem with the selector window. The hott gauge was blocking the selector buttons. As a result the buttons appeared not to be working when you moved the mouse overtop. OOPS! On the screen it doesn't look like they overlap, but they do because part of the gauge "area" is invisible. I had to simply make sure the gauge was behind the buttons so they weren't blocked.

I also put the hott percentage in. Alot of people like it, but it stays there even when there isn't anyone on target. So I didn't initially include it.

If you don't like it there, here's how you get rid of it.

1. Open EQUI_SelectorWnd.xml in notepad
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the file.
3. Find the folowing line

4. Comment out that line so it looks like:
<!-- <Pieces>SELW_HPLabel</Pieces> -->

5. Save the file and then exit.
6. Reload the UI

Gazzaz 03-27-2005 12:41 AM

This is a great looking UI. I tried loading it up and All seems fine EXCEPT, I cannot find the HP/MANA numbers and gauges you have in the Pic. I see you have them located just above your left chat window and next to the bottom of your hotkeys but I don't have anything there. I tried resizing to see if they were off screen but that didnt help and Alt-p just turns on and off your saves and Inv/Dis keys.

Any help? I'd really like to use this one but need my health/mana displayed,


soran 03-27-2005 01:33 AM

If all got loaded correctly.. it's there. Try looking behind the chat windows.. or the other windows. It usually ends up in lower right corner if you load it without using the ini file.


Patch 03-27-2005 03:20 PM

wow nice i loved the ortin UI and was left out of place without it looks great, Dragnet KB... Name I haven't seen in a while too. /hugs~ Draggie

Dragnet 03-28-2005 07:23 AM

Waves at patch!!!

I love this UI. Its been my inspiration to get down and dirty with XML Myself. When I'm happy with what I've done and let Soran decide if he wants to publish my bits and pieces or if he's happy for me to put it out myself.

I've done the work putting the group info onto the hot button bar and adjusted the combat ability window to fit the side for a warrior friend but its definitely still in alpha for now. When I've finished the warrior version I'll put my mind to a vertical spell bar.

Dragnet Danceswithgods
Proud cleric of Bristlebane
(Now of Antonius Bayle)

soran 03-29-2005 08:27 PM

Preview of next update...
I've been working on another update. Mainly to make it a little better for hybrids to use the UI. I also got stricken with the creative bug and made all new GAUGES! They are a little brighter and more stylish. Here's a sneak peak. Let me know what ya think of em.

I'll update Dragnet' 6 person group window before I upload the patch, as the old graphics won't be compatible at all. I made alot of behind the scenes updates to clean up the code as well, I moved alot of the textures to the animations file, so I could reuse the gauges. Pretty blah, unless your into the XML stuff.

Oh ya.. no more empty pet gauges!

Look for this update at the end of the week..


Wolvig 04-06-2005 07:22 PM

Like the Ui. Would like to try with my Cleric but don't like the plastic look. Would it be to much to modify it into a TKing style?

oakling 04-07-2005 08:07 AM

I use this ui as both an enchanter and a mage. Would you make a pet window similar to the new combat skills window (with a tiny pet get lost button) to place alongside the hotbuttons? Besides this request my characters are VERY happy with your work.

aelflaed 04-08-2005 10:28 AM

Love the hybrid mods, sorry I don't have a hybrid high enough to test them for you.. = /

I looked at it closely, and now that you made that super slick disciplines window, the only thing you would need to do to make it completely melee friendly is: either make a slick looking actions window that could be put right below the disciplines, or for pure melee replace the spell gems with the action window. I know at least 4 hybrids in our guild that play with the action window open at all times anyway so you would prolly make a lot of people very happy with a mod for it. = )

But as always, great work my friend! Look forward to seeing what you come up with next!

Well.. loaded it up on my ranger, looks fantastic, seems to work great. Actually the action window is just fine as is, and I can stuff it next to the chat windows and make as many chat windows as I want so that's all great!

So.. I'm thinking this is dandy and I try to load it up to use on fisty, cause it's by far and away much cooler than what I have been using. Mana shows up as 0% which I'm used to and it doesn't bother me to have it there... but the whole bottom left group/spell/quick inventory doesn't open. Makes sense kinda, since the spell gem window won't open at all for pure melees, but the whole business isn't there since eq much flag that whole business as the spell window. /cry

On a good note, Banerm loaded it up and is quite happy with it.

70 Rogue of <Forged Souls> The Seventh Hammer

soran 04-08-2005 06:06 PM

That pesky action window.. I'll do something with it eventually :)

I'm gonna take a break from major updates for a while, so no need to fear me ninja changing something a week from now. I do plan on tweaking the combat disc window a bit and maybe looking into modding the pet window.

If I do get going on the pure melee version, it will be put out as a seperate UI and won't affect any of the current or files.

On a side note, I was talking to a guy in guild who has been using my UI. He showed me something I had no idea about. Apparently you can tint the windows to about any color you want!! I felt like a total newb when he explained it to me. I've been playing around with it, and I can't believe I never found it before.. LOL

So anyway someone commented that the UI was a little to plastic looking. Well, I found that when you set the TINT to grey, it doesn't alter the color scheme, but tones the blue background down enough so that it's a bit less flashy.

Some might like it. Right click on one of the main windows and select....
Window--->Background--->TintColor. Then click on the grey icon and see how ya like it. Or try different colors, it's kinda neat. To change it backto the original, set the Tint color to white. I might make some neutral colored buttons in the future so it will look decent with any color (just thinking outloud hehe).

Have fun


Zonemar 04-09-2005 12:26 AM

Tell window needs to have a place to close
Tell windows needs to a place to close it and need a way to move them around so if you get more then one tell for buffs etc you can see them but Love it :nana:

aelflaed 04-09-2005 03:24 AM

hehe, yeah.. I tinted them all with the dark teal colour for my ranger.. looks really pretty, goes great with the colour of the buttons.

And yeah, still gonna pester you for a melee version... cause now my roomate's using it and it's so nifty and pretty and functional.. and I wanna use it for my main! I swear... just take out the spell gems, I'll use it with a gaping hole there, I don't care! <3 ;)

70 Rogue of <Forged Souls> The Seventh Hammer

soran 04-09-2005 04:22 PM

Zonemar, you can move chat windows around via resizing them. View the readme file for details.

oh. you have the option where each tell pops up as a seperate window. I'm afraid the way I have chat windows set up, won't be good for using that feature. Sorry


Angling 04-12-2005 09:42 PM

Nice looking UI and Gnomes
Hi Soran,

I am a user of Ortin's UI but since it is slowly getting more out of date and upon reading the recent patch message I decided to go an alternative and found yours. It looks good. I like the fact that it has its origin in Ortin's.

I must also add that I like your current screen shot ...in answer to your question yes our guild only contains gnomes!

Angling Whalebane
59 Cleric
The Seventh Hammer

Dragnet 04-17-2005 07:02 AM

tell windows
I believe the only way to get the close box for tell windows is to set it for ALL chat windows.

If you are brave enough to try this - this is thinking out loud so don't try unless you understand how to fix anything you break.

Try removing the EQUI_ChatWindow.xml from the Soran UI directory and you should get the default windows back with the box in the corner. If you need to reset the window alpha to 30 - normal and 0 - faded

This is untested - try at your own risk (but would be nice to know if it works - have had a few people ask about this)


Put the file back if it doesn't fix it!

Angling 04-18-2005 10:15 PM

Now that I have used Soran's UI I still like it! Its taking a little bit to get used to looking to the left rather than the right but other than that it has been good.

I have a couple of suggestions or wish list items for Soran to consider. Note that I like graphical bars :)

- Health and mana bar for self. I would like these bars a little larger. Bars I think are easier to interpret and will catch your eye without necessarily distracting you from that all important heal.
- Pet window. It wasn't popping up when I summon my cleric pet (Mr Poofy). I find the window usefull even though he doesn't necessarily last that long, its is nice to be able to easily glance at him and determine his status. Theoretically you can also buff him so you can see what buffs he has.
- Experience/AA bar on main window. Could we have a bar between the exp and aa percentages at the top of the screen? Again watching that bar grow is nice.

Cleric, Seventh Hammer

mjnog 04-19-2005 04:15 PM

Been trying to download DoN updated Soran, but site seems to be down everytime I try, last 3-4 days it seems, anyone got a link

soran 04-21-2005 04:59 PM

Sorry that the website was down. All the files and optional downloads are up on EQinterface under Downloads-->Complete Sets-->Futuristic-->SoranUI..
Here is a
Quick Link


Kamie 05-11-2005 09:35 PM

Was wondering if this is avail
I love this UI but the most annoying thing to me is having to keep a window open when I am running and need my map... do you know of any UI that has a map that will work inside/along side this UI that I dont have to open a window to use it? In order words a perm a map someone ( a small one)????

soran 05-12-2005 03:44 AM

a map that will work inside/along side this UI

I'll look into it. I get annoyed as well. The default map window is HUGE!!

Also, the UI is now fully updated for the 5-11 patch. If you downloaded the temp fix, pls download the UI again and reinstall it overwriting the old files.

Kuryakenn 06-14-2005 03:36 PM

I love this UI!! Thank you Soran (and Ortin) for all your time and effort into making this. I do have one thing I would ask...if it is possible. When in a DON mission and we zone into Broodlands, trying to see the mark on the compass is difficult. Is there some way that line could be white or red or blue or something different anyway...it blends into the compass lettering and I have a difficult time seeing it. A minor issue, I realize, but if it isn't too much trouble I sure would appreciate it. Thanks for your consideration.

soran 08-31-2005 11:09 PM

It's been a while since I've had to update the UI, and it's been great. However, the new DOD expansion brings a lot of UI changes. So many, that I've been forced to redesign the UI somewhat.

I'll try to keep it as close to the original as possible, but I think you may like the changes given what's coming up in DOD.

Feel free to post any suggestions or things you'd like to see added.

I will say this much, I'm moving the HOTT gauge closer to the Target Window. I'll post screenshots when I get something working.


soran 09-09-2005 03:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)
After much work.. and debate.. here's how it's turning out.


BeatuBeatu 09-14-2005 01:05 PM

A few questions on your most recent rework for DoD.

1. I use tell windows, will you offer a mod that show's the title bar for the chat windows? Without it when you get tell's they stack one on top of the other and resizing the windows to other places on the screen so you can read the underlying tell's is much more difficult then clicking on the title bar and dragging the window. I am a buff class and during raids I receive several tell's for for buffs. It's nice to be able to have tell windows that I can move around and close once the request is filled.

2. The spot for clickies shown next to the spell bar (5 clickies) is missing, will it be back?

3. The stat bar shown below the group window is also missing, will it be back?

4. Is it possible to get a hotbutton bank the would just go between the old ui's spell gem/inventory/group/clickie/stat window and the chat window lying next to it? That looks like a good spot to drop one in.

I really like the looks of this UI, With the spell bar being in such close proximity to the group window I would no longer have to pack my hotbutton box with my most used spell gem's. As it is I have my assist's on hotbutton's mapped to my numpad 1,2,3 making it easy to assit the ma's and get my targets to slow in raids. Also with the clickies right there, I could easily do without a inventory tab so I can access them. As it is I have been using my social's page in my actions window for sometime to allow me more programmed hotkey type functions. With the addition of the hotbutton banks, I may finally be able to get away from that. Such functions as attack and sit could no longer fit in my hotbutton bank without switching from window to window.

Thank's for reading this, Any answer's would be great, even if it's a not a snowball's chance in... Err anyways, Thanks Again :)

Khaw Ching
70 Shaman of The Rathe
Noble Blade

BeatuBeatu 09-14-2005 01:53 PM

Even something like this would be awsome.

I mean I know it's kind of a specialty request, but with the hotbank in such close proximity to my group window I could just load my clickies right there, doing away with the need for clickie spot's. I kinda like having everything I use in one coner close to my group window, less trying to keep track of the pointer when I have 50+ people running around in a raid. If everything is right in the corner I can just spin my track ball to that corner and bingo there it is.

I hope this looks doable, even if it doesn't thanks for the consideration. I also use the 1280 x 1024 resolution setting if that matters.

Khaw Ching
70 Shaman of The Rathe
Noble Blade

BeatuBeatu 09-14-2005 02:14 PM

Originally Posted by Dragnet
I believe the only way to get the close box for tell windows is to set it for ALL chat windows.

If you are brave enough to try this - this is thinking out loud so don't try unless you understand how to fix anything you break.

Try removing the EQUI_ChatWindow.xml from the Soran UI directory and you should get the default windows back with the box in the corner. If you need to reset the window alpha to 30 - normal and 0 - faded

This is untested - try at your own risk (but would be nice to know if it works - have had a few people ask about this)


Put the file back if it doesn't fix it!

Interesting Idea Dragnet. Think I'll try doing that with the chatwindow file from Lodi.

Khaw Ching

BeatuBeatu 09-14-2005 02:22 PM

Okay Hypathetically speaking. If I take the UI information from the hotbutton 2 file, copy it, open the hotbutton 3 file and paste it in there, would I end up with 2 hottbutton boxes that look identical?

If so I could do this and while not as astetic as I might like for it to look, it would atleast allow me to place a hotbutton window where I pasted one and still retain the look of the rest of the ui, minus any mod I can find that allows me to drag and drop my chat windows instead of resizing to move them.

Khaw Ching

soran 09-14-2005 05:27 PM

Anything is possible with some work. My main concern with the UI at this point is getting things working.

Let me try to take a look at 1 point at a time....

Okay Hypathetically speaking. If I take the UI information from the hotbutton 2 file, copy it, open the hotbutton 3 file and paste it in there, would I end up with 2 hottbutton boxes that look identical?

Yes.. but you'd have change all the names of the pieces back to Hotbutton3. So it's not quite a simple cut and paste, but pretty close.

Try removing the EQUI_ChatWindow.xml from the Soran UI directory and you should get the default windows back with the box in the corner. If you need to reset the window alpha to 30 - normal and 0 - faded

Yes that will work.

2. The spot for clickies shown next to the spell bar (5 clickies) is missing, will it be back?

The short answer is no. The long answer is. Sony gave us 30 more hotbuttons to display on screen. Therefore it doesn't make much sense to use the hardcoded clickies or Inventory slots anymore. By using the new hotbutton windows in it's place, make the UI much more flexible, especially to those who don't know how to go in and change the xml for their clickies.

3. The stat bar shown below the group window is also missing, will it be back?

Yes. I started this UI to be a minimalist, so I want to make sure I get everything needed onto the screen without adding too much extra. It will be back as soon as I can.

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