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Haliken 02-10-2008 03:19 AM

Is there an EQType for the held item slot (the item currently on your cursor)?


Drakah 02-12-2008 06:59 AM

I havent seen any reference to an item on the cursor other than the spell gem when you take a look at the CursorAttachment.xml file. Have not seen an EQtype for something like that since it seems to be a hardcode.

Stoplaughin 09-30-2008 08:15 PM

Some new EQTypes. Not sure how the new non-numerical EQTypes work if they are used in different types of controls from default. I suspect the Screen/TemplateContainer/Page EQTypes work interchangeably though.

Labels EQType:

45=Buff 0
46=Buff 1
47=Buff 2
48=Buff 3
49=Buff 4
50=Buff 5
51=Buff 6
52=Buff 7
53=Buff 8
54=Buff 9
55=Buff 10
56=Buff 11
57=Buff 12
58=Buff 13
59=Buff 14
80=Song 1
81=Song 2
82=Song 3
83=Song 4
84=Song 5
85=Song 6
138=Spell 10
139=Group Member 1 Mana Percentage
140=Group Member 2 Mana Percentage
141=Group Member 3 Mana Percentage
142=Group Member 4 Mana Percentage
143=Group Member 5 Mana Percentage
144=Group Member 1 Endurance Percentage
145=Group Member 2 Endurance Percentage
146=Group Member 3 Endurance Percentage
147=Group Member 4 Endurance Percentage
148=Group Member 5 Endurance Percentage
voicechat/ActiveSpeaker=Current Voice Chat Speaker
voicechat/IncomingCallWnd/Name=Name of Caller

STMLbox EQType:
Can these be used in labels?


Buttons EQType:

voicechat/MutedListRemove=Deleted Muted Player
voicechat/SpeekingIndicator=Self Voice Indicator
voicechat/GroupActivityButton 0=Group Member 1 Voice Indicator
voicechat/GroupActivityButton 1=Group Member 2 Voice Indicator
voicechat/GroupActivityButton 2=Group Member 3 Voice Indicator
voicechat/GroupActivityButton 3=Group Member 4 Voice Indicator
voicechat/GroupActivityButton 4=Group Member 5 Voice Indicator
voicechat/Channel/Guild=Toggle Guild Voice Channel
voicechat/Channel/Raid=Toggle Raid Voice Channel
voicechat/Channel/Group=Toggle Group Voice Channel
voicechat/Channel/None=No Voice Channel
voicechat/CallButton VAB_OutgoingCall=Call Player
voicechat/Talk=Voice Chat Talk
voicechat/OptionsButton=Open Voice Chat Options
voicechat/ActiveSpeaker/Mute=Mute Speaker
voicechat/IncomingCallWnd/Accept=Accept Call
voicechat/IncomingCallWnd/Deny=Deny Call
voicechat/CallScreen/Submit=Send Call
voicechat/SpeakerVolume=Speaker Volume
voicechat/SpeakerMuteButton=Mute Speaker
openwnd VAB_ActiveSpeakersWindow=Open Voice Users Window
openwnd VAB_VoiceChannelWindow=Open Voice Chat Channel Window
openwnd VAB_ActiveSpeakerWindow=Open Voice Controls for Active Speaker

Gauges EQType:

30=Browser Loading

Slider EQType:
voicechat/ActiveSpeaker/Volume=Speaker Volume

ComboBox EQType:

Editbox EQType:

voicechat/CallScreen/Name=Player to Call

Listbox EQType:

voicechat/MutedList=Muted Players
voicechat/SpeakersList=Voice Chat Users

Screen EQType:

voicechat/IncomingCallWnd=Incoming Call Window

TemplateContainer EQType:

voicechat/ChannelContainer=Voice Chat Channels Window
voicechat/CallScreen=Call Player Window

Page EQType:


EQType Hierarchy:

--GroupActivityButton 0
--GroupActivityButton 1
--GroupActivityButton 2
--GroupActivityButton 3
--GroupActivityButton 4
--CallButton VAB_OutgoingCall


openwnd VAB_ActiveSpeakersWindow
openwnd VAB_VoiceChannelWindow
openwnd VAB_ActiveSpeakerWindow

EDIT added some labels

taylor13 10-07-2008 09:47 AM

Has anyone been able to find the label eqtypes for the target buff names? I tried a while on test, but just stumbling through numbers didn't work well.

-- Lashden

Stoplaughin 10-07-2008 09:54 AM

Originally Posted by taylor13
Has anyone been able to find the label eqtypes for the target buff names? I tried a while on test, but just stumbling through numbers didn't work well.

The list in the first post plus my post contains all valid numbered eqtype labels. At least up to 1099. So I don't think there are any for target buffs.

Drakah 10-09-2008 12:32 AM

Just updated the 1st post of the thread, went threw all posts, hopefully I didnt miss anything.

Stoplaughin 10-09-2008 01:26 AM

The non-numerical EQTypes can be used in any window. The only thing I'm not sure of is the EQTypes for Screens. I'm not even sure if they do anything.

The three "openwnd xxx" EQTypes should probably be removed. Using <EQType>openwnd [window name]</EQType> in a button allows you to open any top level window. I just copied those three because they were used in default.

Also the "closenotclicked" can be used in top level windows. To close if a mouse click is not inside the window. I haven't tested it in other elements like buttons or non-top level windows.

Also in the gauges section there is "39 = Combat Timer" I think that is supposed to be "29 = Out of Combat Timer". The EQUI.xml has a list of all the valid numerical EQType gauges.

Drakah 10-09-2008 03:36 PM

Ah ok. Well, let me do this. Ill keep out the weird eqtypes that are strings until you have the list you feel to be "set in stone", just PM me or post and I can always edit the 1st one again :) Thanks bud for all your hard work!

Aanaddor 11-23-2008 03:59 PM

Pet HP

Is there an EQType to show the Pets Current and MAX Hitpoints?
and if so, what are the codes please?


Mutley 03-10-2009 06:48 AM

Does anyone know yet if there will be an EQType for the new pet's target hp coming in on Wednesday's patch?

Lotolag 03-12-2009 11:56 AM

minor error
under the bag slots...you have...
332 = Lower Right Bag Slot 1
330 = Lower Right Bag Slot 10

should read

332 = Lower Right Bag Slot 1
341 = Lower Right Bag Slot 10

Savok 03-12-2009 02:07 PM

Originally Posted by Mutley
Does anyone know yet if there will be an EQType for the new pet's target hp coming in on Wednesday's patch?

None that I could find :/

Dimencia 03-13-2009 04:45 AM

CloseNotClicked=Broke now

Anyone have any idea how to look up these <EqTypes> from the game or is it just strait from the Devs?

Mutley 03-14-2009 12:58 AM

I always thought collecting the EQType info came from several places... most from within the info in the .xml files, some from devs once in awhile, and then at times from people experimenting with the unused numbers not assigned to anything.

Desideratus 03-14-2009 04:03 AM

Originally Posted by Mutley
I always thought collecting the EQType info came from several places... most from within the info in the .xml files, some from devs once in awhile, and then at times from people experimenting with the unused numbers not assigned to anything.

EQTypes for everything seen on screen as part of the default UI come from the xml files. If it has an EQType, the XML uses the EQType.

EQTypes were added in the background for some things not part of the default UI - buff name labels, for example - and some things that are manipulated as part of the UI but in the background - In-bag locations, bank slot contents. Info on those came from devs, or experimentation.

Lots and lots of parts of the UI don't have EQTypes and can only be manipulated within their own windows. Combat status. Target con indicator. Cash. Further digging around won't get them discovered - because they don't exist.

Mutley 03-14-2009 05:30 AM

Right, I didn't mean to imply you could find an EQType for every item by experimenting with the unused numbers for anyone who read it that way.

In a perfect UI world, we'd have an EQType for everything, but it's just not set up that way on Sony's end and there's nothing you can do to get those items to function correctly outside of their native window as Desideratus said. He mentioned a few of the more annoying ones we can't move, there are quite a few.

Angahran 05-31-2009 07:36 PM

Originally Posted by Drakah
Just a note:

When using EQType 137 for Target of Target Percentage, you will notice a "0" is shown when something is targeted, all the time.

This has been bugged and sent to Roger to see if he can get someone to fix that so a "0" does not show at all, unless it is a corpse.

Would be nice if this ever got fixed.
Also, having some way to have the '%' not shown as well would be nice.

Drakah 06-14-2009 11:40 PM

Added some EQTypes to the list.

Dakesh 06-19-2009 05:35 PM

Spells 11 and 12
Any idea yet what the EQType for Spell 11 (XML Name 10) and Spell 12 (XML Name 11) are?

I'm looking to add these to the UI use.


Drakah 06-19-2009 07:27 PM

I sent a few messages to the devs, so far they dont even know yet :)
Will let you know as soon as I know.

Drakah 06-29-2009 01:05 PM

I just got the email from SOE and it is now confirmed about the EQTypes for the CastSpellWnd.

149 = Spell 11
150 = Spell 12

List updated.

SmileyFAAce_ 06-30-2009 05:18 AM

Originally Posted by Drakah
I just got the email from SOE and it is now confirmed about the EQTypes for the CastSpellWnd.

149 = Spell 11
150 = Spell 12

List updated.

Thank you :)

SmileyFAAce_ :D

Savok 10-19-2009 12:55 PM

Did I miss pet window pets target of target hp%?

warriorofmight 10-20-2009 10:52 AM

Unless I am mistaken, there is no Target of Pet's Target gauge or label.
There is only Pet's Target gauge, which is EQType 41.

Devestatio 10-23-2009 10:22 PM

Ok maybe I am missing the information, or I am just not understanding it when I see it, I am trying to find the TopLevelWindowList, but I don't see it anywhere here or in my EQ folders.

More specifically I am trying to find out the ID # or name I need to place into the <EQTYPE>openwnd "name/ID"</EQTYPE>.

I would like to see if I can get the AA window to open upon clicking the AA gauge, I used to have this feature on a UI I used back in the day, but I cannot seem to find that UI to see how it was done, or a new UI that includes that.

I don't want a new UI, just to add that feature to the one I use, any help or advice would be appreciated :)

di28889 12-15-2009 06:09 PM

Labels EQType/ScreenID:
151-170 = HP Percentage_Extended_Target_Window_0-19

Gauges EQType/ScreenID:
42-61 = HP_Extended_Target_Window_0-19
62-81 = Mana_Extended_Target_Window_0-19
82-101 = Sta_Extended_Target_Window_0-19

Drakah 12-15-2009 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by di28889
Labels EQType/ScreenID:
151-170 = HP Percentage_Extended_Target_Window_0-19

Gauges EQType/ScreenID:
42-61 = HP_Extended_Target_Window_0-19
62-81 = Mana_Extended_Target_Window_0-19
82-101 = Sta_Extended_Target_Window_0-19

Updated, thanks!

redwise 12-28-2009 11:53 PM

Are there eqtypes for mana and sta percent labels on the extended target window?

Edit: Nevermind, they appear to be the following:
171-190 = Mana Percentage_Extended_Target_Window_0-19
191-210 = Sta Percentage_Extended_Target_Window_0-19

Savok 12-29-2009 01:07 AM

Originally Posted by redwise
Are there eqtypes for mana and sta percent labels on the extended target window?

EQTypes: 171-190 is mana % in the ETW and 191-210 is Endurance % in the ETW.

Edit: you found it while i was double checking my er 'beta' notes.

Angahran 01-12-2010 12:30 AM

Originally Posted by Devestatio
Ok maybe I am missing the information, or I am just not understanding it when I see it, I am trying to find the TopLevelWindowList, but I don't see it anywhere here or in my EQ folders.

More specifically I am trying to find out the ID # or name I need to place into the <EQTYPE>openwnd "name/ID"</EQTYPE>.

I would like to see if I can get the AA window to open upon clicking the AA gauge, I used to have this feature on a UI I used back in the day, but I cannot seem to find that UI to see how it was done, or a new UI that includes that.

I don't want a new UI, just to add that feature to the one I use, any help or advice would be appreciated :)

This is how I got it to work, the offsets place this item over the top of my AA bar. You must put the 'PW_AAButton' piece after the 'PW_AA' piece.

Basically this creates a transparent button to open the window.

<Button item="PW_AAButton"> <EQType>openwnd AAWindow</EQType> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <AutoStretch>true</AutoStretch> <TopAnchorOffset>84</TopAnchorOffset> <BottomAnchorOffset>94</BottomAnchorOffset> <LeftAnchorOffset>2</LeftAnchorOffset> <RightAnchorOffset>120</RightAnchorOffset> <LeftAnchorToLeft>true</LeftAnchorToLeft> <RightAnchorToLeft>true</RightAnchorToLeft> <Style_VScroll>false</Style_VScroll> <Style_HScroll>false</Style_HScroll> <Style_Transparent>true</Style_Transparent> <Style_Checkbox>true</Style_Checkbox> <Text></Text> <TooltipReference>Opens the AA window.</TooltipReference> <TextColor> <R>255</R> <G>255</G> <B>255</B> </TextColor> <ButtonDrawTemplate> </ButtonDrawTemplate> </Button>

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