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Feebbwin 07-25-2004 02:17 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by Chronwaas
I will get that done up this weekend. Will let you know when I have it done.

Tried it out with the default target window...all I get is the red bar which does not change color. Also getting 3 copies of the target's name side-by-side. Could you take a look and tell me what I'm doing wrong?

P.S. I know some of the sizes, locations, and offsets may be wrong but they should be close (uses the default window_pieces01.tga file).

Feebbwin 07-25-2004 12:20 PM

Originally Posted by Feebbwin
Tried it out with the default target window...all I get is the red bar which does not change color. Also getting 3 copies of the target's name side-by-side. Could you take a look and tell me what I'm doing wrong?

P.S. I know some of the sizes, locations, and offsets may be wrong but they should be close (uses the default window_pieces01.tga file).

Ok, Iknow there are some location/size errors here but NOTHING is happening with the gauge...if it was changing even if the graphic callouts were wrong I should see SOMETHING happening :(

Fyste 07-26-2004 07:32 AM

Just a little note... I finally started adding this to Fyste UI. Having an odd problem, the left side of my gauges are black, the right side appears to be correct. I'll be working on this some more tonight, and when I get it figured out I'll post the details.

Thanks again for the awesome writeup, and the tech notes that are buried the Soes UI XML!

Kailayla 07-29-2004 11:22 AM

Great Write up Chronwaas!

I tried this with my own gauges, but it doesn't quite work.
I also changed the %'s at which it changed color. I did all my math twice over to be sure it was correct.

The gauge shows normally for above 90%, which is my first changing spot. Lower than 90% however, shows an empty guage and a white block at 90%.
My other change is at 50%, but i don't see any change since its messing up before there.

I've defined my custom gauge graphics normally, since it works for me before i tried to make it color-changing.

My gauge background is A_GaugeBG_GW, and Fill is A_GaugeF_GW
I added in A_GaugeBG_100x, A_GaugeF_90, and A_GaugeF_50 for the respective pieces, Just as you explained, only I changed my numbers. My gauges are 107 in length, so 90% is 9630, and 50% is 5350.

I sat down with your explanation and made notes to adjust for the differences in our sizes and percents, being sure to use 90% for mine, where you used 50%, and 50% where you used 33%. I also made sure i did the math right where i had to make the other gauge part fill the last of the bar.

If you have any ideas what might be wrong, I'd greatly apreciate it. If you want, I can post my actual code also, or email it. Thank You

Fyste 07-29-2004 12:12 PM

I've just about given up on this... but one thing I did find while going through the color chaging code in the Soes UI is this:

Chronwaas starts her bar locations in window_pieces051.tga at 0,0 ( top left corner of the file ).

Soes starts his bar locations at 110, 0 ( top edge, 110 pixels in )

If you start your bar locations at a non-zero location, you must offset the fill gauges by the same amount. For example,

If your background fill looks like:
<Ui2DAnimation item = "SAL_LGaugeBackground_Enok_x100"> <Cycle>true</Cycle> <Frames> <Texture>window_pieces051.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>110</X> <!-- 110 offset --> <Y>0</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>12300</CX> <CY>50</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> <Duration>1000</Duration> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation>

Then you must change the Fill Gauges to look like:

<Ui2DAnimation item = "SAL_LGaugeFill_Enok3"> <Cycle>true</Cycle> <Frames> <Texture>window_pieces051.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>-6040</X> <!-- 6150 + 110 --> <Y>58</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>12300</CX> <CY>50</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> <Duration>1000</Duration> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation>

( You have to change all gauges, not just one, by the same amount )

Keep in mind this is an example, using 110. Your milage may differ ;)

My background happens to be located at 110, 20 ... and I haven't gotten the thing to work either. But at this point I'm not sure if it's my math, or the 20 pixel offset that's messing me up... for all I know, I may need to offset by another 20... or 20 * 100 ... or who knows :p

Gonna give it maybe one more go, then bag the whole thing.

Good luck!

( edited for terrible spelling, prolly still missed a few )

Mahein 07-29-2004 02:02 PM

Hmmm.... My wife and I use a mix 'n matched set of stuff from T. King and Remelio for most of our UI's... Once I get done with a couple of other mods, I may try to build this color-change into them... Glad I've got that writeup to give me some pointers.... XML makes my head hurt, but code-diving is still fun :)

Kailayla 07-29-2004 05:59 PM

Fyste, I dont see the Y position causing your bars to display incorrectly since they aren't distorted or modified in any way, as far as this guide goes.

Chronwaas 07-30-2004 08:58 AM

Hey Fyste, If you want to Zip up your XML file and the TGA files I will take a look at it and see if I can fine the issue. If you have anything in other files related to the Animations or anything then include those XML files in the zip file. Then just post the zip file here and I will take a look.

[QUOTE=Fyste]I've just about given up on this... but one thing I did find while going through the color chaging code in the Soes UI is this:


Gonna give it maybe one more go, then bag the whole thing.

Good luck!

Chronwaas 07-30-2004 09:02 AM

Hey Kailayla, If you want to zip up your XML file and the TGA files that go with it I will take a look at it and see if I see anything out of order. Also if you use any stuff from other XML files in this XML file include those in your zip file.

Originally Posted by Kailayla
Great Write up Chronwaas!

I tried this with my own gauges, but it doesn't quite work.
I also changed the %'s at which it changed color. I did all my math twice over to be sure it was correct.


If you have any ideas what might be wrong, I'd greatly apreciate it. If you want, I can post my actual code also, or email it. Thank You

Chronwaas 07-30-2004 09:19 AM

Hey Feebbwin, Can you add your TGA files for this gauge to the zip file so that I have the right files.

Originally Posted by Feebbwin
Ok, Iknow there are some location/size errors here but NOTHING is happening with the gauge...if it was changing even if the graphic callouts were wrong I should see SOMETHING happening :(

Kailayla 07-30-2004 12:07 PM

Awesome Chronwaas, I really apreciate this.

I've included my .tga file, group, and player windows. Right now I'm only trying to get it to work in the player window, but since i will add it to my group windows, I defined all my ui2danimations in the group window.

Thanks a bunch

Feebbwin 07-30-2004 03:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by Chronwaas
Hey Feebbwin, Can you add your TGA files for this gauge to the zip file so that I have the right files.

Ok, ATM I'm just trying to get a color change bar with the default UI target window. Eventually I hope to be able to make a target of target window for Zeremus' UI. Anyway, here are the default tga and my modded xml.


Fyste 08-01-2004 05:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Sorry for the delay, was on vacaton...

Thanks for looking at it, don't put too much energy into it though. Much as I appreciate it, it's not a huge thing for me.

Thanks for checking it though!

Feebbwin 08-03-2004 01:41 PM

Originally Posted by Haliken
I'm considering writing a follow-up guide to this one to explain how I use the default gauge graphics in a color changing gauge; if anyone would want that, leave something saying so.


Holy crap Haliken/Enok, that's exactly what I'm looking for...please post it :)

Crackmaster 08-06-2004 12:10 AM

I got it to work.. mostly
Well I got the colors to change, except I get strange lines in parts of the gauge that aren't supposed to be there. I'm assuming that it's my background image getting messed up, so I'll mess with it some more, but at least I got it to work. I used the player window, too, because I made the target window bar about two times as large and didn't wanna mess with really big numbers and mess up :) Great instructions, especially when one thinks about the way it works and can figure out the correct order of the colors.. and I also did Green, Orange, Yellow, and then Red, similar to the celtic percentage gauges, which I also added into my Kaori UI hehe. In conclusion, you can get it to work if you mess with it enough :D

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