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Lethiana 01-31-2004 12:38 AM

Awesome job man. The only thing I don't like is the compass (minor I know). I like the ones that have the +- or -0 on it to help you navigate with locs.

Cowdery1 01-31-2004 03:34 AM

Really nice UI! Both my brother and I use this UI and really like it! Have been using it for a few days now but ran into a lil problem. On both computers we are not getting a yes or no button on the res or tl window=(. Any idea how to fix this? We are having to switch back to defaut for resses and tl's. We both are not very knowledgeable on computers so any help would be great! Thank You and great job on this UI. We are hoping to continue using it!

Lethiana 01-31-2004 05:10 AM

I had a similiar problem with a different UI that I had cobbled together. Don;t think this is a problem with his UI. Don't know how to fix it though.

Aaldolin 01-31-2004 05:56 AM

Just flipped over to this UI and am having just one problem. The little arrow in the Target box is missing for me.

Tried to do as your FAQ stated in regards to ESC, target self with F1 type thing to see if it shows up. Also tried the ALT+T and still nothing.

Any help is appreciated...

lodidodi 01-31-2004 11:29 AM

Lethiana - Glad you like the UI. You can always download someone else's compass to replace mine. :)

Cowdery - THere are two possibilities for this.

First, EQ has some minor bugs with the UI .ini files; for one thing, it saves the height of the confirmation window from the first UI you ever load for a character, and if you change UIs it keeps the original height for some reason instead of using the height it should be in the new UI. So if you were using a UI that had a shorter height than mine, for it won't change the height to my height, meaning it might cut off the yes/no buttons. To fix this, first make sure your character is using the Lodi Dodi UI, then log the character out. Go into your main Everquest directory and find a file named "UI_Charactername_servername.ini" (for example, "UI_Lodi_innoruuk.ini"). Find the section under "[PopDialog0]" which controls the confirmation window. In that section, delete all lines referring to height, such as "Height1024x768=100" and "Height800x600=100". Then log back into EQ with your character, which will load up the Lodi Dodi UI and set the height of that window appropriately.

Second, if it isn't a height issue, and there is room for the buttons but they just aren't showing up, check these threads:
HELP please. Confirmation boxes broken
Missing Yes/No buttons on Confirmation Windows? Here's the fix.

Aaldolin - If you still can't find the arrow, here's a last resort: Load up the default UI. Move the target window and the player window to the middle of the screen. Make sure both are visible. (Alt-T toggles the target window and Alt-Y toggles the player window, unless you've changed the keyboard equivalents in your Options window.) Then load up my UI - the target window will become the arrow in my UI, and the player window will become my target window. Now you should be able to move them wherever you want them.

Lodi Dodi

Marissa 02-01-2004 01:44 PM

Great UI! The best one I've used so far.

What about adding the character's class next to their name in the group window? Like it would read Marissa - Rogue


Aaldolin 02-01-2004 04:39 PM

Originally posted by lodidodi

Aaldolin - If you still can't find the arrow, here's a last resort: Load up the default UI. Move the target window and the player window to the middle of the screen. Make sure both are visible. (Alt-T toggles the target window and Alt-Y toggles the player window, unless you've changed the keyboard equivalents in your Options window.) Then load up my UI - the target window will become the arrow in my UI, and the player window will become my target window. Now you should be able to move them wherever you want them.

Lodi Dodi [/B]

Thanks.. After flipping back to the default I figured out what the problem was. It seems my old UI made my "Target" box completely invisible (faded all the way out).

When I loaded the new one (and default) that stayed attached to the specific window.

I just happened to slide the mouse over it and it appeared. Changed the fade level. Loaded Lodi again and the arrow appeared.

Just one of those silly things that give ya fits and is obvious once you realize it. Would probably be better if the /loadskin command also reset the Fade levels of windows. Not sure if that's an EQ thing or a UI thing though.

UI is great. I think my favorite part is how the spell buff bar at the top of the screen darkens each slot.

Can't believe how many times I've had to sit there and count out my buffs to know where the final spot was at. With 1 - 15 darkening it's obvious with this one.

The only thing I dislike is the Shared plat being flipped from the "normal" way. It's a personal preference type situation. Not sure how hard it would be for a mod to be made that flips this around. Similar to the way you have one to the Left and Right spell lists.

lodidodi 02-03-2004 03:24 PM


That is a great idea, unfortunately right now there is no way for any UI to tell the classes of group members, so that can't be done.


I just posted an optional bank window download on http://www.lodidodi.net that uses a more typical placement of the shared slots. The graphics page on that site has a screenshot of both versions. It sounds like you, Hedein, and anyone else that doesn't typically share plat between characters would prefer the optional version.

Lodi Dodi

Aaldolin 02-03-2004 07:38 PM

I just posted an optional bank window download on http://www.lodidodi.net that uses a more typical placement of the shared slots.


Exactly what I was wishing to have. Unless I get seriously picky, I don't think there is a single thing within this UI that I would change now.

Sedce 02-04-2004 06:04 AM

Having trouble
Hello. having a bit of trouble here with 2 options.

1. Go to loot no-drop items and the box that comes up to click " yes" or "no" has no yes or no option.

2. When i go to train aa abilities, the box comes up to confirm that this is the ability i would like to train. Again there is no "yes" or " no" option.

lodidodi 02-04-2004 07:40 AM


This is a known problem with EQ itself and not with my UI. Scroll back about 6 posts to my reply to Cowdery for how to fix it.

Lodi Dodi

Sunar 02-20-2004 06:35 PM

Love the UI, Lodi!

For the Easter Egg, I have the LotR version...where can I download the previous FDTD one? =) And are you planning on adding a section of other clips on your site?

Keep up the great work!

lodidodi 02-23-2004 12:41 PM


I'm glad you like the UI.

And yes, I will post the From Dusk Til Dawn easter egg on my site soon. I'm waiting to get some software from a friend that will help make the process of creating the animations a lot easier, then I plan on creating a bunch of additional easter eggs which I will post.

-Lodi Dodi

Queasy 02-23-2004 03:03 PM

Right on!
I have to put my 2cp in, this is a very well laid out UI. I think it is very clean, and actually just what I was looking for. Cudos on such a great UI and I can't wait to see what you come up with next!

sundanzkid2001 02-24-2004 05:48 AM

great work
This weekend I installed and tried your
UI . It is SWEET I have started changing over all my chars to it . All I can say is you rule . Keep it up man! I am looking forward to your updates lol.

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