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SyrSpyder 11-06-2003 02:37 AM

how do you cange yourAA exp?

Drunder40 11-06-2003 11:18 AM

May be a dumb question but here goes)
I cant for the life of me find the button to show you aa info so I can train in the various aa areas. Can anyne help? Thanks in advance and yes this UI rocks!!

divorax 11-06-2003 02:39 PM

AA exp window can be open using V :)

AYA i try to edit right click box to use with my items but no luck is there anyway i can do that or use as it is thx

vigor 11-06-2003 08:00 PM

With the new tell chat windows option, in order to close them after you are done talking with someone, do you need to have the bordered ones enabled?

I try to currently and 'Close' is greyed out. Any help would be great! Thanks!

I luv the UI.

Rronn 11-07-2003 12:14 AM

Chat Windows
Hi, I've tried reinstalling the UI over and over. Everything works good except for 2 things. First I can't move or reshape my chat windows, and yes I have checked the file. 2) when I install load my UI in game with ini on, I dont get the stats/ equip window, and when I try to load the UI with the ini off, I get error xml files don't match. Pls help.

divorax 11-07-2003 08:15 AM

stats/equi not loading try Alt F1 that is pet window
as well make sure you edit player ini to load it correct

you can resize chat window by doing this /loadskin default 1 resize as you like than load AYA skin again ;)

Voelfgar 11-07-2003 03:35 PM

Just installed this UI last night, It is pretty nice.

Just one comment, I noticed that there is no LFG button. Are there any plans to include this. Also want to comment concerning the small size of the equipment icons. I believe they are just to small to be of much use because of the small size.

Also I did see a bit of redundancy. When casting a spell, you have a spell casting line appear on the target health and at the same time you have a similiar bar just to the right doing the same thing.

A suggestion would be to drop the spell casting line from the target health bar.

danille 11-09-2003 03:56 AM


Finally using this Ui now did the /viewport reset and it adjusted to the correct size.

Now i have one question I changed the cursor to the "flashing cursor" in the options folder which works, but both of them are very tiny. When on raids I have to have the spell effects off in order to be able to see the cursor.

I tried to use the "sceptre cursor" in the options folder and when I copied the animations file and the sceptre file into the AYA folder as the instructions say... the Animations file (kind of an old file) messes up the interface and EQ defaults the whole thing back to basicaly EQ's setup

Any suggestions as to how this can be done? I tried several of the cursor files that you have posted on this site and I run into the same problem.

celticshiva 11-09-2003 12:08 PM

Can't summon pets??
Hi, I just downloaded this great interface. Have to say I love it
^-^. I just started playing EQ and there were a few interface quirks that really bugged me, and this fixes all the major ones (big one being I want to see my EXP without having my inventory open. adding exp to the compass was a brilliant idea).

However, I have one major bug that I think is a result of the interface (like I said, new to EQ so I'm not sure).

I can't seem to cast Pendril's Animation. Every time I do with Aya loaded, the client crashes. I've tried switching back to default, casting Pendril's Animation and then switching back and it seems to work fine.. until I cross a zone transition when it crashes.

I'm using "AYA UI Version 6.50 Plus R3 Build2" at 1280 x 1024 resoloution mode. I have Everquest Evoloution, and do not have Dungeons of Norath.. so if there's something in that needed to make it work then you might want to put a note in the instructions, some people actually do read them ^-^.

Also, one more thing I just realised might be part of the problem...

I didn't quite understand instruction #4..
"4) If 1280 x 1024 mode , Rename UI_Character_Server.ini > UI_(YOUR CHARACTER NAME)_(Your Servercode).ini (i.e. : UI_Kxes_40.ini)"

How do I find out what my Servercode is? I did a web search and came up with no information. I'm on Bristlebane. I figured this just had something to do with the 'default layout' and wasn't overly concerned...

loveicy 11-09-2003 03:10 PM

I know someone had sent me a link not too long ago on where there is a list of all the sever numbers, but if you have already logged on, just go to your EQ Directory and you should see your server name on it. Just copy it like it says.

Example mine says UI_Icerina_mithanie. Whenever I want to copy instructions for a UI file I just rename it like it is.

Hope that helps. I am not that great in giving instructions.

catmatik 11-09-2003 05:52 PM

Is there ever gonna be a 1024x768 version of this? thats all my computer can withstand and I really like the looks of this. Plus I wanna try it out! :D

61st gnomish warlord
Erollisi Marr

celticshiva 11-09-2003 05:57 PM

Originally posted by loveicy
I know someone had sent me a link not too long ago on where there is a list of all the sever numbers, but if you have already logged on, just go to your EQ Directory and you should see your server name on it. Just copy it like it says.

Okay yeah that's what I guessed.. I put UI_Caileach_bristle becaue bristle is what some of the files were appended with. The example given said '_40' so I was wondering if it didn't have to be a number.

So.. that's not the problem then =(. It still crashes whenever I summon a pet (both the first level and 4th level enchanter pets). or when the pet dies or is unsummoned for any reason. I don't know if its specific to enchanter pets or not because I don't see this specific problem in this thread.

Teeppas 11-10-2003 10:26 AM

Originally posted by celticshiva
Okay yeah that's what I guessed.. I put UI_Caileach_bristle becaue bristle is what some of the files were appended with. The example given said '_40' so I was wondering if it didn't have to be a number.

So.. that's not the problem then =(. It still crashes whenever I summon a pet (both the first level and 4th level enchanter pets). or when the pet dies or is unsummoned for any reason. I don't know if its specific to enchanter pets or not because I don't see this specific problem in this thread.

I love this UI, but I have stopped using it because I am having the same problem. Everytime I summon a pet (Shaman, any level pet) with this UI since the last patch, EQ crashes. I will post my UI Error file as soon as I get home this evening.

Conal22 11-10-2003 02:56 PM

It seems to be a problem with the current file on eqinterface (The pets causing client crashes) get the file from Kanon's site and it no longer happens.

Voelfgar 11-13-2003 11:30 PM


I have noticed a bug in your great UI. I cannot click off buffs that are in the #1 slot. This also happens when I want to click off my mount.

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