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Elghinn 09-12-2002 10:27 PM

Hey wanted to say thx guys for a great mod first off.:) Was also wondering if i could get lvl and class added to the player window right at the end of name tried to do it myself and kept getting crashed out . Dont understand xml well yet still learning. Also could you put diety in that little space at bottom of player pet window would be great. I am not useing the invetory from your mode the one I have doesnt have anything like that on it and those things are all that is lost from oringal invetory thx for help.

Kalamaku 09-12-2002 10:53 PM

hi there

love the vert 2.0 crystal meth version i currently use. they i have it setup it would be very cool to alter the hot button file from hotkeys on the left and the right clicks on the right, to one where the right clicks are on the right and the hot keys on the left? /shrug just a thought


snapper 09-13-2002 12:46 AM

86 Chat Title bars (so I can make hitsmode windows) and spell fx hanging bar (leave numbers). Both just take up space imo.

Player window hps should show CURRENT/MAX instead of vice versa.

Make Compass text just a tad bigger font.

My favorite skin/mod! Just some humble suggestions. Keep up the great work!

Zhakkar 09-13-2002 07:50 AM


I Cheked the new window out and it worked! Awesome! But now i have another problem and dont know if anyone here can help me. I installed vert. 2.2 crystal meth and tking spellbook and spellicons, and now i have no cast bar. anyone know the in game command to bring that back up or maybe a fix for this? post it somwhere or pm me and ill be grateful =)


Zhakkar - Lvl 27 Iksar Warrior of Cazic Thule (retired)
Venndinn Machine - Lvl 21 Teir`Dal Magician of Innoruuk
Minutemann - Lvl 10 Half-Elf Rogue of Bristlebane

Lanys Server.

Molz 09-14-2002 12:03 AM

I don't use the pet window I make it go away, it doesn't have all the pet commands so it is useless to me. anyway I tried to download the location guide with the vert 2.1 skin and it doesn't like it for some reason can you help me out? I posted a link of a pic of what I am talking about, the location guide replaces the petwindow. I can use it with the original vert but not the 2.1 version :(


Jakarta 09-14-2002 03:25 AM

Hi! Big fan of Vert skin and use it for all my chars, I do have one issue that needs fixed when you guys get around to it.

When i click to read a tinkering news and world report, or one of those newspapers it is very difficule to read, I am not sure what window it quest it looks like the spellbook on really huge with extra buttons. shrug.... if you get around to it

Molz 09-14-2002 11:09 AM

oh yeah that too reading journals or papers, forgot about that. looks like it is a combo of vert's spell book and the old spellbook.

Molz 09-14-2002 07:38 PM

a question as well...why does the horizontal spell bar have the spell book at the bottom to click open the spell book but the vertical one doesnt? I really miss having that icon to click on.

Sokol 09-14-2002 09:51 PM

Ok, busy weekend for me, only gonna have one Add on done, a melee window. Will look into ther rest soon.


xilr 09-15-2002 11:30 AM

As a Shadowknight...
I loved having my resistances showing on the player window (ala. Vert 1.1) with the cool War3 Icons for the resists.

With Vert 2.2 however, in order to see my resists, I have to lose my pet control box which I've grown accustom to.

Can someone patch me up a mod where Vert2.2 shows the same information on the Player Window as did Vert1.1 then I'll just use the current v2.2 window in "pet" mode full time.

EDIT : I just noticed, Is there a Casting Time Window now? If there is, I cant seem to find it in Vert2.2

Xilr Gnomegobbler
Ogre Gravelord
Serving Cazic Thule

aandiian 09-15-2002 12:36 PM


If you look at your mana bar, when you cast .. you will notice a pink cast time line running across it. Also, Sokol made a transparent cast bar add-on module, you can find in the Vert Tweaks thread.

Regarding your Pet window issues, on the Stats window (which replaces the pet window) there's actually a button that acts as a 'tab', that says Pet. This switches tab to the actual pet window :) So you click the Stats and Pet buttons to swap between Pet controls, and Player stats.

Togras 09-15-2002 01:50 PM

Horizontal Hotkey Box pleeb, and without the annoying inventory/clickies window. Just want the hot box.

xilr 09-15-2002 04:45 PM

aandiian -

Okay thanks for the tip on the casting bar, I'll look there. Ill have to try the casting bar mod though, because I do perfer that in an easy to see window of its own...Timing is important for where I exp.

Hmm I knew about the tab swapping between player info and pet info... I just dont like it :( I like the old Vert's Player Info box, I dont even mind that its bigger.. I liked when I could see my resists *and* control my pet at the same time.


Sokol 09-15-2002 05:10 PM

Next weekend MAYBE during the week I Will make a new Vert1.1 Style Player Window. I haven't yet as I use the Horizontal HB mod, and it lists all the stats, but I'll make it :)


aandiian 09-15-2002 05:33 PM


I'd be really interested in seeing a screenshot of your vert UI that you personally use. Any chance of you posting it here? :)

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