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summonmesome 12-10-2008 05:51 PM

Originally Posted by Wraith7508
Is there a easy way to resize the ui for a 1440x900 resolution, i have a large monitor and you default takes up a lot of room, otherwise this is a very nice ui. one other note is that the buff icons seem to be off center after the first one.
And the potion belt is not able to click the potions. :)

As is stated by the notes with this ui... The person who wook over is not supporting other resolutions other then the 1280 x 1024 ..

I did look around and if ur issue is the space that the buff lines take up u may want to look at


Those buff windows are very small. and work fine swapped out from this UI set this is what i had to do for one of my laptops that i use ... everything else fits with some sizing down and of the txt area's.

- Summonmesome
7th Hammer
Lunacy Unbound

Dimencia 12-10-2008 07:27 PM

Horz Buff Bar
Is there anyway you could add a file for peopel that want horizontal buff bar LOVE tha ui just would liek a horizontal one =)

I could do that no problem, however you would loose the Lables for the buffs, and would only be able to identify them via the icon.

If this is what you mean just let me know and will crank it out, after the repair list is caught up.


Dimencia 12-10-2008 07:38 PM

Repairs/Updates 12/10/08
This is just a general info on what im aware of that has been requested or found defective to any level.

Priority List
1.-Selector Window Button Bug
2.-Resizable/more Stable Map
3.-Right Clickable Icons in the Bandolier Window

Optional List (listed alpha, not in priority)
-Better Bazaar Window
-Color Code Buff Bars Restored (buff's dots etc)
--Question to people wanting this, would you wish the color to be a solid color that fills the text area, or dithered from transparent to solid by the icons?
-Finish the animated indicators *DOT* *In Combat* *Cool Down timer*
-Horizontal Buff bars
-Hot Box 1, Bag order top row 1-4 bottem row 5-8 (current / orgional patterm seems chaotic)
-Other spell book options (so the T one is not the only choice)
-Pick your Compas Face Coding (will be able to rename a grapic file and use your personal favorite compass design)
-Spell Gem Overlay (adding the color highlights to spell casting gems, red, yellow, blue and purple)

Distant Considerations and whys
ATK/CON indicators Size Increase
-(due to an illusion of the Playerwindow and ATK indicator to increase this 1pxl larger would increase it 4x its current size and height)
-In order to have it even where it is, there is an invisible section of the player window that still slightly overlaps both the bandoleer and merc window
-current height prevents this invisible overlap from blocking any buttons, but to increase the size would cover part of those 2 windows... Ill have to speend some time to fine a way to make that work
-hold up 2 on that, i am not sure exactly how the png's were established that allow the con and atk indicators to work as they do, I have not be able to recreate masks that are dithered
-this is not a refusal but will be a very low priority as due to the requirements to establish it.

Wraith7508 12-11-2008 03:04 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is a modded version of the map you use in the Mod. Since this is my first attempt at modding in xml i've decided to let you finish it. i have moved the buttons over cept for active layer 1. Can't seem to get that one right without breaking the mod. And i have got the map to be larger but not as large as it should be. Hope you can finish this and that this helps you out. :)

linch 12-11-2008 09:49 PM

no labels is fine is timer still there or would that have to go as well ? either way im fine with it just want an option for horizontal =) thank you dem

thewarrior 12-11-2008 11:28 PM

great ui
i started using this ui a few weeks ago patch was nice and fast just need a bigger map thanks

kudilukudzu 12-12-2008 06:31 PM

i believe you can only see mob buffs/debuffs if you are in a group/raid where the leader has the inspect buffs leader aa.

Dimencia 12-13-2008 03:51 PM


Bandolier Window
-Now Right Clickable Icons
-Older Version included if you do not like this feature

Buff Window (still vertical horz coming soon)
-Blue/Red/Yellow Highlights now enabled
-Highlights may be disabled by Renaming/deleting DX_Masks.png
-Slight Transparency set so you can see through the buff highlights

Target Window
-Targeted mobs (with right leadership points's) shows debuffs with redborders

Map Still in the works, some resizing issues have surfaced where you can not shrink the map back once you expand it...

Horz Buff Bar(s) should be out in 1-2 more updates


Dielzen 12-14-2008 09:46 PM

Is there a setting that prevents UI pieces from being saved "off screen" ?

I use the same reso, but in window mode...so my screen size is like 10 pixels skinnier. The player info, group window, resists line of the UI never wants to save properly, due to this. I have a very skinny combat indicator (due to overlap) until I move the windows. Just trying to see if I can change this behavior.

Dimencia 12-20-2008 09:59 AM


Selector Window
-Buttons Working Correctly again, you can now click on the text to open other windows

Buff Window
-Fixed Spacing issues between buffs 23 an 24

Next Patch
-Horizontal Buff Bar
-3 Diffrent Sized Map Windows
--this is a temp fix untill I can figure a way to allow sizable maps to and from the mini one

Dielzen - To may knowledge there is no coding to prevent you to save pieces where ever you wish them to be.
Once you set your UI where you want it, zone to a new zone, and camp out, come back the ui should be at that point saved to the INI's exactly how you placed them


medcor 02-20-2009 04:30 PM

Health of targets target window
umm How about adding a HOTT window... I can't seem for the life of me to find the Health of Target's Target window available through the leadership.

I have the HOTT window available to me but when I click on leadership hotkey to bring up the HOTT window nothing happens.

Also just wondering how I would change the three clickeis you have in the group target area to the right ? want to change them to soemthig I use

kudilukudzu 02-20-2009 06:44 PM

HoTT is built into the UI - you don't have to bring up a separate window. target yourself when you're the leader of a 3+ person group, it should show up. IIRC, it's in the middle section of all the HP bars, and is a little smaller than usual.

medcor 02-22-2009 09:55 PM

found it..
yeah Im a dumbass.. I found it.. thanks for the info. I was in a group where the gl didn't have HOTT purchased, but he told me he did.

Dimencia 02-23-2009 09:22 AM

Originally Posted by medcor
Also just wondering how I would change the three clickeis you have in the group target area to the right ? want to change them to soemthig I use

Scratching my head on this one, 3 clickies?


dieselious 02-23-2009 02:29 PM

Me thinks medcor is referring to the 3 spots to the right of the trib timer, which appear to be arms, shoulders and powersource.

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