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Vnayan 10-27-2002 08:42 PM

I dont know if this had happened to anyone else but i cant even D/L your zip folders when i try to open them there either invalid or corrupted any idea on why this is happening.

Infectar 10-27-2002 09:23 PM

I just downloaded the reaver purple version to check things out and it downloaded and opened fine for me. I have no idea why you are experiencing this. Sorry I can't offer more help.

Vnayan 10-27-2002 09:58 PM

Well i was able to D/L it my next problem is how do i install/get it working? the readme file didnt really explain what i was supposed to do. Any help on this?

Infectar 10-28-2002 06:14 AM

You can find a nice little tutorial here that explains all the steps:

http://pub165.ezboard.com/ftranscen...picID=9.top ic

Vnayan 10-28-2002 04:31 PM

Well I tryed it but it still didnt work which i find strange am i missing some sort of D/L something i should have to use this?

Infectar 10-28-2002 06:24 PM

Assuming you downloaded one of the three files containing the entire file set (NecroUIReaverPurple, NecroUIDkBl, or NecroUIDarkPurple.zip) you have everything you need.

If you followed the directions in the tutorial you should now have in the UIfiles folder located in your main EQ folder a new folder that you have named something other than Default. If this new folder is where you extracted the zipped files to then you are all set.

Two things to do at this point. First, go to your eqclient.ini file and under the [Defaults] heading make sure you have the line newui=true. If that is there, or after you add it, log onto EQ. Once you are online type in the following command /loadskin <name of folder where you extracted files> 1. Typing the "1" is necessary to keep your windows from being returned to their default postions. If you leave it out it is no big deal you will just end up repositioning all your windows and boxes back to the desired locations on screen.

If you are getting an error message when trying to load up the skin and EQ is reloading the Default UI each time or it is saying some of your files may not be up compatible go to your main EQ directory and look for a file called UIErrors.txt and post the contents here.

Hopefully this gets you up and running.

Vnayan 10-28-2002 08:48 PM

Its still not working I looked in my eqclient.ini folder and set newui to true the problem is that when i get in game and type /loadskin the only skin there is default my folder with the mod is in the uifiles next to the default folder i have no idea why i am having such trouble getting this working

Vnayan 10-28-2002 09:00 PM

Ok after setting some stuff when i type /loadskin my file (Vnayan) is listed. the big problem is when i try to load it it goes to defaults... no error mesage..just reverts to defaults i have the new ui extracted into the file so heres a new problem..

Krypte 10-29-2002 01:30 PM

Pet Window w/ HP %...
Infectar (or anyone else),

I currently use Infectar's Dark Blue UI, and I was wondering if anyone had a pet window mod that includes a Pet Health Percentage Display? I am not really good at this stuff. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,



I forgot to thank you Infectar.

Thanks a ton.

Infectar 10-29-2002 04:24 PM

Vnayan if you have the files extracted into a new folder it should load. The only thing I can think of would be that the newui=true line is missing from your eqclient.ini file. If you have that line in your .ini file then I am clueless as to what is going on. I wish I could be of more assistance but I am out of ideas. Keep trying and hopefully you will get it to work.


Krypte the pet health percentage is a good idea. I will look into that and see if I can make it happen.

blahblahblah 10-29-2002 04:47 PM

Hey Kryte, I found one at eq.stratics.com I believe, I changed the pet window with it and the compass (not saying Infect didn't do a good job, which knows I love his UI) but its a fun lil pet window and compass :D


Vnayan 10-29-2002 07:33 PM

Well it still doesnt work for me and i have no idea what to do now i've tried loading other UI's and they will not work either i am guessing the major porblem is the 10/16 patch that screwed up alot of things for the UI. I wish i could fix it because you made such a kick ass ui

aeluin 10-29-2002 09:12 PM

Vnayan, you can't use the /loadskin menu. It doesn't work- does exactly what you said, reverts to default with no error message. Just type /loadskin vnayan 1 (or whatever you named your folder).

Vnayan 10-30-2002 03:50 PM

I've tried /loadskin Vnayan 1 it still doesnt work i've even tryed /loadskin Vnayan True and that doesnt work either. I've tryed loading other UI's and they dotn work either i am guessing its something with my files or my comp

aeluin 10-30-2002 04:11 PM

Are you sure you don't have an extra folder in your directory? (as in, if you open the uifiles folder, then open the Vnayan folder, do you see all your UI files, or do you see another folder?) If that's your problem, just take all the files out of the folder-in-a-folder and paste them into the first folder. That's the only other thing I could think of that would cause you to go to default with no error message.

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