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Arimus 05-22-2003 12:31 PM

Have always been a fan of minimalist UI's... the more I see of this one, the more and more I like it. Fantastic is all I can say.... simply fantastic. :D

Haliken 05-22-2003 04:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I'm so excited about this UI I didn't wanna wait 'til Elexibeth gave the ok before posting a screenshot.

Please realize the inventory is default, the hotbutton window is JUST FOR TESTING. I haven't applied the pretty graphics to it yet. Compare it to the original screenshot in this thread and marvel at the similarities.


Margrave 05-22-2003 04:48 PM

Wow again!
Man that is awesome! I can't wait to see this finished, it's great.

May I ask if the casting window can be part of the target window? Do you have plans for a pet window to match this style?

I'm currently using one of your recent themes Enok, and your work just keeps impressing me. Thanks for the screenshot! Keep up the great work!


Haliken 05-22-2003 05:00 PM

Right now the casting bar is part of the mana bar. When you cast a purple bar appears over the top 4 pixels (don't worry, it's easily visible) of the mana bar.

I plan on making a pet window that is the same width as the target and group windows with the buttons arranged in my personal style

guard follow
taunt sit

I plan on making the compass window into a sort of second player window. The little Exp and AAXP box I tacked on to the right of the player window will be moved to this window on the left or something. It'll be the same width as the player window and be meant to sit right below it. Instead of health, stamina, mana bars, it'll go exp, breath, AAexp. I think I'll move the little chain emblem to this window and put a flashing HP warning gauge in place of it in the player window... or something.

Enok out

Neiloch 05-22-2003 05:10 PM

You have to tell me when this is done! I spent a long time making a minimilist viewport Ui for my 1024x768 resolution, i just recently got it done but problem is i draw worth a crap and this one looks way cooler.

Margrave 05-22-2003 05:14 PM

Your plans sound great! Can't wait to see it come to life. Very impressive. Thanks for your work on this!


Revol 05-22-2003 05:35 PM

looks good so far... i know this is just for testing, but the empty spots on the spell cast bar and buff window are a little too bright and distracting.

other than that it already looks great. if i wasn't all but done with EQ i'd use it. ;)

oh p.s. check out my actions window (just click on my skins) it's a bit more compact than then default. feel free to swipe it if you choose.

Elezibeth 05-22-2003 06:08 PM

Haliken, you're doing a great job with this.

Loading the development copy right now and am going to give it a shot out.

I might snap a few screen shots for people of the casting and the like just so they can get a look at what things are shaping up for. :)

I think he'll admit that I'm one of those hard to please people, I see little flaws and they bug me. ;) So this is going to be one of the best UI's any of you have ever seen! ;)

Elezibeth 05-22-2003 06:10 PM

Originally posted by Revol
looks good so far... i know this is just for testing, but the empty spots on the spell cast bar and buff window are a little too bright and distracting.

other than that it already looks great. if i wasn't all but done with EQ i'd use it. ;)

oh p.s. check out my actions window (just click on my skins) it's a bit more compact than then default. feel free to swipe it if you choose.

Hey Revol, just so you know as posted in the original shot the Actions/Hotkeys are going to all be intergrated into a window at the bottom so we won't have the traditional EQ boxes for those. ;)

Haliken 05-22-2003 07:29 PM

1 Attachment(s)
New screenshot. The compass window's gauges aren't added yet. Wanted to make sure it was well liked before I added them. I need new graphics for that ugly yellow block in the upper left corner...


Revol 05-22-2003 07:34 PM

cool =) can't wait to see the final.

Haliken 05-22-2003 07:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok, here's my idea for the player and compass windows. Let me know what you think:

A) Change this to the health percent
B) Experience Gauge with percent
C) AA Exp Gauge with percent
D) Current HP
F) Breath Gauge
G) Move the Exp chain thingy back up here
H) Health indicator, turns yellow at 60% and red at 30%
I) No idea what to put here. Maybe a condition box (light green = buffed, white = nothing, light red = DOTed/debuffed)

Also, in the small area right of the H maybe ATK and AC.


Elezibeth 05-22-2003 08:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Originally posted by Haliken
Ok, here's my idea for the player and compass windows. Let me know what you think:

A) Change this to the health percent
B) Experience Gauge with percent
C) AA Exp Gauge with percent
D) Current HP
F) Breath Gauge
G) Move the Exp chain thingy back up here
H) Health indicator, turns yellow at 60% and red at 30%
I) No idea what to put here. Maybe a condition box (light green = buffed, white = nothing, light red = DOTed/debuffed)

Also, in the small area right of the H maybe ATK and AC.


Really dislike that concept Haliken, here is my drawing...

The light blue is a breath indicator, the bottom includes the compass and fillers on the sides just to make it look better.

Margrave 05-22-2003 08:25 PM

Thank you Elezibeth!!!! =) That is kinda getting big there all of a sudden....


Elezibeth 05-22-2003 08:27 PM

Re: Whew
Originally posted by Margrave
Thank you Elezibeth!!!! =) That is kinda getting big there all of a sudden....


:) That was my thoughts also. My original intent in the design of this UI is to create a small, useable, fast, sleek UI to assist me in my World Domination plans. ;)


Well, all but the last part is true there. ;)

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