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Xukil 08-30-2022 12:15 PM

Sorry I got sent out of town for four days for work and couldn't get the extended target window fixed. I added Korwiin's repaired Extended target window to the full .zip folder.

Download is Here :eek:

Korwiin 08-31-2022 01:17 PM

Thanks Xukil!

Xukil 09-16-2022 11:58 AM

I havent had a chance to jump on test but I will soon. I fear they borked things again. If anyone has a chance to try it and see what happens in the next few days before I get a chance I would appreciate it. :eek:

Kialya 09-21-2022 05:11 PM

Of course they altered it!
I will be playing tonight. I will try to update you on what is (not) working with the new "Your current target should now be highlighted with an outline of their consider color in the Extended Target Window" change for sure.

On a good note, the UI loads properly (at least on Vaniki) without errors - which I find odd considering all the changes they did.

Kialya 09-21-2022 05:32 PM

Found first bug and it's a DOOZY. If you target a player, then right click to add them to extended target window, the game crashes right to desktop

Hendrack 09-21-2022 10:23 PM

It seems targeting much of anything is a CTD. Targeting a player and autofollow is fine, but anything else, I've been CTD like crazy

Xukil 09-25-2022 04:12 PM

I found the issue with the extended target window and I am working on it. Once I get it done Im going to update my 4 computers UI's and play for a bit to see if I can identify other issues.


This one sucks, have faith it will be fixed soon.

Kialya 09-25-2022 05:20 PM

Originally Posted by Xukil
I found the issue with the extended target window and I am working on it. Once I get it done Im going to update my 4 computers UI's and play for a bit to see if I can identify other issues.


This one sucks, have faith it will be fixed soon.

Thanks, Xukil! Yeah this one was a major boom, lol.

Xukil 09-25-2022 10:32 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I added the repaired file to the download but here is the single EQUI_ExtendedTargetWindow.xml. Just add it and no other changes should be needed.

Let me know. :eek:

Kialya 09-25-2022 10:39 PM

Originally Posted by Xukil
I added the repaired file to the download but here is the single EQUI_ExtendedTargetWindow.xml. Just add it and no other changes should be needed.

Let me know. :eek:

Sweeet ! Thank you :D

*you have no idea how much I miss this UI when it is down. Ty again!

Kialya 11-30-2022 07:38 PM

New updates?
Originally Posted by Xukil
I added the repaired file to the download but here is the single EQUI_ExtendedTargetWindow.xml. Just add it and no other changes should be needed.

Let me know. :eek:

Looks like they made changes to facilitate the new tradeskill storage. If/when you have time, I would love an update :)
Much appreciation as usual!

Xukil 12-01-2022 06:31 PM

I will jump on it as soon as I can. Should be fixed by Saturday morning :eek:

Xukil 12-04-2022 05:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Add the attached file to your beta UI Folder and it should work. :eek:

Kialya 12-05-2022 06:18 PM

Originally Posted by Xukil
Add the attached file to your beta UI Folder and it should work. :eek:

That was fast! (much love) :)

Kialya 12-28-2022 05:59 PM

Something is not loading properly
Good afternoon,

If you have time, can you please look at Lodi? It throws an error when loading but it loads and I cannot see what may be wrong.

Found it: It was the bank window. I went and downloaded Hal's big bank window because that is the one I prefer anyway.


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