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Pasha 01-06-2004 12:33 AM

ATI RagePro
3D Target rings not working on my ATI RagePro 128

Roger Sewell 01-06-2004 02:27 AM

Re: ATI RagePro
Originally posted by Pasha
3D Target rings not working on my ATI RagePro 128

Unfortunately, that video card is not supported by EverQuest. You can find a supported list of Video Card for EverQuest, HERE.

Plasmatonic 02-09-2004 08:31 PM

Not working...
I am running an IBM Thinkpad T40p Centrino setup:

Penium-M 1.6ghz
512 Ram
64 meg ATI FireGL 9000

Something a little odd however... I have read that mobility chips will never work with the ring... however with ATI's drivers for Xfree86 on Gentoo linux (on this laptop) I can run EQ via WINE and the 3d targeting shows... unfortunatly the game is emulated and extremely slow...

Chyna316dta 02-10-2004 05:22 AM

3D Targeting Ring
My 3D ring doesn't work either.. its driving me nuts LOL HELP! =)

Weskat 02-10-2004 05:38 AM

Chyna - have you checked to make sure your video card is supported ? If so, ensure you are running the latest drivers for that card. Don't have much more I can say without knowing your system set up, other than Good Luck :)

Chyna316dta 02-10-2004 06:10 AM


I'll check my drivers, but I think they are alright =) I do appreicate you replying to my post though.. I appreciate it very much =) If you have any other suggestions please do lemme know .. and anyone else who has a suggestion please lemme know =) Thank you =)


Indomidable 02-10-2004 10:07 AM

I got mine working after I had the patch program do a full file check. Some file was missing. I at first thought it was the UI I was using, after doing full file scan it worked fine.
Just a suggestion from a Bazaar Toon's perspective. (was in the bazaar during several patches) Including today's untill booted that is.

I have a GeForce FX 5200 256 DDR Card
Date 11/17/03

Chyna316dta 02-11-2004 05:12 AM

Thank you.. I will try that as well.. Mine still was not working today when I logged on.. Fiddlesticks! =/

lucthegreat 08-24-2004 09:57 PM

Originally Posted by EvangStormwolf
Works great here for me . I have the 7500 (desktop not mobility). Before I would get kicked out after just a few moments on or if I moved a few steps then get the blue screen that said Error ATI3d1ag.dll and dumping virt. mem. Got to a point I wanted to kill my computer. ( or get a new Vid card. *grin* ) I'm just glad they fixed that issue.

Evangaline Stormwolf Hierophant of the 62nd level.
The Honorable Few (Veeshan)

I am having the same problem you referred to with the ati3d1ag.dll blue screen, and i need to know, what is this fix you speak of, and where do i get it? If you can help me at all, please email a poor technically illeterate fool at [email protected]


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