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FennyX 09-04-2004 02:10 PM

great :) thanks a lot for the feedback. i'll keep them as they are.

one thing i was considering putting back to the old index was just the level based class indexes. also, because the OoW spells are only on test right now, i've been using test server data for my own version. is that something you would be interested in using too?

Aramil Dannodel 09-10-2004 07:14 AM

Re: foofyspells (storyline mod)
Fenny...thank you for your great work, and meticulous upkeep of this Story Content mod. A *lot* of people I run into are either asking me, my friends, or just spouting in /ooc "What does <spell name here> do?". I try to tell everyone that doesn't already have it to make a point of coming here and downloading your spell list...it's an invaluable tool, and I honestly don't see how I could live without it.

My question/concern is as follows: I've been using the spell list for just under a year now, and although I've fallen in love with it, I really dislike the nex indexing system. Now, I know a lot of people posting said they weren't too keen on it at first, but enjoy it now that they've gotten used to it, but me, personally...no offense to your work, but I simply can't stand it.
I was wondering if there might be some possibility of you making a seperate version with the old indexing system, or give us some sort of instruction as to how to change it back to the old system while retaining the new/changed/added listings. If either of the two isn't too grand a hassle, I'd greatly appreciate any help on it possible.
Also, I noticed you were hoping to start including the new Omens of War spell listings with data pulled from the Test server. I honestly think this would be fantastic, since the newer OoW listings aren't fully described and detailed, at this point (not your fault, you're just picking up the information and cramming it together in a nice little, easy-to-use package for us).

Ameril Dan`nodel
Warder, 56th season
[ Lanys T`Vyl server ]

FennyX 09-12-2004 11:13 AM

thanks for the feedback :)

sure, i can post two versions, maybe a bit later today; takes a bit to run :D

FennyX 09-14-2004 12:15 AM

i decided to wait till tuesday, when omens is released so i get the new spell data. sorry if you were wating! :)

FennyX 09-17-2004 12:21 PM

well, i tried to post a 2nd version of foofyspells that used the old indices, but it got moderated out or something; so i don't know what to do. some people like the new ones, some like the old ones -- i can't post both and i can't put both into one zip.

so i'm back to only posting one version.

Ellyana 09-23-2004 05:29 PM

great job!
Wish someone would make a "single class" version.

Drumstix42 09-26-2004 03:21 PM

Darn I really loved how the search Class by level worked before. IMO splitting up the spells by pages made it A LOT quicker to be able to go backwards. If your looking for a level 40 spell lets say, and you click one, you can then click the level level next to the class short name, like DRU/40, but now when you do it, you've gotta scroll all the way back down to the level 40 spells

;) I personally liked how it was before. That's my 2cp

FennyX 10-15-2004 03:29 PM

yeah, i hear you on the scrolling down part. i'll think of something.

FennyX 10-26-2004 07:17 AM

have a new class level one, its sort of paged, and sort of sub-indexed, so it still looks simple, but lets you page around a lot faster -- with no scrolling :D

cmgrn 10-26-2004 11:10 AM

How do I actually get Foofyspells?
I have been reading this thread and it sounds great but when I click the Foofy link I see, I get a message saying I am not authorized to view the file. I am logged in to EQInterface so am I missing a step or is there a charge? Thanx in advance. :)

FennyX 10-26-2004 02:56 PM

probably was just waiting for moderator to approve latest submission, its there now.

cmgrn 10-28-2004 08:59 AM

Got it and it is GREAT!
I downloaded FoofySpells and the install was easy (but long). This is a really GREAT idea and very easy to use. I didnt realize how flexible the interface files could be. Thanks for making this available. :)

inien 04-03-2005 09:25 PM

Is Foofy still being updated? the last one I downloaded from here has very old info and lots of missing spells. I can understand if Foofy moved on, though hoping that's not the case. :)

Gena 04-04-2005 06:32 AM

With regard Foofy

He isn't answering PM's or ingame Email I suspect that he has moved on.



InTenSity 04-07-2005 12:47 PM

I don't post here often, this might be #1. Foofy, for now has moved on. Last anyone knew they were playing AO with the free year given. That is the last anyone has heard from him :( On a brighter note, he has been known to take long sabbaticals from teh game and then come back.

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