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-   -   A new WYSIWYG editor on the horizon. (http://www.eqinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16897)

tempestlasher 09-20-2006 02:45 PM

Intel Pentium D CPU 3.20 GHz, 3192 MHZ (dual Core)
Memory 1534 Megs 667 MHz

ticks: 14683344
tps: 3192180000

ticks: 15090192
tps: 3192180000

ticks: 14773040
tps: 3192180000

ticks: 15340720
tps: 3192180000

ticks: 14836592
tps: 319218000

ticks avg: 15584777
tps avg : 319218000

Angahran 10-12-2006 03:24 AM

hows the beta coming Greendragon ?

Backu 11-06-2006 03:48 AM

We have no Dilitium Crystals! ehh... I think the project took it's toll... but for grins, I did the test..

CPU: AMD Sempron 64 2600+ 1.6 GHz
RAM: 512MB
OS: Windows XP Professional x64

Tick 1: 7570675
TPS: 1608000000

Tick 2: 7276266
TPS: 1608000000

Tick 3:7266769
TPS: 1608000000

Tick 4: 7319864
TPS: 1608000000

Tick 5: 7229191
TPS: 1608000000

wiesshund 12-18-2006 10:10 AM

Originally Posted by GreenDragon
It will be very easy to use. I will be including a manual as well with some basic UI modding tutorials. Back to work on it.

Still working i hope?

Hoping so, cause though i can use notepad, i might have functionality but zero form.
with out a gui type editor anything i make might work well but looks like hairy monkey ass.

shillingworth 01-11-2007 11:12 AM

Originally Posted by wiesshund
Still working i hope?

Hoping so, cause though i can use notepad, i might have functionality but zero form.
with out a gui type editor anything i make might work well but looks like hairy monkey ass.

Perhaps try something like Visual Web Developer Express, has great formatting support, can even format your old files for ya (in the edit menu if you do try it).

seaxouri 02-18-2007 02:24 AM

Initial post: August 2005
Current date: February 2007

So here we are, a year and half after the original post, with nothing to show. Just admit that you lost interest and that there will never be a beta, instead of stringing folks along.

If you ever decide to pick it up again, wait until you are actually ready to deliver a beta before you open your mouth and get people excited.

Personally, I have long since just learned the XML code without the need for a graphical tool. Long, long since.

Drakah 02-18-2007 04:45 AM

No need to cause strife here. Beta or no beta, at least there are some folk who are willing to even attempt such a program. With many projects, some things come easily, some do not. I am sure GD has done alot of work with the program and we all get to a point where you just need to put it down for a while to get a new perspective.

I congradulate Greendragon on his work and perhaps he and Shillingworth can bring something to community soon that UI developers could use.

And even if one doesn't come out, I am glad to see there are people who are willing to try to create such a complex program.

Cheers to you both.

Weskat 02-18-2007 09:21 AM

Posted January 17, 2006
Originally Posted by seaxouri
So is there an editor or no?

It looks like you got everyone all excited as of over 5 months ago, and I don't see anything yet.

Is it available somewhere or still a work in progress?

Typically people wait until they have at least a working alpha before they start telling people about it. I get the feeling this tool will never be realized.

Posted February 17, 2007
Originally Posted by seaxouri
Initial post: August 2005
Current date: February 2007

So here we are, a year and half after the original post, with nothing to show. Just admit that you lost interest and that there will never be a beta, instead of stringing folks along.

If you ever decide to pick it up again, wait until you are actually ready to deliver a beta before you open your mouth and get people excited.

Personally, I have long since just learned the XML code without the need for a graphical tool. Long, long since.

Those are your two posts on this topic. As I am sure you can see, they are incredibly helpful and moved the project along.
There is testing done in pre-alpha, alpha, multiple phases of beta. It is very difficult to test without testers.
So why don't you go post on the EQLive Forums, I am sure your constructive input would be appreciated there.

seaxouri 02-19-2007 02:30 PM

Those are your two posts on this topic. As I am sure you can see, they are incredibly helpful and moved the project along.

They were not meant to be helpful, they were meant to be serious. My posts were over a year apart, so its not like I'm flooding the thread.

I am an active member in several open source projects, and an admin for some. I try and make sure that there is an actual product available rather than just talking about it. I make sure it gets done. I expect the same from other project owners as well.

Shilling's project is relatively new and it looks to me that he has come a lot further in a couple months than GD has in a year and a half. I think his effort is highly commendable thus far, he has provided screenshots and source code and more to the community, so I think he deserves some kudos. Even if he doesn't finish it, at least he has done a lot of work to kick it off, and someone else can pick up where he left off. GD just dropped off the face of the planet with a handful of posts.

Im not saying hes a bad guy. Maybe hes a great guy. Im not even saying its a bad project. All Im saying is, if he is no longer interested in the project, either cough up his work to date, or kill it. The alternative is to keep folks thinking that something is coming, but it never does. I understand people get busy with life. I have two kids and a full time job, so I realize life can intervene and kill something you had a passion for at one time. If thats so, have the common decency to say something like, 'Sorry guys, at this time I don't have the time or energy to complete this project. If someone else wants to continue it, email me for the source code and I will send it to you. Otherwise, if life changes, and I find a renewed interest, I may decide to pick up the project again. Until then, I wish you all the best."

nitewolf_08079 03-02-2007 03:28 PM

Just wondering if there have been any updates to the editor. Last post was a couple months ago from what i can see so just seeing whats going on.

Drakah 03-03-2007 10:22 AM

Have not heard from GD in a while, so I dont know.

Shill is working on his I believe, on a different thread.

GreenDragon 04-03-2007 10:43 PM

Ok guys I'm back and have missed alot I see. Sorry I haven't released anything yet this is due to working alot to pay for a car payment now (long story). I have made much progress in the past few days and so far it will load in a display guage and screen pieces. By display I mean the properties not an image, yet. I will hopefully be adding in editing and saving for these 2 types tonight. Once I have them done I can add support for more types due to the generic nature I have made (it'll be copy paste mostly). I could us all the help I can get with different projects that will make it easier to create a parser for each type. I will post a reply for each project.

GreenDragon 04-03-2007 10:51 PM

Serialize the different types.
What I need done is for the different properties in each type to be made into a specific format to allow easy copy paste. This is most easily done by someone with C/C++ knowledge though anyone can do it.

An example would be:
<Gauge item="BREATH_Gauge"> <ScreenID>Gauge</ScreenID> <EQType>8</EQType> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>3</X> <Y>5</Y> </Location> </Gauge>

What I would need done would be:

std::string cvItem; // Don't worry about this I have this done already for each type
std::string cvScreenID; // Pretty much straightforward its a string make sure to put exactly whats in <> and to add cv before it
int cvEQType; // Same as with string just it is an integer
bool cvRelativePosition; // Same as string or integer cept it is true/false
int cvLocationX, cvLocationY; // This is different notice how X and Y are both nested in Location I need any nested property to be prefixed with the parent no spaces or underscores or hyphens though

GreenDragon 04-03-2007 10:56 PM

Property assignment
Ok going off the last post I need to assign the values once I read them from the file. To get this done I need just this:

cvScreenID = attribs["ScreenID"]; // attribs stores all the properties and make sure that the value in the "" matches the xml file
cvEQType = atoi(attribs["EQType"].c_str()); // since this is an integer i need to convert the string into an integer with atoi( ) make sure to put .c_str() after attribs[" "]
cvRelativePosition = (attribs["RelativePosition"] == "true" ? true : false); // just follow this format for boolean value so they get set right
cvLocationX = atoi(attribs["LocationX].c_str()); // notice how it still says LocationX this is important is stay in this format
cvLocationY = atoi(attribs["LocationY"].c_str()); // same as last

Drakah 04-04-2007 09:16 PM

I still think you and shill should compare notes. Seems you are the only 2 people that know coding :)

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