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Sarrowrox 12-08-2002 10:04 PM

Mav I have just one question
Ever since the last patch when I zone I get the dumb message "Your current XML files are not current" What files do I need to change to fix it, the UI still works fine its just annoying having it there each time I zone.


flea_2010 12-10-2002 09:48 AM

Wolves are blue

I am having problems with the wolves, they look blue with red heads and have no detail when viewing them. I thought I had read a post here that had addressed that problem, but went through all 6 pages and could not find it.

Please let me know what I need to change to have me seeing our furry friends as they were meant to be viewed.


aviendha101 12-10-2002 09:55 AM

FLEA 2010:
Flea, your problem is not related to the UI... but I will help you out with that.

In your Everquest directory on your hard drive are a bunch of files that end in .TXC. These are you "Texture Cache" files. You may already know this, but basically those are the files that Everquest creates (assuming you have the option turned on) on your hard drive that help make zoning faster.

You can and should safely delete ALL of the .TXC files from your Everquest directory. (Don't worry, EQ will re-create them when you get back into the game, and each time you zone into a new zone)

After that, relaunch the game and check out your graphics. They should be all fixed. No more funny colored wolves running around. :P

OjUI 12-10-2002 09:56 AM

I believe the solution to screwed up graphics has nothing to do with Mav's UI - the solution is to open your Everquest folder and delete all the files that end with the .txc extension.

Everquest stores texture information for each zone in .txc files and if you have ones that are screwed up now - the game will not download new ones when you zone in.

Doing this will slow down your loading times in zones ever so slightly the first time you zone - but should clear up the funky graphic syndrome - and will go away once the game has updated the .txc files for each zone you visit.

Mavarien 12-10-2002 10:47 PM

Good Call! Thanks guys for helping him out. :)

Felessan 12-11-2002 07:33 PM

Got the MP3 player up and running Mav...thanks for your time...

Now, with the latest revision I seem to have lost the Broadhead cursor...it is just a little gold one, and hard to see...is there anyway to download that in alone without screwing up everything else?

Thanks again...

I am,

flea_2010 12-13-2002 11:10 AM

Different Text Boxes

I now can see the drooling and snarling little fuzzy wolves, no more red headed wolves with blue bodies.

Next question, as this appears to be THE MOST HELPFUL WEBSITE I HAVE FOUND FOR EQ, I have seen some UI's that have seperate boxes for the different text. For example, a text box that carries the SPELLS that are being cast, a different text box for crit hits and aother box for chat text.
Give a novice the inside track, what can I do to seperate who is talking with me, how much damage I am hitting for and what spell was just cast on me for 350 damage besides using the colored text.

Thanks again,

OjUI 12-13-2002 11:18 AM

right click existing chat window - "add chat window" - move that window where you want it - right click it and look for "chat filter" or "filter" - all kinda choices there - just mess around a bit and you'll get it - it's simple once you get the hang of it.

Lanys.Neoconker 12-13-2002 11:32 AM

Just a follow up to OjUI's post. "Filter" is what you see in which windows. "Channel" is what channel you chat in. I spaced out on the 3rd command for now but the 4th, "Hit Modes" changes how you see your hits, you getting hit, others hits, etc.

cyid 12-17-2002 04:40 PM

why not post your ini files so people dont have to mess around with the windows?

OjUI 12-17-2002 04:42 PM

He includes his .ini file in the .zip file - the poster was asking about adding more windows.

cyid 12-17-2002 05:14 PM

oh.. the zip i got didnt have the ini file :-(


Mavarien 12-18-2002 05:24 PM

I will try to Upload a new ZIP for both Versions of the UI later this evening. I've been really caught up with the guild lately trying to get Rallos Zek the Warlord taken out and haven't had spare time to update. We won last night FINALLY!! :)

Check out the play-by play:

Included in the new version will be TKings new Ranger Class Animation, and the new Jade Spellbook. I'll try to remember to include the INI file this time too.

Look for the update around midnight CST.

OjUI 12-18-2002 06:45 PM

Grats Mav - I heard you guys got him. :D

wmljohn 12-30-2002 11:03 AM

I have to say I am very impressed.

I am one of those dumb ass rangers out there. I like what you have done. I want to use it. I will try to sift through this long thread to find out what to do to get it up an running.

Included in the new version will be TKings new Ranger Class Animation, and the new Jade Spellbook. I'll try to remember to include the INI file this time too.

Is this now complete? I want to wait for you to finish so I only have to do this once cause god knows I will probably screw it up.

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