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warriorofmight 11-23-2008 10:10 AM

Oink! Reborn
This is the Oink! Reborn discussion area! Questions, comments and suggestions go here.

UI located here

rjs57 12-01-2008 05:29 PM

bank request
There are a few bank window pieces that show all of the contents of your bags without having to click them open. I very much like the ui, but this minor tweak would make it just about perfect for me. the one UI that has this in it already so you could see an example of what I am talking about is EVO

myxiplx 12-01-2008 05:48 PM

You know you can probably just copy the bank piece from EVO to have that working within your Oink install.

warriorofmight 12-02-2008 06:25 PM

Bank Window
1 Attachment(s)
I tested the EVO III bank window with Oink! Reborn and it worked, so feel free to download it and add it to the folder.

I took a few minutes to change the EVO III Bank Window into something more aesthetically pleasing (and compact). However, after some testing I've found it to randomly crash the game. I have not yet been able to isolate the cause of this problem. I've changed my bags to all 10 slot containers and will see if I can manage to duplicate the error. If I cannot I will release the window for Oink! Reborn. For now I'll give you the XML and ask you to do some testing as well and let me know what changes you'd like to see and what problems you run across.

Gijoew1 01-02-2009 03:44 PM

Need update for last patch
I don't seem to have any luck using this UI after this last patch. If I load it the game kicks me back to the default UI. Any help would be great.


az4x4n 01-03-2009 10:24 AM

It's not loading at all for me. Just goes to the default ui

warriorofmight 01-06-2009 07:00 PM

Oink! Reborn
My apologies to anyone and everyone who has been waiting for a fix. I am currently in the process of a move and the place where I am staying has very limited connectivity. I am working on the fixes and should hopefully have a working release by the end of the evening.

*Quick fix release is available for download. I was not able to fix the buff windows tonight so they are not included in the download. When I can get them fixed (along with the other 50 things SOE broke), I'll do a proper release with all files.*

Gijoew1 01-07-2009 09:37 PM

Big Thank You
Thank you for the hard work. ;)

Stryffe 01-09-2009 01:01 PM

Some issue with the chat window, other than that looks great, thank you so much for your time and work.

warriorofmight 01-09-2009 05:51 PM

Chat window
Originally Posted by Stryffe
Some issue with the chat window, other than that looks great, thank you so much for your time and work.

What is it doing?

Stryffe 01-10-2009 12:30 AM

No seperate section to type in. What you type is showing under other words until you hit enter. In the picture the words in white are just typed in and not entered for chat. If I am explaining correctly :)

PS there also seems to be an issue with buffs and their descritions not lining up. Of course it sould just be something I'm doing worng. /shrug.

warriorofmight 01-11-2009 08:36 AM

Originally Posted by Stryffe
No seperate section to type in. What you type is showing under other words until you hit enter. In the picture the words in white are just typed in and not entered for chat. If I am explaining correctly :)

PS there also seems to be an issue with buffs and their descritions not lining up. Of course it sould just be something I'm doing worng. /shrug.

Ok, the chat windows are a little different. This is where the original concept originated here . Basically where you are typing is a window unto itself. It's meant only for that. If something is written in that window and obstructing your view of what you are typing, simply typing in /clear and hitting enter should clear it out. Try moving your windows around and see if they are just overlapping.

As for the buff windows, they are not fixed yet which is why you are seeing the labels and whatnot misaligned. Thanks to Akenta, I should be able to get those fixed along with any other necessary changes (if any) and have the real post-update release ready to go in a few days.

Let me know if this works out for you or if it is still a problem.

Stryffe 01-11-2009 05:55 PM

I've tried resizing, moving them around and running in differnt resolutions, was still there. It's only a small thing though and I'm still very happy with the UI. Thank you again for your hard work on it.

warriorofmight 01-11-2009 05:59 PM

That's odd ... I have mine loaded and it seems to be working fine .... how many chat windows are you using?

Do me a favor, open a new chat window and let me know which chat window number it comes up as.

warriorofmight 01-11-2009 06:27 PM

Updated version is now released. Buff windows have been fixed. Enjoy!

Stryffe 01-11-2009 06:50 PM

I have created new windows. Same thing. Like I said no biggy though TY for looking into it.

BTW getting You are not authorized to view this file... from your download page hehe.

warriorofmight 01-11-2009 07:56 PM


Create a window specifically for typing your text in. Resize the window so it is only as big as the text. Set that window option for "always chat here" and make sure NOTHING gets filtered to that window. Then type /clear. That should set it up the correct way.

The UI was waiting for approval. It is good to go now. :)

Amandil 04-05-2009 12:35 AM

Is there any updates coming for this ui? Its a great ui and would like to see an update. Thanks

warriorofmight 04-20-2009 01:10 PM

I sincerely apologize if this ui is currently not working. I am presently not able to access the internet and am posting from my phone. I should hopefully be back by the summer and will make any and all fixes then. Until then, sorry =/

warriorofmight 07-14-2009 09:58 AM

Ok I'm back in the game!

If anyone can tell me which windows are having problems I can try and get this updated asap. Otherwise it's trial and error till I figure it out and remember what I'm doing =p

*Edit* So I logged in and everything seems to be working fine ... not sure what all was changed but I did not notice any problems. If they exist, let me know.

warriorofmight 07-17-2009 07:03 AM

Oink! Reborn now updated. Enjoy!

warriorofmight 08-18-2009 02:03 PM

Customer feedback time!

Alright folks, this is the best UI I have ever used. It is perfect ... for me. My question to you is, "What can I do or provide to make this UI perfect for you?" For those who are already using Oink! Reborn, what are some things you'd like to see added? For those not using this UI but who would do so if a few changes were made available, what would those be?

I previously had available different spellbars and smaller buff windows. I incorporated the smaller buff windows into the UI because let's face it, we all need more space and with buffs being added time and again, the smaller they can be while remaining easily read is a plus. What about the spell casting window? I'm not just entirely sure which version I have in the UI at the moment, though I believe it is the horizontal with names version. Is this good? Do I need to bring back the other versions?

What can I do to make this UI work better for you?

SmileyFAAce_ 08-18-2009 02:16 PM

Originally Posted by warriorofmight
Customer feedback time!

Alright folks, this is the best UI I have ever used. It is perfect ... for me. My question to you is, "What can I do or provide to make this UI perfect for you?" For those who are already using Oink! Reborn, what are some things you'd like to see added? For those not using this UI but who would do so if a few changes were made available, what would those be?

I previously had available different spellbars and smaller buff windows. I incorporated the smaller buff windows into the UI because let's face it, we all need more space and with buffs being added time and again, the smaller they can be while remaining easily read is a plus. What about the spell casting window? I'm not just entirely sure which version I have in the UI at the moment, though I believe it is the horizontal with names version. Is this good? Do I need to bring back the other versions?

What can I do to make this UI work better for you?

Sent ya a message :)


warriorofmight 08-22-2009 01:01 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Been making some changes even though I haven't received many replies. Guess I'll have to wait for it to break. Thoughts?

SmileyFAAce_ 08-22-2009 01:12 PM

Originally Posted by warriorofmight
Been making some changes even though I haven't received many replies. Guess I'll have to wait for it to break. Thoughts?

Looks much cleaner now :)!

Maybe add http://www.eqinterface.com/download....php?s=&id=4706 ?

and http://www.eqinterface.com/download....php?s=&id=5903 ?

Don't have to use my pieces, just a thought to add those .( I'm not an EQ button person so I always have Selector Window up. )


ps. how do YOU really like it?

warriorofmight 08-22-2009 01:20 PM

I must admit I like it much better. It is cleaner, more refined I guess.

I will try and see if I can shrink the pet window down some more vertically. Being a tank class it really is a space waste, but I think I'll leave it set up so that it can be re-sized to show all buttons if so desired.

Potion belt needs a little tuning as does the Spell Cast Bar.

Changes made so far:
-Title bars removed from all visible pieces
-Pet window revamped: Buffs and Pet's Target added
-Spell Cast Bar slight revamp
-Casting Window (shows what spell is being cast) lengthened
-Sizing on Action, Aura, and Merc windows

warriorofmight 09-08-2009 07:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Still working on it! Cleaning up the UI a little, refining some of the gauges and borders to make everything line up a little better. Some good thing coming.

Waiting for this coming update before updating Oink! Reborn. No sense downloading twice should something break.

warriorofmight 09-11-2009 09:23 AM

Since the patch was delayed until next week, I went ahead and uploaded Oink! Reborn V2.0.0 to the site. It will be available once approved by "management". Take a look at the changes, tell me what you think, and as always enjoy!

SmileyFAAce_ 09-11-2009 06:46 PM

Aye it is much better then when you first posted. Removing things that cause graphic lag is a plus on systems.


MVG0614 09-11-2009 09:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hello there! When I downloaded this my Player Window became a bit screwy.... My character's name ends up going into the static animation of the resting, recovering thing (I am sorry.. I don't know the technical name of it :() but on your screen shot it doesn't... I was wondering if you could either move the animation thing to the right of the name or just move the animation thing over a little more to the right.

FYI... I did some minor modifications to suit my needs a little better (Moved The HP, Mana and End labels and guages in a sequence I a more customed too.. I hope this doesn't offend you!)

Here is my player window

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