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lodidodi 01-22-2004 10:24 PM

Lodi Dodi 2.0.2 (Posted 1/22/04) - Say goodbye to your old UI

(This image was reduced from its actual size of 1152x864 down to 600x480 for easier viewing. Click here for the full size image.)

The Lodi Dodi UI was playtested for over a month before being released to the general public

Major Features:

-Customized rotating target ring
-Four tabs (bags/head/arms/body) added to hot button window for immediate access to all inventory slots
-Target window contains arrow indicating /consider color (green, light blue, dark blue, white, yellow, or red) of target
-Color of health gauges (target, player, and group members) changes from green (50%-100%) to yellow (20%-49%) to red (0%-19%)
-Text added for buffs, songs, and memorized spells

Visit http://www.lodidodi.net for more information, including a FAQ, screenshots and tips for every window, and optional downloads.

Please post your comments/suggestions here. Your feedback is greatly appreciated, as I am very willing to make changes to this UI to make it the best it can be.

Lodi Dodi

Links to eqinterface.com download sections:
Lodi Dodi UI 2.0.2
Lodi Dodi Bright Rotating Target Ring
Lodi Dodi Smaller Faded Target Ring

Keilia 01-23-2004 12:17 AM

Nice =)
Looks very nice. I will have to check it out more when I get home from work=)

Hawkewind 01-23-2004 12:17 PM

I love this UI, only one I use
I playtested this for a month and the author takes feedback and critisims and incorporates your ideas. He also updates in a timely manner. This great UI will evolve with more input from users and as the game changes.

If you download and use, you can expect use this one for the rest of your EQ life which is saying more than 99% of the UIs here.

Greymantle 01-23-2004 12:58 PM

Very nice layout, clean and informative. I see from your linked page that the individual pieces would have to be re-written to work as stand alones. I really like the look of your hotkey/bag slot window. Would you please consider creating a stand alone version of that?

Calron 01-23-2004 05:35 PM

I am new to messing with UIs at all for everquest. Actually this is the one i want to start with I believe. Just not to sure how to install it properly and make usre of everything. Though i will be reading the faqs page on the site completely first

Soes 01-23-2004 05:46 PM

Looks good!

lodidodi 01-24-2004 03:59 AM

Standalone Hot Button Window

I just finished up creating a standalone version of the hot button window. I actually made two versions - one that looks exactly the same as in the Lodi Dodi UI (called the "Lodi Dodi Graphics" version) and one that attempts to use your existing UI's graphics (called the "Existing UI Graphics" version) assuming the UI modified the standard UI buttons, backgrounds, etc.

I just submitted them in the DOWNLOADS section under "Hot Keys", and once the moderators post them, I'll add the links here. Meanwhile, you can download them from http://www.lodidodi.net

Edit: Here are the links:
Lodi Dodi Hot Button Window - Lodi Dodi Graphics
Lodi Dodi Hot Button Window - Existing UI Graphics

Here is a screenshot showing how the "Existing UI Graphics" version looks using 4 different UIs as examples:

Thanks for the feedback,
Lodi Dodi

Leegar 01-24-2004 10:14 PM

All I can say is wow this is a great ui, Thanks so much for the fine work you have done for all of us to use. I am one picky guy and feel this is one of the top 3 UIs I have ever used.

Wenjii 01-24-2004 11:51 PM

Nice work! Very clean and functional! My cleric is using it and I love it.

Thanks for a great UI.

DarkasDusk 01-25-2004 07:35 PM

I'm curious how to stop the scantily-clad dancing woman in my group window from dancing.

I'm really surprised nobody else has mentioned it.

lodidodi 01-25-2004 07:52 PM

Hehe. You found the "easter egg". It turns on when you click in the top righthand corner of the window, and it turns off when you click in the top lefthand corner of the window (for example, on the "ATK:" text).

It's actually a clip from the movie "Dusk Til Dawn".

Lodi Dodi

Taxet 01-25-2004 08:05 PM

Gr8 work here Lodi...my new hero!

wildroot 01-25-2004 08:45 PM

I love this UI and have started using it myself....

I am a total newbie with XML, so I have no idea how to make things like this.

In the hotbox window with all the bags and the 4 inventory slots:

Melee 1 / Melee 2 / Ranged / Ammo...

Is there a way to replace the four top bag spots with:

Upper right: Face
Upper Left: Left Ring
Lower right: Breastplate
Lower left: Leggings

I use those four for clickies on a regular basis, and always seems to have to little hotkeys, so being able to sport them instead of the bag slots would be great for me :)

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Ignore me :) I found out that I could click on the small icons...

Got a new question, the targetring don't seem to work for me, I keep getting the old one....

lodidodi 01-25-2004 09:03 PM


Glad you like the UI.

Not sure if you realized it, but you can actually access all your inventory slots from the hot button window, using the 4 tabs (bags/head/hands/body) on the right half of the window. Rather than trying to explain it, I'll just show you a screenshot of the window "in action":

I designed it like that specifically so that different people wouldn't need different versions of the window depending on what clickies they use. :)

Hope that meets your needs.

Edit: Hehe. Guess you figured it out just as I was posting my response. Regarding the targeting ring, I don't think EQ reloads the target ring when you load a new UI while you are in-game. To force it to reload, do "/indicator off" then "/indicator on". Or just wait and the next time you start EQ it will start using the new one.

Lodi Dodi

Hawkewind 01-26-2004 01:54 PM

BTW, you can insert your own "clip" or static image on the "Easter Egg". If you ask me, best thing about this whole UI......I put a home movie in there myself of me and some ladies

Mynde Kandie 01-26-2004 02:20 PM

Easter Egg
Is there any way to remove the easter egg altogether? :confused:

lodidodi 01-26-2004 03:53 PM


I assumed it wouldn't be that big of an issue since it only turns on when you click in the top righthand corner of the window and then turns off when you click in the top lefthand corner of the window, and I didn't notice any performance degradation because I used the same files that are normally used to load the class animations into memory.

However, if you do want to remove it altogether, I just created a new lodidodi_classanim.xml file that you can download *here*. (Edit: For some reason the direct link to the file wasn't working from within this post. You will have to go to http://www.lodidodi.net, and scroll down to "Optional Downloads" then click the link for "Blank Easter Egg".) If you unzip this file and copy it into your UI directory (overwriting the existing lodidodi_classanim.xml file), then the easter egg will no longer be accessible.

Sorry if this was a problem,
Lodi Dodi

Vixyn 01-26-2004 04:33 PM

This is a great skin, and will probably replace my current 'Tablets-Blue'. I'm just curious, can we 'switch' graphics? IE, use tablets instead of lodi-dodi's?

Any end-user cutomize-ability via graphics is a plus in my eyes :)

leama 01-26-2004 04:44 PM

Hey Lodi Dodi~
What a fantistic UI! Although I must admit.... the dancing girl just doesn't do it for me.
Got any dancing guys? LOL

lodidodi 01-26-2004 05:00 PM


The Lodi Dodi UI pulls the graphics for the standard size buttons from their normal locations within the "window_pieces03.tga" file (my UI has a custom version of that file), so if you overwrite my version of that file with the same file from a different UI, odds are that most of the buttons will switch to those graphics. Window backgrounds are also pulled from the standard files of "wnd_bg_dark_rock.tga" and "wnd_bg_light_rock.tga" so you can just copy those files over too.

However, many of the smaller buttons didn't look quite right when the game automatically resized the graphics from the aforementioned file, so I ended up creating a few more files to store custom graphics for differently sized buttons, called "lodidodi_buttons.tga" and "lodidodi_custombuttons.tga". So you'd have to manually convert those graphics over to the new style to switch over all the buttons.

Finally, the backgrounds for inventory slots are stored in "lodidodi_slots.tga" (standard size, for inventory window) and "lodidodi_minislots.tga" (smaller, for hot buttons window), so if you want those converted over too, you'd have to change those files. You may also want to tweak "lodidodi_spell.tga" if you want to change the look of the spell gems.

I do like the Tablets graphics (I actually based my graphics off one version of Tablets) so if enough people express interest, I might take the time to do this myself and post it on my website as an optional download.

leama -

I did design it so that different animations could be easy swapped in for the default animation. The plan was to create new animations once in a while to provide a little variety. However, don't hold your breath waiting for a "dancing guys" animation from me, you might have to create that one yourself. :)

Thanks for the feedback,
Lodi Dodi

Vixyn 01-26-2004 05:12 PM

Great! All I needed to know was it ~could~ be done, manually or otherwise - I'm no stranger to PSP or Photoshop, so it should be No Problem (TM, subject to odd glitches when least expected, see store description for details)

Hedien 01-26-2004 06:31 PM

Hey Lodi Dodi

I have a question ...

Was it intended with Unshared pp slot to be at bottom/left corner and for shared to be above gold? Just look like its in wrong place.

lodidodi 01-26-2004 07:01 PM


Yes the shared/unshared pp slots are in the correct spots.

Personally I stopped using the unshared pp slot after they added the shared pp slot. I can't think of a reason why anyone would want/need to use the unshared pp slot anymore. If you have a good reason, please let me know.

Lodi Dodi

lodidodi 01-27-2004 01:04 AM


I changed the Lodi Dodi UI 2.0.2 download file so that now the "easter egg" animation is a little more appropriate for EQ (a clip from Lord of the Rings).

Edit: The moderators have now updated the zip file in download secton, so everyone that downloads it from now on will get the Lord of the Rings clip.

Lodi Dodi

Hedien 01-27-2004 06:54 PM

I mainly use normal for my own money and shared for guild funds for regents ... other then that no reason.

Orpington2019 01-29-2004 06:54 AM

Which file do I modify for the movie?
I was looking but I was unable to determine which file I need to modify to change the movie clip...thanks...


lodidodi 01-29-2004 12:04 PM


That's a good question, so I just added it to the FAQ page on my web site (http://www.lodidodi.net).

Here you go:

Q: What/where is the "easter egg"?

A: The "easter egg" is an animation hidden in the player/group window. To turn it on, click in the upper righthand corner of the window. To turn it off, click in the upper lefthand corner of the window (for example, on the "ATK:" text).

Q: Can I change the "easter egg" to display my own clip?

A: Yes. The graphics for the frames of the animation are stored in modified versions of the files that normally store the class animations ("bard01.tga", "beastlord01.tga", etc). Changing the graphics in the versions of those files found in the Lodi Dodi UI directory will change the animation. If you want to use a clip with more frames or fewer frames than the existing clip, you will also need to edit the "lodidodi_classanim.xml" file to add/remove frames used by the animation. If you make your own clip, send me a copy and if I like it (and it is not R or X rated) I'll post it here on my web site for others to download.

Lodi Dodi

Gdbob 01-29-2004 01:30 PM

Heya Lodi
I DL'ed the UI 2 nights ago and like it alot, its very functional.
The only thing that I would say isnt my fave is the plain grey coloring. If there was a way to make the grey areas a different color I would be completely satisfied with it and will keep using for as long as I can.
Thanks :) -Bob

Greymantle 01-30-2004 12:27 PM

Great thanks for releasing a stand alone, using it and loving it.

lodidodi 01-30-2004 06:43 PM


You could modify the grey background fairly easily. The two files that store the background colors are "wnd_bg_dark_rock.tga" and "wnd_bg_light_rock.tga", so you'll want to modify those. You'll also want to edit "lodidodi_backgrounds.bmp" which stores the frames around windows and the additional grey borders/backgrounds I used for some of the items within various windows. You may also want to edit some of the other graphics files depending on how extensive you want the color change to be.

Lodi Dodi

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