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Taleisin 08-19-2003 12:58 PM

Lunix1 prebeta (locked for week before beta)
1 Attachment(s)
this GUI will be one of the greatest, I hope :-)

I am useing Tinkfu's code launching, (allows me to modify and patch the GUI alot easier and faster) :see screenshot:

I will post screenshots once I get another EverQuest account, till then I just have to picture the UI in my head :-)

think of it as a cross of FU, GEOS, and Solaria

<!-- Built on code from the following GUIs-->
FU 7.19.220
GEOS Alpha 6
Solaria pb 2.0
<!-- More GUIs and GUIminiMods will be given credit closer to release -->

Taleisin 08-22-2003 12:44 AM

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now that the buff window is public I thought I would share with you all the basic evolution to Lunix :see Screenshot:

Shadrak 08-22-2003 01:01 AM

A Tinkfu by any other name is still a Tinkfu...


P.S. I like the Buff/Invent mod .

Taleisin 08-22-2003 01:06 AM

I am not tinkfu


even though he did teach me how to write XML doesn't make me him, him is not I and I is not him :P

Thanks Shadrak :)

Taleisin 08-22-2003 10:10 AM

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Lunix Buff Window now included in FU666.

hurray! :-)

Zeremus 08-22-2003 06:16 PM

ok Tinkfu ;)

Taleisin 08-22-2003 08:30 PM

I am not Tinkfu, Tinkfu is not my name. For the name Tinkfu is not the correct name to address me by becuase it is not my name. If you were to address me by the name Taleisin then that would be correct, for my name is Taleisin and I will only be addressed by that name which is Taleisin.
And furthur more it is not Tinkfu in control of FU it is I who is in control of the FU. Taleisin who is not Tinkfu shall control the FU alone, which is to say, without Tinkfu and without Tinkfu shall I control the FU.

Tinkfu 08-22-2003 08:57 PM

I have been following this thread for about... say 4 to 5 minutes now, and I just want to say that Taleisin is Taleisin and I am Tinkfu.. Taleisin is only in control untill I get back from vacation in a few years.

so please call him Taleisin, I would hate for him to use the name Tinkfu and ruin my chaotic nature with his dull sense of humor and lack typing skills j/k :-)

Taleisin 08-23-2003 10:46 PM

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the first basic graphics test I did tonight didn't turn out well, :as you can see from the screenshot:

so I am not sure where I am going from this point, the graphics in the screenshot took me 5 days alone, redoing them is going to be hell. Anyway, I hope this doesn't ruin anyones interest in Lunix.

steppin 08-24-2003 12:43 AM

This looks SHARP.. and CLEAN ....
I got the linix buffs and really enjoy them.. they seem to be smooth.. lag free .... would like to see a SDB that matches your main buffs :)

The screen cap you just posted looks great also... the text looks EASY to read (for us with bad vision, that's sure a plus)!
You've done a good job here :) thanks !


Taleisin 08-24-2003 01:13 AM

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hmm, I could add a SDbuff window to the Lunix buff window, but it would be the same that you can find in FU666 as well as several other peoples UIs.. I'll consider putting it in.

as for the above screenshot, that was to show how badly the graphics for the borders and buttons did on first test, the rest is the default UI.. but thank you for supporting Lunix :-)

on this link on this post is the additional SD buff window that matches LunixBuff, I think since it is small posting it here is better than updating the whole buffwindow in the downloads area..... for now anyhow

Taleisin 08-25-2003 10:10 AM

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incase anyone is wondering why the version numbering is so strange on FU as well as Lunix I've prepared a little chart (ie* I was bored this morning)

Enjoy :-)

Taleisin 08-26-2003 09:18 AM

Lunix has been given a great gift, thanks to Talyns and his Tablets Future Grey interface; he is allowing me to take some bits from his interface and use them in Lunix.

so I would expect to see Lunix launching closer to november now instead of march like I was planing.

why is there such a jump in the timetable you ask? Didn't I ever tell you? I can't draw worth a @%*#

Haliken 08-26-2003 09:26 AM

Why so long?! If I put my nose to the grindstone I can spit out a whole UI in less than a week (if I'm in charge of creative control and have all the graphics I'm gonna chop up and use). And my stuff isn't trash either, it's real quality stuff, so I don't get what you could possibly be doing that'd take that long to complete.


Taleisin 08-26-2003 09:34 AM

the november date is just becuase I like to give myself a large margin of error, I lost the first Lunix... it's on a floppy somewhere.. I'll probably have Lunix ready alot sooner than november, but if you want a list here ya go :-)

reasons for long wait

1. I am learning XML as I go

2. I only have about 30 minutes a day to learn and write the UI

3. becuase I couldn't draw (solved)

4. I learn slowly

5. I don't have a EQ account to test these on so I have to use a XML praisers just to make sure the code is good.

6. I'm still fighting Tinkfu over useing his bit code launcher

yup that looks like a good list :-)

Haliken 08-26-2003 09:59 AM

Oh! I like lists. Here I go!

1. I can sorta understand this, but XML is so easy, it takes like a week or two of modding before it becomes second nature to writing english.

2. Ok, that really hurts development speed. Have a few hours is much less restrictive.

3. I totally sympathize with this...

4. Oh. Well maybe this explains number 1...

5. K, now this one baffles me. Why are you making an EQ UI?

6. Stab him in the eye and run off with his code. Just kidding... =D

So, in conclusion, you don't have much time to work on this. Or EverQuest... what the heck.


P.S. - But keep on truckin'. The more stuff people make, the more stuff I have to rip off.

Taleisin 08-26-2003 10:34 AM

I have watched Tinkfu play EQ since '98 I got addicted to second hand EQ, I also love to write interfaces, *I made a few mods to the original cpp interface, gave tinkfu and map some timers and other such things*

in reality I haven't played 1 minute of EQ, but I am to addicted to just drop it all together (at least untill Sigil Releases their game)

and 7. I haven't been feeling well lately

you have stabed Tinkfu for 5000 points

Download: Everquest2 Demo

Taleisin 08-29-2003 10:05 AM

As some of you might have heard, I have been working on Lunix almost from when I stoped work on GEOS. Now since then I have the basic coding complete my delay has been completely based on graphics, I wanted Lunix to be beautiful as well as functional. I have reworked this idea of mine and have now decided to create and release Lunix Pro for EQ1 and later release Lunix Home for EQ2.

Lunix Pro being a mainly function over beauty, and Lunix Home being a work of art.

Lunix Pro for EQ1 is currently dead in favor of something new

<!-- DeadLine for Release of Projects -->
Lunix Pro for EQ1 Dead

Lunix Home for EQ2 5/15/2004

Lunix Pro for EQ2 Dead

Lunix Kings Edition for Horizons Dead

Lunix Skin for KDE 12/31/2003

Lunix WebSite :need money:

Taleisin 08-30-2003 10:03 PM

Every time I look at what I create I get the urge to trash it, I have done so once again, mainly becuase it wouldn't load correctly after tuesdays patch. but I have started again from the default and should have news soon.

second reason, I have discovered a way to make the buttons of one window work in another (still unstable) for right now I am going to call the system HotLinking

Zeremus 08-30-2003 10:16 PM

ok Tinkfu ;)

Taleisin 08-30-2003 10:41 PM

look I am not Tinkfu, I am not related to Tinkfu. I am Taleisin, while true I helped on FU UI and even wrote the 3rd one, that doesn't make me tinkfu. If I am called him once more I am leaving EQ1modding forever, and taking my & Tinkfu's mods with me.

Shadrak 08-30-2003 10:52 PM

Yeah this is Taleisin not Tinkfu!

Please dont leave us Taleisin EQ1 and Eqgui

Taleisin 08-30-2003 11:17 PM

love the crying face Shadrak. Though looking at the hordes of people who use FU as well as LunixBuff (all 3 of them) it occurs to me that no one really wants a UI that I nor Tinkfu offer (a uncluttered with laggy graphics UI), yes I did learn modding the EQUI from Tinkfu, and I have tryed to following the path of the FU, but it just isn't working out. Perhaps Tinkfu was right,
{Last Sunday, around tea time, messhall, Fu Labs}
Master Tinkfu The Gearless: You know, all that I have tryed to do with FUUI and other FU products has been in vain, no one needs a basic mainly text interface anymore they are just as happy with a UI that adds half a minute to thier zoning time, as long as it has gears and blows steam off the spellbar

Taleisin The Seer: There are those out there who still want a simple, text based UI.

Master Tinkfu The Gearless: Name one.

Taleisin The Seer: Me.

Master Tinkfu The Gearless: you don't count.

Cindy & Nails: WE DO!!!

Master Tinkfu The Gearless: go back to your EQOA you traitors.

(On The Phone) Maeldrew Maelfu: FU19 is broken and I got a PoG Raid tonight.

Taleisin The Seer (talking on the Phone): email me your UIerrors.txt and UIProbeoutput.txt
hang up
Master Tinkfu The Gearless: so you going to be able to handle the proddies this week without me an` Cindy?

Taleisin The Seer: yeah they shouldn't be able to phase me long as I have my claritinD

Master Tinkfu The Gearless: hey, yeah about that... I forgot to get the prescription refilled

Taleisin The Seer: ...

Master Tinkfu The Gearless: tal??

Taleisin The Seer: *eye twitches* ... I'll be ok, just bring me something when you get back from dallas.

it went on from there but you get the jist of it. I'll be trying once more to create a UI to my likeing but it is not easy to please someone seeking perfection.

Taleisin 09-01-2003 12:12 AM

Lunix2 Reloaded
ok so here is the basic idea for what I am going to remake Lunix into.. a browser

default size would be 1280x1024 and up from there

sorry I don't have any screens ready yet so you will have to sorta imagine this

:title bar: <Includes>Character Health, Mana, Fatigue, XP and AAXP

:Standard Buttons Bar: All of the Selector buttons, Target health, hotbutton window (horizontal)

:Address bar: Compass, Casting Bar, Casting & breath Gauges, group bars

:Body: EQviewport

:Bottom of Window: Chat

:Right window: Buff and SDBuff Icons (shrunk to half size)

and that would be it, I would appreciate any feedback on this idea, and I am taking recommendations on medication ;)

Ellyana 09-01-2003 03:26 AM

Sounds very nice. lets see something :)

Taleisin 09-01-2003 12:45 PM

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this version is going smooth and fast, I nearly have it ready to give everyone a screencap of it.. but there is one thing I want my fan to help me decide

the AAXP on most windows is the same colour as the XP bar, I want to make it a different colour so it can be easly sorted from the XP bar.. but I need to pick a colour so here is a small sample of what it would look like starting with the normal colour up top down to some dark green.

please give opinions..

Taleisin 09-01-2003 01:15 PM

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ok and here is a unskined unfinished screenshot that gives you the basic idea, I still have to rework the target, hotbutton, selector, Actions, compass and pet but thats about it. Then I start on the slow part, skining it, so it doesn't look like this when I am finished.

Kedrin027 09-01-2003 02:40 PM

i like the teal 3rd one down

Ellyana 09-01-2003 04:08 PM

I like the purple :D

Taleisin 09-01-2003 06:17 PM

ok here is a better idea.


Should I include a mods folder with all the colours of the rainbow for this gauge?

<!-- Short List of Items not to Appear in Lunix2 -->

1. Timers, any Timers (becuase you can never make them the right time for everyone)

2. HotLinks (this idea isn't paning out well I'll post the code later if anyone wants to take a crack at it

3. Velious Version, (Seos beat me to the Velious remake, as you know I first tryed to create it with the help of Tinkfu under the NextGen name of GEOS)

4. The Divine Casting Gauge (it was really one of those "just to see if it works" sorta things)

5. Tinkfu's little easter eggs he put in all versions of FU (Shield with FU on them, SpellIcons for strenght buffs where he added a "Mother" tatoo, etc.)

6. the FU7spellgem&Icons (they make the download to large)

7. Vertical Casting Gauge (made the game far to laggy)

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