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soran 09-30-2004 11:52 PM

Soran's Cleric UI
**TSS Update for version 0.98**

Soran UI started life as the famed Ortin UI. When Ortin left, I started tinkering around with it, and over time it has grown into an almost entirely new beast, or perhaps a distant cousin. If I had to describe it, I would say its a left hand minimalist version of Ortin. I streamlined and added many new features.

- Fully updated for DoD
- Main Windows are fused together
- Right-Side small buff icons, with background for easier reading
- Large player Gauges with hp/mana numbers
- Transparent LARGE target window that is easy to read
- Transparent Chat windows make it easier on the eyes
- All stats and inventory slots are accessible from the main window
- Compass now has a home in the upper left corner
- In the group section, the pet gauge is moved to the right of the player gauges to prevent accidentally clicking pet instead of player (Can't tell you how annoying that is)
- Pet gauges also change color as pet gets low on health.
- Hotbutton Windows 1-3 are integrated into the main screen
- Built in Hott gauge. Never have to open hott window again!
- Tribute timer and current tribute points on main page.
- Optional 6 Gauge group window(coming soon)
- Transparent combat disc window for hybrids

I currently have versions for:
-1152x864 (being updated)
-1024x768 (being updated)

I would like to give Credit to:
1. Ortin UI for many textures and windows
2. Sars and T.King for code ideas reguarding buff icon background
and the gauges that change colors.
3. I also used Etasi's spell icons


Download From:
My EQInterface Stuff


SoranUI Home Page

Here's are the updated files for version 0.98 to work with TSS. Simply extract this archive into the folder SoranUI is contained and reload the UI.

I'll be doing a more substantial update this weekend and posting it in the downloads sections here.


nitrowolf 10-01-2004 12:28 AM

Nice UI, keep up the good work!

soran 10-02-2004 04:17 PM

New Resolutions
Updated the downloads section. There are now 1280x1024 and 1152x864 versions of the UI.


flipside_80 10-12-2004 07:02 PM

Hello Soran, great UI!

Have a question for you though, have you received any feedback regarding adding the maximum hitpoints and mana as opposed to just the number you have now and the %'age?

I can get the max HP's from the inventory, but cannot seem to locate max mana.

Is this something that is added easily, even if the max mana number is just in the inventory window?

Thanks for your time and efforts!

soran 10-13-2004 01:24 AM

No plans on adding max mana to the main window, but I'll add it to the inventory window. I usually just go by the percentage anyway, since max mana number rarely changes.


Sage Blazynice 10-13-2004 04:23 AM

Any possiblity of 1600 x 1200 for this? I know I know shot in the dark but I gotta ask :)

Amandakaye 12-11-2004 10:36 AM

Download link does not work
Hey, mind giving a link that works been useing you UI for almost a year and i wasnt able to get it from eq folder before my computer messed up... a workin link would be great...

Amandakaye 70 Cleric 431 AA's

soran 12-12-2004 02:55 AM

Sorry it should be working now... :)


JadellNightSong 12-12-2004 08:41 PM

Nice but can the windows be moved around
I like the look but can the windows be moved around or are they stuck where they are? Might seem strange to folks but I like my group/target/character lifepts windows on the left side above my hot keys and the buff/song/spell gems along the right side above my Actions window. I like the bottom of my screen for chat windows (small ones) so that I can see between them for easier targeting of mobs if I have happen to be standing on top of 4 of the fool things. Mind you this all the orginal EQ UI windows.

Everything I have seen posted lately has all the windows at the bottom and I am just not comfortable with that placement.

Jadell Nightsong
65th Ranger/60th Enchanter

Amandakaye 12-12-2004 10:52 PM

i seem to have a bug with this UI now I can't seem to Click my Epic 1.5 and 2.0 but other clickys fine, says 3 and 6min refresh.. i wait more then 6min and still geting spell recast time not recover blah blah Gm's said its the UI so anyway to fix it and keep this UI? I love it hehe

Amandakaye 70 Cleric 439 Aa's

soran 12-13-2004 04:51 AM

Sorry Jadell, the way I have it set up everything is pretty much locked in place the way you see it on the screenshot. However, I designed the UI with the expectation that you resize the viewport(I have instructions on doing that in the readme file). This way, you can still have all the interface stuff and chat windows and very little of the screen is actually being blocked.
So you are still able to see the full screen.

I hope that makes sense.. if not play around with the /viewport command and you'll see what I mean. It won't break anything.. try this command.

/viewport 0 0 640 480

/viewport reset

to set it back to its default size.

soran 12-13-2004 04:59 AM

Amanda... I'll have to look into it. Not sure what could cause that. Hopefully I'll have my epic 1.5 soon and I'll be able to track it down.

I am going to be putting in an extra click slot for 1.5 this week. Check the website Wedensday and it should be up.

Is your epic in inventory, or do you have it equipped?


Amandakaye 12-13-2004 06:00 PM

Its equipped, only way to use it... and i click it from my hotkey pad..

Will look on wednesday after patch =) Thanks so much.. Great work on this UI hun.

Amanda 70 Cleric 351 AA's

vino 12-13-2004 06:41 PM

Interesting. Sort of AO'ish, nice work.

Amandakaye 12-16-2004 06:52 PM

Hey Soran, Somthing is buggy with you're UI, other friend clerics have the same problem its buggy with the cleric epic clicker, it takes so much longer for the refresh time. Plz fix that :confused:


P.S. Would also love a downlink for you're 0.91Verison if u do not mind. =)

soran 12-17-2004 08:42 PM

I've been trying to track down the Epic 2.0 bug you've been experiencing. So far I can't find anything in the code. I had one of clerics in guild with 1.5 run through some tests for me and we couldn't get the epic timer to misbehave.

A couple suggestions would be to go back to the default UI and verify it works there.. then switch back to Soran.

I noticed something in your previous post. You don't have both epic 1.5 and 2.0 do you? It might be just a problem with epic 2.0.

If anyone else has had problems with epic 1.5 or 2.0 please post here with details.

Amandakaye 12-23-2004 12:45 AM

Yes i have 1.5 and 2.0 now and they both have timer problems and i have some troubles with some other clickers.. I dunno but thanks. i think im done with everquest now... GL with the rest, and safe adv's. :)


soran 12-28-2004 05:53 PM

I got my epic 1.5 last night. I tested it in about every way I could think of. I didn't have any problems with the timer.


soran 02-04-2005 03:17 PM

I'm not currently playing EQ1 anymore, but I will update the UI once DoN is released. The xml error shouldn't cause any problems with gameplay until then, so you can just ignore it.

That doesn't mean they won't add something that will break the UI in the near future. If that happens, just shoot me an email and I'll take a look.

Soran - [email protected]

Kelrizzo 02-04-2005 08:46 PM


This is a fantastic cleric UI, I'd even say that best I've ever used and I highly recommend it. All the group names near the spell gems. The only thing that throws me is that there is no easy way for the eyes to rove quickly from my health bar (which is a think dark blue line) to my groups. It's not a bad thing, just takes some getting used to.

soran 02-06-2005 04:51 AM

Most of the time.. cleric isn't one getting hit (if you are.. group is prob in trouble LOL). Your health percentage is right next to your HP number. I made those numbers big so I could just glance and see what my percentage is. The thin red line is your hp bar and the thin blue is your mana bar. Once you get used to just looking at those percentages it's really np at all.


Kelrizzo 02-08-2005 11:06 AM

that's what I think too, I think it's just a matter of breaking old habits :)

soran 03-12-2005 05:25 AM

1 Attachment(s)
The new version isn't up yet, but I wanted to post a screenshot and maybe get some feeback or suggestions before I finalize things. So please don't download yet. I hope to have everything done by the end of the weekend.

Those of you who are using the UI and are still suffering in DoN without access to crystals, Here is a link to the new Inventory.xml File. Right Click the link and choose "Save Target as.." to download it without your browser trying to open it.

Also, I'm aware that there's an issue with "Do Not Use" in the temp buff window. I switched over to the new eqtypes and nothing changed. I've been told this is something Sony did in the last patch, and it will take another patch to fix. If anyone has more info on this let me know. :)


aelflaed 03-12-2005 10:02 AM


You mentioned in game this evening about perhaps making a melee version of your ui... a few things to mention-

I like the fact that you have the window selector built in, lots of customs don't... I use 3 chat windows at all times but I could adjust to two if needed, though I'd prolly still make a third durring raids for enrage messages so you don't have to rez me as much. = )
Two big things missing though... action window, didn't see it on there, might have missed it... but I use it all the time, I hate switching between pages of hot keys and I have to keep things like socials to raid and drag/drop/consent easy to get to... and 10 just isn't enough spaces. On a similar note, I keep one of my disciplines on my hotkeys (well two if you count ranged but that's on page two) but I have to have the discipline window open always.

Also played around with the /viewport comand on my alt cleric... never knew about it, it rocks! <3 So yeah, gonna snag your ui for my cleric... looking forward to what your creative mind comes up with for the spell deficient set. = )

-Fistandantalia Mayhem
Nightblade of the Seventh Hammer
( Forged Souls )

soran 03-12-2005 02:44 PM

Right now the UI can't be used by pure Melee, but yes I'd like to eventually make a melee version. There are actually 3 chat windows. 2 along the bottom for chat, and then I have one hidden window at the top between the selector window and the buffs. I use the hidden window to filter all the various spam channels.

The actions window was something I decided didn't need to be built into the UI since pretty much everything there can be put on a hotbutton. I wanted to keep what as on the main window as simple as possible, and avoid clutter. That's something I'll look at for the melee version since I'll have a little more room to play with.


soran 03-14-2005 04:27 AM

Version 0.93 is now available for download!

SoranUI Website
Current Version 0.93

Dolby 03-14-2005 04:51 AM

Nice Interface.

Why not upload it to our downloads database so people can download it faster, add it to their favorites and be notified when you update it, the file is avaible all the time, etc. ?

soran 03-14-2005 05:44 AM

I really haven't been satisfied with it entirely until this most recent version. I'll upload it this week as people check out and I'm confident it doesn't have any little problems I might have missed. Plus I need to clean up the XML somewhat LOL.


Kelrizzo 03-14-2005 10:06 AM


Thanks very much!!!!!

CMPlayer 03-14-2005 01:54 PM

Hey i loaded this skin up for my druid. Only think i hate is i get that do not use thing by buff window and wat r the lil silver coin looking things with 0's by it in bottom left corner by spells?

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