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Stoplaughin 09-11-2008 12:09 AM


Please post any bugs, questions, comments, salutations, reprimands, requests, opinions, facts, or anything else you can think of. Thanks.

Stoplaughin 10-07-2008 01:33 AM

I am in the middle of a complete rewrite of MiniUI so the SoD changes are not completed. I uploaded what I have so far of version 4.0 as a patch for the people that want some of the new features. You can also use version 3.1 and delete the EQUI_GroupWindow.xml and EQUI_TargetWindow.xml if you wish. It has most of the important windows. The changes are unfinished but, any feedback or bugs are still welcome.

You can find the patch at http://www.eqinterface.com/download....php?s=&id=5670.

Kerri 10-08-2008 11:12 AM

Hey, this is a really great UI.. most of it is just what I want/need.. unlike all those UI's here that take like 1/3rd of the whole screen. I have one suggestion though! Would it be possible for the (4.0) TargetWindow to show the target on bottom and stack the buff icons on top of it? Would be glad for any hints on how to do it myself also, since i've been trying for a while already with no success.

I also found something which appears to be either a small bug or something yet unfinished (in which case, just disregard this paragraph!): It doesn't seem possible to target an LD/zoned member, like the default one lets you now. It shows a shade of the HP bar, but no name or whatsoever.

Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to check out the finished 4.0 version!

Stoplaughin 10-08-2008 12:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by Kerri
Hey, this is a really great UI.. most of it is just what I want/need.. unlike all those UI's here that take like 1/3rd of the whole screen. I have one suggestion though! Would it be possible for the (4.0) TargetWindow to show the target on bottom and stack the buff icons on top of it? Would be glad for any hints on how to do it myself also, since i've been trying for a while already with no success.

I also found something which appears to be either a small bug or something yet unfinished (in which case, just disregard this paragraph!): It doesn't seem possible to target an LD/zoned member, like the default one lets you now. It shows a shade of the HP bar, but no name or whatsoever.

Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to check out the finished 4.0 version!

Thanks for the feedback. I attached a version of the target window that is flipped. I prefer it the other way, so for the 4.0 release I will just upload it separately as an add on.

The out of zone target names not being displayed is caused by a bug in EQ. The EQType for your target's name doesn't work correctly. I reported the bug. If its not fixed before the 4.0 release I'll make it work. Unfortunately it seems like I spend most of my time trying to get around bugs in EQ lol.

Stoplaughin 10-11-2008 10:31 PM

Version 4.0 has been released. Huge changes from 3. You can find more information at http://www.eqinterface.com/download....php?s=&id=4588.

*Future Plans*
I plan on releasing an alternate version of this UI with the hot buttons, actions, pet, and combat ability windows filled in rather than transparent.

Mods for mercenary, voice chat, and con circle.

The issue with the group and target windows is still there. The next version will address those bugs.

The clicky bar was removed from hot button bar one that you saw in version 4.0a, because I want to make it a separate window. That should be in the next version.

Getti Lee 10-12-2008 04:35 AM

looking great man, awesome work you're doing there. i still love slim and functional look there.

when you're finished, will you maybe have instructions on how to "borrow" some of your ui elements? bandolier, tradeskill, map with white background (awesome!), item window, chat windows etc?

keep up the great work man, this is the best minimalist ui i've ever seen :)

Stoplaughin 10-12-2008 12:20 PM

Originally Posted by Getti Lee
looking great man, awesome work you're doing there. i still love slim and functional look there.

when you're finished, will you maybe have instructions on how to "borrow" some of your ui elements? bandolier, tradeskill, map with white background (awesome!), item window, chat windows etc?

keep up the great work man, this is the best minimalist ui i've ever seen :)

Thanks for the good words :).

Thats a good idea. I will add some instructions to the UI download page next time I change something, but here is how its done.

1. If you are trying to mix some of the pieces of MiniUI with other pieces that require custom animations and modify the EQUI.xml file, then you will need to alter that file. Make sure the line "<Include>MUI4_Animations.xml</Include>" is in with all the other includes and that it is before the line "<Include>..\default\EQUI.xml</Include>". If you are trying to mix pieces of MiniUI with a UI that does not modify EQUI.xml, then simply use the file included in MiniUI.

2. Copy MUI4MapDark.dds, MUI4MapLight.dds, MUI4Scroll.dds, MUI4WindBack.dds, MUI4WindowPieces.dds, MUI4WindowPiecesDXT1.dds, and MUI4_Animations.xml into your UI folder.

3. If you are going to use the spell book from MiniUI also copy window_pieces05.tga and window_pieces01.tga into your UI folder.

3. Copy any of the XML files you would like into your UI folder. From their name you can usually tell what window they modify.

thecliogeek 10-16-2008 06:46 AM

Awesome work my friend!! Thanks for doing a UI with out all the vines, extra crap no one needs, only wants! I have a request, others do it with the first bag, but you have do it all alone if you want. Translunwrap did it all alone by itself but wanted to know if a window with all stats (like http://www.eqinterface.com/download...iew.php?id=9276) can be done easily enough. I was a loyal Translun using for years until, after being passed to another player after the orginal developer left game, was left by the way side after the first couple SoF patched that broke the ui.

I like the semi-transparent windows and the minimalist view. I am gald you are still working on this. Thanks a million!!!

Stoplaughin 10-16-2008 01:27 PM

Nice idea. I will add a stats window with the next update.

In other news, I logged on the test server and Sony fixed the bug with the group window being too large when you don't have a group member.

They didn't fix the target window yet though.

Stoplaughin 10-19-2008 05:54 PM

Updated to version 4.1.

Changed some things around slightly. The group and player window are probably the most visible. The group window being too large will be fixed in the next EQ patch. The target window not displaying out of zone targets should be fixed in the near future. You will get an XML error when you log in until the next EQ patch.

Added the clicky and stat windows as seperate windows. This is a new feature to EQ and I don't know of any other UI that uses it. Please report any bugs.

The modified bug report window can be shrunk so that just your X, Y, and Z position can be displayed. You can hit the loc button to update your position. I have seen some requests for this type of feature before.

More information can be found on the download page.

I don't plan on making any big changes for a while so please report any bugs.

I still plan on making a seperate version of this UI with most of the windows filled in. I should have that out in the near future. If its something your looking forward to and I'm slow about it feel free to remind me :).

Getti Lee 10-26-2008 06:55 PM

1 Attachment(s)
having a problem trying to pieces to work with quartz redux, here's the equi.xml that is included with it.

http://www.eqinterface.com/download...nfo.php?id=5349 is the full ui package

Stoplaughin 10-27-2008 12:05 AM

I don't see a custom EQUI.xml file in the UI you linked. You should be able to copy the unaltered EQUI.xml from MiniUI along with MUI4_Animations.xml, MUI4_ClickyWindow.xml, MUI4_StatsWindow.xml, MUI4MapDark.dds, MUI4MapLight.dds, MUI4Scroll.dds, MUI4WindBack.dds, MUI4WindowPieces.dds, and MUI4WindowPiecesDXT1.dds. Then you just copy any of the windows you want from MiniUI.

Getti Lee 10-28-2008 06:04 AM

that must be left there from older versions of quartz hehe. well i followed the directions and just copied over the 11 or so files listed at the download page and then tried one window at a time and no go. heres a link of my UI folder if you ever get bored and want to mess around, i know you've got this UI you're working on :)

http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=...8a70f 484c7344

Stoplaughin 10-28-2008 11:34 PM

The EQUI.xml you attached is correct. I was able to mix some of the pieces with the UI you linked. Which pieces aren't working for you? In what way do they not work? Does it revert to default or crash EQ? Could you include the contents of your UIErrors.txt as well please.

Getti Lee 10-29-2008 08:21 AM

it reverts to default for me when i try to sub in just one piece at a time.

tracking window
tradeskill window
tribute window
aura window
bandolier window
container window
item display window
loot window
map window
all 3 mercenary windows
voice bar window

i've tried just one at a time, soon as the servers come up i'll try again and post the eqerror log

Stoplaughin 10-30-2008 11:06 AM

I was able to load the UI okay when I replaced those files. I made a copy of what the UI folder looked like and uploaded it to http://www.2shared.com/file/4187404...niUIQuartz.html. If you still have problems my suggestion would be to delete and redownload the default UI folder. If that doesn't work UIErrors.txt should hopefully help track down the problem.

Getti Lee 10-31-2008 08:17 AM

thanks a bunch for messing with it, it did find the problem i was having tho. the combat ability window i use for caster is the same as the melee one, but it loads the default one when i load the zipped folder you uploaded with a caster, went and experimented with varioius custom combat ability windows and the recently updated ones in the new quartz uploads and its working :)

i did notice something funky with the container windows, you have to hit "done" so it remembers where they were opened but that seemed to save their position.


p.s. if you check out those dynamic zone windows and raid window, you might like to redo those to your theme to add to your UI package. they are great improvements to the default UI. the small spell book also is very minimalist and saves alot of screen space.

i'll definately be keeping an eye on your added windows in the future ;)

Getti Lee 12-14-2008 06:18 AM

1 Attachment(s)
seems to be a little bit of a bug with the clickable area on the item link window from this last patch.

also i've been meaning to ask you a question about the container windows. the tradeskill windows rock, ty :) however i do have a issue with the aug bath window. when i click it originally, it will pop down in the bottom right of the screen (couldn't find it forever till i noticed the cursor change when i got down to the very bottom corner.) i moved it up to the center of the screen, closed it via the done button to make sure it saved the position but no go. each time i open the aug bath now, it saves the vertical position but its off the screen on the right.

ok the other issue with the aug window is the insert/remove button isn't lined up in the window for me. heres a screenshot of what i mean.

the buttons in the aug bath window are fine until you put something in them.

and since i'm pestering you this much so far, i was curious if there was a easy way to change the width of the spell/foci description text in the item display window? the text box is like 60% of the width of the whole window and with big descriptions its a pain to scroll to read all of it. if its a simple line change, let me know please :)

Korthiir 12-20-2008 06:42 AM

Nice UI I really like it, and have been looking for a good minim UI for awhile now.

A few things that you may or may not want to consider:

1. expand the target window to include target's target (putting both in one window makes it so that I don't have to click hott each time I log into the game.)

2. add a "lock" option to the bag windows so that I can put them where I want and keep them there.

And lastly a question: I cannot target myself to select "group roles" is there a special way to do this in your UI?

Korthiir 12-20-2008 07:34 AM

Ok another question. Is there a way that I can modify the "custom" windows (stats, and clicky window) so that they do not close when I press the <esc> key?

956wenbrook 01-01-2009 04:42 PM

why can't I go to other pages on my hotbuttons 3 and 4 but i can scroll to other pages on my horbuttons 1 and 2?

956wenbrook 01-01-2009 05:55 PM

I also have problems placing a new item into my potion belt

vekanos 04-04-2009 12:52 PM

Whether Stoplaughin
Anyone know where to find Stoplaughin? I've tried PM'ing him to no avail. This is an amazing UI and I would hate to see it die from bitrot.

Feclar 02-15-2011 04:32 AM

need update =(

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