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beyondremorse 09-08-2007 11:41 PM

Large Health / Mana Bar
I play the game at 1920 x 1200 on a 24inch flat screen. The issue with that is that any of the ui pieces that have stuff like hp / mana guages are tiny at that resolution.

I would like either to know how to enlarge one of the current ones so that I can actually read the bars and numbers, and see the timers better etc, or get a simple one made that has this basic idea.

I will just use an example. Seri has edited the Egras Mod. If you look at that main window, the one that shows hp / mana, has all the bags etc. All I want is the functionality of the HP and Mana part of it, but about 15% larger.


The information I want to see is pretty simple.

Hp Current# / Max #[============================] %
Mana Current# / Max #[============================] %

Basically that but large enough that its easy to see and watch. Honestly if I could take the top part of that UI part in Egras and enlarge it about 12 - 20% it would be perfect.

The only last thing I ask if someone does take this on is if there is any way possilbe please add the timer and icon for out of combat / resting to it.

Thank you very much for all the effort you guys give.


myxiplx 09-09-2007 02:36 AM

1920x1200... nice :D

I'm happy to do whatever mods you want if you'll do me a favour in return: I could do with someone testing my UI out at some higher resolutions and sending me the settings and some screenshots.

I've already got some large bars in use in my UI, it's a piece of cake to add those wherever you want.

Take a look at my UI, and let me know if those bars will be too big, or if they'd be ok for you:


Catweazel 09-09-2007 11:29 AM

I finished setting your (Myx) UI up on 1600x1200 last night. The only problem left is the "small" map window, which I have positioned, but not resized.

Unfortunately, that is the largest resolution I can get to, but if you need help with someone playing with your ini files, let me know.

myxiplx 09-09-2007 03:41 PM

Cool, could you e-mail me a screenshot of it at 1600x1200 and your ini file please (myxiplx---usual bit---hotmail.com)? I'll add that to the list of supported resolutions.



beyondremorse 09-09-2007 08:59 PM

Not a problem at all, I have used your interface in the past, I really like your stuff, but it was way to tiny when I upped my resolution for these monitors. I will put it at 1920 x 1200 for ya and take a screenie, so you know what I see. I want the health / mana to be movable if possible fyi, and as big as the mana is on your screen now, maybe just add the HP right above that one. I will check out the bars tonight, know though they are probably the right size on your screen now, once I turn it up that high they may be tiny again lol.

That is my current problem, if I look at some of these ui's run at 1280 x 1024 they look awsome, and then I put them in my resolution and they are barely readable lol. One thing I do know that I need is a way to take something out of a bag and click it as I need it on my default interface

Edit: I looked at your UI on the screenshot. Basically when you look at the JUST mana bar you have, I would like the health above that like your other screenshot but both of the bars to be as big as that mana bar. And I would like the exact and maximum numbers Bigger. I want to be able to glance and see quickly what I am at exactly, while I like the %tage when I am going to cast a spell I will watch my mana, knowing on a raid that I can cast a spell at 1100 mana etc, I stare at it till I get it hehe. Or when I need to buff after a death.

The only other issue I see with your interface between what I have now, is i want to see the name of the spells I am casting, I will take a screenshot of my current UI for you, its really crapp atm because it is after the patch, but you will get an idea of what I use.

Thank you for all of your help!

~ Kloke

beyondremorse 09-09-2007 10:13 PM

Well lol, I took the pics for you, but I cannot seem to find a place that will post a full size screen shot. Everyone shrinks it down to like 640 x 480. I tried photobucket, yahoo pictures, and shutterfly.

Need some suggestions lol.

~ Klo

Serianna 09-09-2007 11:26 PM

If you Email me the pic file (just put it in a zip folder) at Serianna {appropriate symbol} [dot] Net I can host it for you so myx can see


beyondremorse 09-09-2007 11:31 PM

Ok I will do that when I get back home tommorow, it's odd the two people that I have blended their interfaces offering to help!

You both will see that I have some of each of your UI's awsome job guys!

~ Klo

myxiplx 09-10-2007 01:23 AM

E-mail it straight to me, my e-mail address is in the post above, just needs the @ symbol adding in :)

I don't ever type my e-mail address in full on forums as that's an easy way to get spam mail.

Serianna 09-10-2007 09:36 AM

Heh good idea Myx didnt even think of that.


Serianna 09-10-2007 01:19 PM

Okies heres Beyond's screen shot


My personal web site for photos and videos so I know its safe


myxiplx 09-10-2007 04:16 PM

Ok, I'm not very familiar with Seri's UI so let me know what you think of this suggestion and whether I'm on the right lines.

I'm guessing that changing your existing HP / End bar in the centre would be a pain, that looks to me like it's part of hotkey 1, so resizing that means re-working all that code. However your actual player window appears to be the transparent bars just to the left of centre in your main window (I can just make out a tiny combat timer).

That being the case, they're already free floating so adapting those to enlarge the bars and add the text in a larger font should be a piece of cake.

What bars do you want there? Do you want to keep the target and hott health there too? And how is this for a layout?

[ \ / ] 1111 [-------------------- ] 2222
[ / \ ] 3333 [-------------------- ] 4444

So you've got a large combat graphic on the left (I'll fit the timer in there somewhere too), and on the right you've got your current health/mana on the left of the guages and your max health/mana on the right.

If that sounds ok let me know and I'll have a go at it this week.


PS. Very interesting to see a UI at 1920x1200. I can see me tweaking my UI to come up with some better settings for that resolution :)

beyondremorse 09-10-2007 11:12 PM

I like that idea, basically enlarging the target and making that my hp and mana gauge. I would also like to know if you can make your all in one target bigger for me, as I love the layout but as you can see its too small by far at my resolution. I would like it about big enough to stretch across that row of clickies, and as tall as where my casting bar is so I can make use of your casting bar instead.

With your ideas and mine this is what I foresee possibly. I would like to use your all in one for target and hott if you can enlarge it quite a bit.

As far as this part Lets see I would like it.

[ \ / ] Current / Max Health [--------------------] %
[ / \ ] Current / Max Mana [---------------------] %
[--------------------------------------------] Time till rested, only shown if it is changing, would be cool if this bar could slide  way as it counts down. If not a decent sized timer under it would be good. You see my issue the rest timer is SO tiny no matter what I download.

In all of those I want big numbers, you would not upset me if they are halfway between bold and huge lol. I would not mind them standing out, I saw a mod that had them in some sort of glowing neon green heh, what ever works as long as you can read it in bright zones.

Let me know if you have any other ideas.

~ Klo

P.S. Thank you very much for all of your help. I am excited to see what you come up with!

beyondremorse 09-12-2007 06:41 PM

Hey Myx,

Did you get to see this? Want to make sure you did get to check it out.

~ Klo

Btw, you can reach me on Stromm as Kloket

myxiplx 09-13-2007 01:02 AM

sorry, yeah, I saw it. Got it on my computer now :)

I did a little bit of work last night, hoping to find the time tonight to finish it.

myxiplx 09-14-2007 04:11 PM


Just coming back with a progress report. Large gauges are a PITA lol.

This is bringing back memories of doing my own large gauges, I'd forgotten how much of a nuisance they are. Gauges don't scale the same as other UI graphics. The gauges only display at the size the graphics are, regardless of how big you set the size of the gauge itself. And graphic filesizes in eq are limited to 256x256 (or at least they used to be). So the reason Egras and all the others only have bars at that size is because that's pretty much as big as they go.

However I'm a stubborn bugger, and there's usually a way of bodging things. I've got a couple of idea and I'll be playing more this weekend, just letting you know that it's not forgotten, just taking some time :D


beyondremorse 09-14-2007 07:14 PM

Rock on.
You rock, I am in no real rush, you will get it when you get it heh. Me being impatient won't help you get it done faster.

Thank you for the update though!

~ Klo

myxiplx 09-18-2007 03:21 AM

Cracked it! I was being dumb - I'd forgotten that EQ can only work in base 2 when opening graphics - ie. the file dimensions have to be one of 2, 4... 64, 128, 256. So files can be 32x32, 64x64, 128x32, etc... up to a maximum size of 256x256.

So when I'd made my odd sized 185x100 graphic, EQ would have been opening it in a 256x128 space in memory, explaining why I was getting empty spaces all around it.

I've got a large gauge working now, all I've got to do tonight is tidy up the graphics and try to figure out where I can put dividers.

beyondremorse 09-18-2007 09:38 AM


I cannot wait to see it, ty very much man for the help. I am stoked. I am using your current play bar btw, so it will replace that. So I need to make sure I dont lose the attack on, resting timer, or resting icon. Not sure how easy that would be to do.

Btw, you can catch me on yahoo messenger under beyondremorse. Or if you give me a way to reach you I can get with you, and we can work together, as I would like to learn.

~ Klo

myxiplx 09-18-2007 03:31 PM

Ok, worked it out. This is what I have at the moment, shown next to one of my old gauges so you can judge the size. What do you think?

Send an e-mail to myxiplx --- x ---- hotmail.com and I'll reply with the zip file. It's working but I've got a lot of tidying of the code to do before I'll publish it properly.

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