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Growthgloth 01-30-2003 04:43 AM

Grown3 Released and Updated
Go to the last page for the updated section

Spell bar redone, compass has been newly updated and a few other odd and ends.

Here it is!

Click here to DownLoad!

Alcorn 02-02-2003 04:36 PM

Great Job, but little prob
i install your ui, i love it to much
but in box target, the name of target isnt in center of box,
could you help me, in explain how i can change it plz
for it must be perfect.

could you send me an email plz
[email protected]

Leecher 02-02-2003 05:52 PM

I get the same thing the target bar is halfway out of the target box but other than that great ui

Veheme 02-02-2003 11:11 PM

It's nice
I like the utilization of space, one thing i noticed is that you can move everything to your liking except the chat windows, any remedy?

Niznu 02-03-2003 12:14 AM

effect bar doesnt work
cant get spell effect bar to show spell are on me but nothing show s up in bar . bard song one workds fine . other than that everything is awesome . oh yea names do stick out of target area

Growthgloth 02-03-2003 01:33 AM

Sorry about the Target bar, didn't realize I screwed it up, but ill post a fixed ver tonight, now for the buff bar, not sure why so many people are having problems with it, I tried it my other computers and it worked fine :confused: but I will look into it.

Thanks for the feedback

Koradin 02-03-2003 02:07 AM

Very nice work, I have been using this skin for my necro, but in the previous version, you were able to move the chat windows around to your lliking and add chatwindows etc, any chance you'll fix that in version 3?

Growthgloth 02-03-2003 02:55 AM

Originally posted by Koradin
Very nice work, I have been using this skin for my necro, but in the previous version, you were able to move the chat windows around to your lliking and add chatwindows etc, any chance you'll fix that in version 3?

1. Open the Grown3 file.

2. Open the EQUI_ChatWindow.xml (You can use your word pad for this)

3. Scroll to the bottom until you see this

4. Change <Style_Border>false</Style_Border> to this <Style_Border>true</Style_Border>

5. Then save and exit.

You will be able to adjust and move freely around now

If you then want to remove the border once your have set up your chat windows just follow these steps again but change the "true" back to "false"

Good luck and enjoy,

Grown g'loth

Koradin 02-03-2003 03:09 AM

Hey /bonk slef... I know that :P
thanks Growthgloth

FIstripper 02-03-2003 04:35 PM

Hey growth I have a Melee version of your UI I modded interested in it ?

Very nice work on this UI Btw

Growthgloth 02-04-2003 01:32 AM

Sure, that would be great!

Keilia 02-04-2003 05:32 AM

I would love to saee a melee version of this. <waits eagerly>


FIstripper 02-04-2003 12:42 PM

Here is a half screen shot of what i Modded. The pic is 63K so may be slow for some to load.

Changes i made were to the pet window, I essentially got rid of the spell bar and pet commands.

I moved in my 4 pack as i call it, I very often use my wrist to make a pouch of quellious which is 3 sets of 20 stars and a bag, so I have setup 1 wrist slot, ammo slot, range slot, and 1 inventory slot in the 4 pack this is along the left hand side.

There is also a wide open area at the bottom where my tink bag is for you to get 2 open bags at one time, this allows up to 12 very quick swapable items such as weapons or right click buff stuff you dont wear anymore. Quick switch Primary and Secondary slots appear under your attack and ac numbers.

and the last mod is just change HP size.

Hope you all like it.

thraawn 02-04-2003 05:29 PM

Great work Grown!!

FIstripper 02-05-2003 09:35 PM

you like melee ? I also added a new buff bar and short duration buff window Sars style

Orus 02-06-2003 10:09 AM

Your UI so great but i still have the target windows problem.
Maybe you are working on it and i hope you will post a fix soon =)

Izzeren 02-06-2003 01:19 PM

Ok I was originally using the Grown 2 version of this UI up until todays patch everything worked just fine for me, but now when I logged on my boxes was out of place and when i moved them and locked them back into place and zoned they moved again on me. Any suggestions or ideas why this may be happening?

Izzeren 02-06-2003 01:59 PM

Ok I just figured out what was causing the problems, but I am to affraid to go in and make those changes. Growth I really hope you fix them because I love the UI it has been one of my favorites by far that I have used to date. Until then I will just keep shifting the boxes around as need be I guess.

Ok I downloaded the Grown 3 and copy and pasted the stuff out of the folder and overwrote the other stuff just to simplify things basically. The problems I am having is the Target box is messed up because the target it off center of the box, the compass bar at the top is shifted to the left, the spell icon section shift up towards the middle, the buffs section shifts upwards as well, the hotkey/inventory boxes move upward, the one large box on the left I had origianlly split it into 2 boxes for my hit/being hits so I can parse information with a parser a bit easier and I can see what I actually hit for consitantly without all the spam of me being beat on. The far box which was originally the big one that I cut down to size without moving it is now shifted to the left off the edge of screen and I can not move it back over.

I hope that this will help you identify some of the problems and hopefully will be able to get them fixed. Is anyone else having thes problems as well?

Growthgloth 02-07-2003 01:44 AM

Wow. looks like I got my work cut out for me :confused:
Going to work on it right now, got off late from work, Im still not sure what the patch was for but look for the update within the next day.

Growthgloth 02-07-2003 01:59 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Alright!! got it all working wonderfully now, added some new stuff along the way, and fixed the target bar problem...The update should be posted soon, but till then here is the SS.

Here is the download!

scini 02-07-2003 12:21 PM

Hey man looks tight as hell. I enjoyed the one day i had wit it working before it sony had its way with it one thing i was wondering is do you plan to ad the charm slot to the inv?
if not no biggie but just curious

read signature rules in chit chat forum

Growthgloth 02-07-2003 12:48 PM

yes =)

Boku 02-07-2003 02:07 PM

Anychance of putting the Veritcal hotbar back in there with some form of a Primary, secondary, ranged, amo slot configuration somewhere for quick swaps?

I don't mind shrinking down that big window on the left and putting the melee bar on the left side there like a default ui would have.

scini 02-07-2003 02:11 PM

kick ass
Incase i didnt mention it before You rule and so does your UI
Necro love.
Even though you chose a gnome /spit :P
Iksar love baby

read signature rules in chit chat forum

Growthgloth 02-08-2003 01:22 AM

Re: kick ass
Originally posted by scini
Incase i didnt mention it before You rule and so does your UI
Necro love.
Even though you chose a gnome /spit :P
Iksar love baby

Thanks a ton bro, that means a lot!

scini 02-09-2003 08:01 PM

black out
hey i have been experienceing a black out kinda like when you get blinded it only stays for a sec then goes away and isnt real often i am wondering if the problem is with the ui and somthing i did or it is some other problem. Any one else exp the same thing?

Growthgloth 02-09-2003 08:37 PM

Never heard of this =\

Growthgloth 02-10-2003 10:15 PM

Folks that are downloading Grown3, Grown3 is broke (due to patches)...please download Grown3update. Sorry for the mixup.

Jan3 02-11-2003 03:13 AM

Having played around a lot with different UI, I have settled on yours - dont know if it means that much to you 'Grown' but I think its the best out there...

...and then you came out with this Black and Gold masterpiece!

Its gorgeous!


ps I am prepared to play without charms if need be, but would you consider adding a charms slot when you have enough free (mana) time.

Growthgloth 02-11-2003 04:27 AM

ps I am prepared to play without charms if need be, but would you consider adding a charms slot when you have enough free (mana) time.

Already got it done, Ill post it here in the next couple of days.

Thanks again for the kind words.

Grown g'loth

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